Variety seems to be the style of the western region of Desuna. Much of the south is exceptionally flat and has aptly been named the Vast Plains, as the land seems to roll out endlessly. If you reach the northern ends of the plains though, trees begin to appear, growing larger and thicker until you're surrounded by the Roraldi forest. Trees get more sparse toward the north, unable to grow in the surrounding permafrost.

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Re: Not Grave Robbing {Quest}

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/30/2017 4:45 PM

Pushing the wheel barrow along as they went, he reminded her, "Watch your step." It was difficult to see, even with the use of of the lamp. Graves was simply able to get around well in the dark because he knew the place inside and out already.

Although, when it came to the matter of his profession, there was a bit of mental debate going on his head before he was able to answer. Should he reveal what else he did, or just pretend this was it? Just like he had pretended he didn't rob the graves...

"I find it... kind of interesting," Graves admitted. It wasn't horrible. If he didn't like it at all, he would have found something else to do, or just not bothered at all. "Sure, it's work most probably don't want to do, but keeping this place in good shape, at least it makes it more welcoming to those that come to visit their buried friends and loved ones. Most people want to buried in a nice place, too, so I guess they're all happy, in their own way, too. I like the peace and quiet, when I work nights."

"Actually," he started again, deciding that there probably wasn't any harm in telling her his primary profession, as long as he didn't go into too many details. "I don't just do this. This is more... for fun? I do this in my off hours. The rest of the time, I'm a bounty hunter."

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Re: Not Grave Robbing {Quest}

Postby Mojave » 10/30/2017 10:56 PM

His warning was unnecessary, but because she appreciated his concern she refrained from commenting. She listened to his explanation, finding no faults in his reasons and was prepared to move on with the conversation when he revealed his main profession. She paused, staring at him with a raised brow, examining his physique more closely. "That's a dangerous job..." She said hesitantly. "Yet you don't look like a tacky ruffian like that Doug guy on TV." Honestly, she hadn't even known bounty hunter was a real profession, just something made up for entertainment. The only reason she'd even discovered the show was from channel surfing and she hadn't been able to stand the show for even five minutes. "What kind of bounties do you normally get?"
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Re: Not Grave Robbing {Quest}

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/30/2017 11:49 PM

Graves didn't miss her pause and the hesitation, but the man only chuckled softly. "Yeah, it's not always easy." She was definitely right about it, it was sometimes pretty dangerous, and there was no telling how any particular bounty would actually act, when push came to shove. "But I don't work alone. So, appearances aside, we all manage well." He had pretty decent strength, in spite of not being huge. Besides that, some members of their group weren't exactly... normal. Including his own parents, which were cursed to forever remain in the bodies of Panzers.

"Hm, it depends. We've gone after some pretty bad folks before. We've had guns pointed at us, for sure. But then some are just boring dudes that skipped out on their court dates after getting bail." He shrugged his shoulders a bit, but kept on pushing the wheel barrow. "Sometimes it's, uh, thrilling, sometimes it's just boring. A lot of it is just staking places out, too, or gathering information."

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Re: Not Grave Robbing {Quest}

Postby Mojave » 10/30/2017 11:58 PM

As passionate as she was about her chosen profession and path, she had to admit her life was considerably more boring in some respects. Not that it was the kind of exciting that she would throw her own plans aside to pursue, but she really needed to get out more. "That sounds exciting. Too exciting for me, but if you ever need hospitalization and can get to us, you should come to Medicai General. Though, in your profession, I wouldn't recommend coming to us if we're not the closest." She said it seriously, but meant it as a joke. She doubted he was foolish enough to put his life at risk just to come to her hospital if he was in serious need and not close enough.
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Re: Not Grave Robbing {Quest}

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/31/2017 12:04 AM

"Sure, if I'm ever in the neighborhood, I'll stop by." It seemed that, in spite of her serious tone, Graves had considered it more of a joke, still, and the tone of his voice was evident that he was returning the gesture. "In all seriousness, though, that's why Cizers lives near by. You know, the doctor whose office I took you to before? He's a friend of the family. He's had to patch a few of us up a bit, but we've never had anything too serious. It's pretty typical to get some bumps and bruises while chasing people down." It was nothing major, though. They had more than just guns on their side.

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