Home to a variety of cultural backgrounds, Lamenolai is a citadel city with stone walls that encompass the whole city and stone 'guardians.' It is also home to the Headquarters of the Purines, an opposing organization to the Imperialists of Lambastia. (+2 Defense, +2 Fame)

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* Monsters Within (Self, V) [H by Th]

Postby Thunder » 09/23/2017 8:29 PM

[ Topic Reviewed - Post-War ]

(A continuation of this.)


He glided through the darkness with ease, his footsteps quick and light. The same couldn't be said for the woman following behind him; she was terribly nervous, trembling constantly, always looking this way and that as if guards would suddenly spring at them from the surrounding woods. "Move faster," he grunted. "Keep going at that pace and someone will catch us for sure."

"A-ah, all right," the woman stammered. She shuffled forward a bit more quickly so that she was now right by his side, and she stepped a little closer to him.

He glanced at her face, a perfect specimen of what he identified as terror, and then at the small, black and red badge she clutched in her hand. It had been oddly easy to convince this woman that he was an Imperial spy, sent to rescue her from the hell that was the Purine Interrogation Center. Were all humans this gullible? He hoped not. But even if they were, perhaps there would be a way to improve upon their intellect...

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Re: Monsters Within (Self, V) [H by Th]

Postby Thunder » 09/24/2017 1:35 AM

In time they arrived at a spot in the woods where there was an old, flimsy shack. A thin beam of moonlight from the clouds illuminated it, revealing just how much it had broken down. The roof had caved in at parts, the windows were shattered, and the door was gone. The man stopped in front of it. "Here," he said.

The woman walked up beside him. "H-here...?" she asked, staring at the decrepit building.

"This used to be a secret storage for the Purines, but now no one really comes around here. That's why it has fallen into this state. I promise it is safe. If you're so afraid, you may hold onto me."

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Re: Monsters Within (Self, V) [H by Th]

Postby Thunder » 09/24/2017 1:53 AM

The woman, after some hesitation, latched onto his arm. The man looked down at her again. She was so trusting, this woman. He wondered what he would be feeling right now, if he had the ability to feel emotion. Perhaps he would be amused at her fear, or disgusted at her cowardliness. Or maybe he'd feel a twinge of attraction -- she did have rather lovely features. But right now wasn't the time to think about these things. He had a goal to accomplish and he couldn't let opportunity escape him now.

He led her inside the shack. The interior was just as bad as the exterior; the wood that had fallen from the roof was scattered around in pieces, and dust was everywhere. There was nothing to be found save for some broken crates sitting in the corner. The woman stepped into the center of the shack and gulped. "Is...is this really okay?" she asked, turning to face him.

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Re: Monsters Within (Self, V) [H by Th]

Postby Thunder » 09/24/2017 2:04 AM

Except he wasn't there. The woman didn't even have much time to be confused, for soon a cloth was forced into her mouth, and an arm had wrapped around her waist, forcing her back against someone's body. She tried to scream, but the noise was muffled by the fabric stuck in her jaws. She writhed and struggled and could not escape. She dropped her badge, which bounced off a stone with a light ting and ended up lost somewhere in the dark.

She felt warm breath by her ear. "Thank you, Maria, for coming with me." It was the man's voice speaking right into her eardrums, in a tone that she only now realized was frighteningly flat. Then, right by her waist, she saw a glint of metal in the moonlight.

The man plunged his knife deep into her ribs.

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Re: Monsters Within (Self, V) [H by Th]

Postby Thunder » 10/01/2017 2:15 AM


Ridge woke to the blare of the barracks horns in the morning. He rubbed his eyes and let out a yawn, slowly rising from his bed. He glanced at the clock on his nightstand. 6 a.m., as usual. But what was this? Next to the clock was a small box, wrapped in white paper with a blue bow on the top.

The Serraptor took the box and blinked at it, wondering who could have left it there. He carefully unraveled the bow with his claws and tore the tape holding the wrapping paper together to reveal a container for a small statue of the goddess Ithina. A smile spread across Ridge's face. He opened the box and lifted out the statue, a wooden carving which bore a striking resemblance to the goddess, tiny enough to fit in his palm. He turned it this way and that, marveling at the details in her wings and fur.

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Re: Monsters Within (Self, V) [H by Th]

Postby Thunder » 10/30/2017 3:57 PM

“Happy birthday, Ridge!”

A familiar voice called the Serraptor’s attention away from the figurine. He looked up to see his friend and comrade, Zears, standing in the doorway to their shared barrack, smiling. Ridge grinned and set the gift back down on the nightstand to go give Zears a big hug. “Hah, I thought it must’ve been from you,” he laughed. “Thank you so much, bud!”

Zears returned the gesture, wrapping his paws around Ridge’s wiry frame. “I’m glad you like it. I thought it might give you some good luck for the days ahead. Twenty-five years old, huh… How does it feel having another year on you?”

They stepped back from the embrace. Ridge shrugged. “I dunno,” he sighed. “It doesn’t feel that much different, really. Though, I guess I appreciate that I’m alive, and not dead like I coulda been.”

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Re: Monsters Within (Self, V) [H by Th]

Postby Thunder » 10/30/2017 3:58 PM

He fiddled with the pale blue feather tied into his mane. It was a memento from Ithina herself, given to him during the First War for the Tear. He had been killed in battle back then but was revived thanks to Ithina’s powers. She had dropped a feather on the ground after he returned to life, and now he wore it always. It was his way of showing appreciation for the goddess, and a reminder to be thankful for all the good things in life.

“That’s fair,” Zears chuckled. “I don’t feel too different on my birthdays now, either. Anyway, we should go get breakfast before it’s all gone. And speaking of food...I figured you might be tired of the stuff they serve here. So I also reserved a restaurant for us tonight.”

Ridge shook his head. “Oh man, Zears, you spoil me. I don’t know what I’d do without ya.”

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Re: Monsters Within (Self, V) [H by Th]

Postby Thunder » 10/30/2017 3:59 PM

After taking a quick shower (the water, as always, was icy cold and vaguely smelled like the nearby swamplands), Ridge rejoined Zears, and they headed down to the mess hall together. There were already lots of soldiers there, filling the room with the sound of chatter. Breakfast today was scrambled eggs, a small carton of milk, a few pieces of sausage, and some hash browns. Ridge took a bite of the sausage as he settled down at a table across from Zears. It was terribly bland, and it just made him look forward to his birthday dinner even more.

A few moments later, someone else sat down next to Ridge. She was a Common Kuhna, and Ridge vaguely recalled that she was one of the new recruits who joined earlier in the year, though he couldn’t remember her name. “Hey!” she greeted. “Did y’all hear the news?” Her blue eyes sparkled in excitement.

Ridge and Zears glanced at each other. “No, we haven’t,” Zears replied. “What news?”

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Re: Monsters Within (Self, V) [H by Th]

Postby Thunder » 10/30/2017 3:59 PM

“Prisoners have been disappearin’ from our interrogation center,” the Kuhna continued. “They got no idea where some of ‘em went...but several have been found dead in the woods outside the center. That’s not even the weirdest part though.”

The Kuhna glanced around and then leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. “The weirdest part is their corpses. All of ‘em look like they’ve been opened up on a surgical table. Clean cuts down the middle of the body, flesh sliced into layers... Can you imagine?”

Ridge didn’t want to imagine in fear of throwing up his sausage. “Cripes,” he said. “Do they have any idea who’s doing this?”

“Nope!” the Kuhna answered. “Some think it’s an outside party who has a vendetta against the Imperials. Others think an interrogator at the center is doing it. That’s another strange thing. They’ve got security cameras all around the center, and they’re all workin’ just fine, but none of ‘em have caught any sign of the perpetrator. And yet, sometimes they catch the prisoner wanderin’ outside seemingly on their own, and always at night.”

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Re: Monsters Within (Self, V) [H by Th]

Postby Thunder » 10/30/2017 3:59 PM

Ridge and Zears glanced at each other. “Maybe it’s another monster,” Ridge murmured.

“Maybe,” the Kuhna said, “but what kinda monster is that...precise? If it were a monster, you’d think it’d just tear up the body and eat it.”

A moment of silence passed. Ridge didn’t know what to make of the information. He scooped more of the food into his mouth and chewed slowly, wondering. The Kuhna, meanwhile, had finished her meal and got up to leave. “Anyway, just wanted to let y’all know,” she said. “It’s a pretty big deal right now. General Aeroneus might be sendin’ people to check it out, so...be prepared to head out any night!”

She waved goodbye and headed off.

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Re: Monsters Within (Self, V) [H by Th]

Postby Thunder » 12/21/2017 2:45 PM

Ridge was left with a strange discomfort for the rest of the day. As he ran laps, scouted the territory, and moved equipment at the camp, he kept thinking about the mysterious circumstances the Kuhna had described. Even though the victims were on the side of the enemy, no one deserved to be killed and defiled so gruesomely. Whoever was responsible, he thought, must have a disturbed mind.

But it wasn’t only the rumors making him uncomfortable. He also felt awfully hungry, even after breakfast, even after lunch. He’d eaten enough food, and yet there was still a gnawing at his stomach that wouldn’t go away. He wondered if he was getting sick; it was autumn after all, a prime time for all sorts of illnesses to go around a camp full of soldiers. He had no other symptoms, though. No headaches. No fevers. No sniffles. He could only hope that the feeling would subside once he ate dinner with Zears.

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Re: Monsters Within (Self, V) [H by Th]

Postby Thunder » 12/21/2017 3:02 PM

The six PM bell couldn't couldn't ring quickly enough. With it came the end of most of the day's duties; there were still the night patrols to run and regular equipment and inventory checks, but for most of the soldiers, this was the time where they could relax if they had nothing else to do. At this time, Zears and Ridge had agreed to meet at the entrance of the camp. The Serraptor headed over there to find the Albie already waiting for him, waving a paw. Standing next to Zears was Paryth, a large Hollowheart and their mutual friend.

Ridge smiled at the Hollowheart. "Hey there, Paryth!" he called. "It feels like it's been a while since we've ran into each other."

The Hollowheart bowed to him. "Indeed it has, dear friend. I am glad for the opportunity to see you on this special day, and I hope the coming year will hold much joy for you."

Ridge laughed. "Come on now, there's no need to be so formal, Paryth. We've known each other for, what...years now?"

The Hollowheart shook his head. "It is habit, I'm afraid... Now then, shall we get going? Both of you must be hungry, after today's work."

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Re: Monsters Within (Self, V) [H by Th]

Postby Thunder » 12/21/2017 3:40 PM

Paryth lowered himself so that his belly was touching the ground, and then extended one of his legs. Ridge and Zears used his leg to climb up onto his back, where they sat down and each took a firm hold of one of the spines there. Once they were safely aboard, Paryth squatted and then took to the air with a poweful jump and pump of his wings. A few flaps and they were above the treeline, ready to soar in the direction of Lamenolai City.

Lamenolai wasn't too far away from the camp, only fifteen minutes of flight. As the trio approached, they could make out the city's lights on the horizon, a bright patch amid the darkness of the surrounding swampland. Soon they were right over the city, and Paryth began descending in a gentle spiral. He aimed for an open square right near the restaurant they were going to and alighted there, his claws tapping against the pavement.

Once more he extended his leg, this time to let his passengers off. Zears and Ridge disembarked from his back and thanked him before heading towards the restaurant. "It's called The Blue Moon Bar and Grille," Zears explained as they walked. "It should be right around the corner."

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Re: Monsters Within (Self, V) [H by Th]

Postby Thunder » 12/21/2017 10:46 PM

And indeed it was. A large, fanciful restaurant with beautiful strings of pale blue lights decorating its exterior, unmissable amid the smaller shops and diners nearby. Ridge looked in the window and saw that it was chock full of people inside, a sure sign of the food's quality. The myriad heavenly scents wafting from the place were another good sign, and one that made Ridge lick his lips.

They stepped through the doors and were greeted by a well dressed Kalamarei at the front desk. "Welcome to the The Blue Moon, good sirs!" she said cheerfully. "Do you have a reservation?"

"Yes," replied Zears. "A table for two, under the name Zears."

The Kalamarei quickly checked the computer on the desk and nodded. "Yes, I have it right here! I see that this is for a special occasion, and as members of the Purine army, you are eligible for the military discount. Thank you so much for your service, sirs. We're glad that you've decided to come here for this special day!"

With a smile, she picked up two menus and motioned for Zears and Ridge to follow her. "Right this way please, sirs."

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Re: Monsters Within (Self, V) [H by Th]

Postby Thunder » 12/22/2017 2:25 AM

The Kalamarei led them to a table for two by one of the windows. There was a great view of the street outside and all the people bustling along it, many of whom where Purine soldiers going about their business. Ridge and Zears took their seats, and the Kalamarei placed the menus in front of them. "Your server will be with you shortly," she said, and smiled as she left.

Ridge took a look at their offerings. A lot of it was burgers and sandwiches, standard grill fare, but there were also steaks, fish, and salads. Considering how hungry he'd felt the entire day, the steak sounded quite tempting. He winced a little at the price tag, but as if reading his mind, Zears said, "Order whatever you want, Ridge. I'm treating you today."

Ridge laughed. "Ahh, you're too generous, buddy. In that case, I'm not gonna hold back. This sirloin is lookin' real good..."

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