Be it to the north or south, Basantha is characterized by harsh climates most Lambastians prefer not to trek. To the north are the frigid Fe'gan Mountains, Lambastia's highest and coldest peaks. Further south you'll encounter the arid expanse of the Wilt'no Desert, where most life only comes out during the night. Travelers find little escape to the west, even though the Tuun Mountains aren't quite as harsh.

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Re: Twelve Days of Christmas [Advent Calendar Event!]

Postby Middy » 12/15/2017 6:49 PM


Ohh a new event was in town and he was going to jump right on it! Apparently it was an advent calendar that gave out prizes everyday too! How exciting! Star almost wanted to jump up and down in excitement as he went to sign up for the prize for the day. Maybe he would get money to buy something with, or a raffle ticket, or who knows what else. It didn't matter, anything was amazing regardless.

[Claiming day 11's gift]
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Re: Twelve Days of Christmas [Advent Calendar Event!]

Postby FrostWynd » 12/15/2017 6:52 PM

Things looked to be going off to a great start for this party. There was lots of activity, with a fair number of guests mingling together to chat and laugh about whatever might have come to their minds. Plus there was plenty of food and drink to go around! (Would it really last for twelve full days though?) Even Skylar was having quite a bit of fun on just the first day. Even if it was to just sit around at the table by her lonesome, stuffing her feline face full of sweets while everyone else did their own thing. She was just a Draculi after all, and wouldn't expect for anyone to strike up a conversation with a creature as ordinary looking as her.

While she was busily taking the head off of another poor gingerbread victim, crunching it between her teeth, she did happen to hear a sudden clatter beside her on the table. Looking over to the source of that sound, it seemed there was now a little surprise beside her. "Oh. Cool!" She said between a mouthful of cookie, getting a couple of crumbs scattered on the table. Her fluffy white tail quickly swept up the gift, to safely tuck it between her paws for now. Would her hat maybe work as a pocket to keep the gift in? Maybe she should've brought more than a hat along with her...

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: Twelve Days of Christmas [Advent Calendar Event!]

Postby Indigo » 12/15/2017 6:55 PM

Trevelyan welcomed the attention, for once; her instincts were well-trained toward laying low these days, but this was a party, after all, and she ought to be having fun. The stranger had touched on some of her own thoughts about the event, anyway. "Yes, I suppose I am. A prize for every partygoer and no cover charge? Who could resist?"

She took a long drink from her mug. On reaching the refreshments earlier she had quickly taken in the hot chocolate, spiked eggnog, and what looked like a nice mulled wine, and had mixed them all into an unholy abomination of a beverage that actually didn't taste half bad. Perhaps a little higher on the acidity than this mug was meant to handle, though; she could swear the nice little painting on the bottom was a little more worn-looking than before, though it might just be the cloudiness of the mug's contents.

"This is all I'm intending to do so far," she said, "if nothing interferes with my lack of plans. I've had a busy year. I'd like to relax, or try to. What about you? Doing anything fun once the party's over?


Steed didn't make eye contact with Albany, or even really look directly at her, as she approached. Futile as an act of avoidance, but it made him feel a little better. And he had an inkling that it might amuse her.

"I'm surprised to see you here," he said. "Though why I would still be surprised by anything you do, I can't imagine." He eyed her sidelong. She looked more or less as he remembered her, which was reassuring in its way. This far on the memory of their meeting had taken on a dreamlike quality that he'd expected to remain. Certainly he'd never imagined they would meet again.

Well, there was no reason to be rude—never mind that he already had been, or that he wasn't sure Albany defined rudeness the way most people did—he ought to make some effort at conversation. "Have you tried the gingerbread? It's impressive. Particularly for tavern food."
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Re: Twelve Days of Christmas [Advent Calendar Event!]

Postby jobiehanna » 12/15/2017 9:08 PM


It turned out the woman didn't know anyone at this party. But that was okay! She didn't mind people watching while she perused the snack table and assortment of drinks. She picked out a cup of hot chocolate, and some gingerbread cookies. She meandered over to the edge of the room, her eyes scanning the assortment of party goers. Even if she didn't speak to anyone, at least she was out of the house.

A chirp jarred her thoughts, and she turned her head to see the Matches eyeing the gingerbread man in her hand. "Oh fine," Elizabeth said, reluctantly holding the cookie for Pipsqueak to be able to munch on. The little bird took a nibble of the cookie, getting crumbs all down the woman's coat. "Oh, you messy thing," she said lovingly, giving the bird a pet on the head.

And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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Re: Twelve Days of Christmas [Advent Calendar Event!]

Postby Kyrit » 12/15/2017 9:48 PM


He'd missed the first day of the Advent Calendar, when Kyrit had wanted him to come meet her there. Admittedly, he'd missed it on purpose since if she was busy with the event it meant he could go out shopping for a christmas gift for her. Now he was here alone though, coming in her place since she had continued to bother him saying he should at least check it out.

"Uh... Yeaaah, I'll take whatever it is you're passing out, I guess." If he came back empty handed she'd probably be pretty mad.
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Re: Twelve Days of Christmas [Advent Calendar Event!]

Postby Jaykobell » 12/15/2017 9:53 PM

He felt nervous even before stepping into the tavern. His friend — his... his boyfriend? — had insisted that he come here. He had promised that the place was safe and full of holiday cheer. They were giving out little prizes every day, or so he'd said, and his friend had assured him he would love it. There was no entering fee or prerequisites to come here. All he needed to do was to walk in and politely ask for the prize. Doing this kind of thing wasn't his forte, though.

But he was going to try. He'd followed his boyfriend's advice, too, and tried to present himself a little bit more differently. He was wearing one of his knitted scarves: a colorful little thing that was clearly not the best quality, but that definitely had a lot of heart and effort put into it. Aside from that, he had put on some nail polish, but only on a few fingers, and he'd used a matte, subtle color. He'd done the same with just a touch of eyeshadow and lipstick. It was subtle, and he was terrified of someone calling him out on the makeup. Still, wearing it and being out in public like this: it helped his confidence just a little bit, in that moment.

He walked up to the counter slowly, shuffling his hands about nervously. "U-um... hello," he greeted timidly in his gentle, calm voice. "My friend said you're giving away little gifts for Christmas. Could... C-could I get one?" He felt so strange asking for a free handout, but everyone around him seemed to be doing exactly that. "Please."
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Postby Sappheara » 12/15/2017 10:29 PM

Her long bright red hair was tied in a long think braid down her back. The young demon stepped down from the train as her braid bounced back and forth behind her. She looked around, the place was crowded. This was Basantha, the place her metra told her to meet her at. Enigma smiled to herself. She knew that her metra hated gatherings but knew in her heart that her metra did these things for her and her brother. She moved quickly around the people who came to this place to shop for the season or at least she thought that's what most of these people were doing. It really didn't matter what these people were doing here, she had to meet her metra at the tavern. Enigma didn't stop her quick pace until she was in front of the tavern.  

She pushed pass the doors of the tavern. She looked around and smiled. This was the type of things that they need to do at home. Enigma grabbed a hand full of snakes from one of the staff and drink. She looked around the travern for her metra. She was surprise to see a large gathering. She squalled with excitement as she looked at all the seasonal decorations, it was a nice touch. Enigma looked around the tavern to see if she could see her metra. It was hard since most of the people here were taller than her. She moved around the people and jumped to see above the people's head. Finally, after about 10 minutes, she found her metra sitting in the darkest corner of the tavern. She rushed pass everyone to get to her metra.

A large smile appeared across her face as she approached her metra. "Hi, metra!" Enigma hugged her metra. Enigma stuffed her face with the snacks she held in her hand. "Hey, Enigma. Nice gathering huh?" Chumani didn't seem too happy about the event but didn't really show any dislike. Enigma shook her head up and down as she stuffs more food in her mouth. "That's the person you talk to for the days prize." Chumani pointed at the person who greeted everyone who entered the tavern. Enigma continued to shake her head up and down with food in her mouth. "Go," Chumani lightly push Enigma towards the person. "You gonna speak to them."

Enigma shallowed the food that was in her mouth. "Excuse me!" She waves her hand at the Quest Master. "Excuse me!" She continued towards the individual.  She rushed towards the Quest Master almost hitting them in the process. "Oh, sorry!" She cleared her throat. "Hi, I would like the 11th day prize, please." She gave them her best smile.
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Re: Twelve Days of Christmas [Advent Calendar Event!]

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 12/15/2017 11:23 PM


Once Hadya had finished poking and shaking various gift wrapped containers, she set out to find a good place to perch. Her little winter cape flowing behind her as she ran, she climbed up the molding of the bar and sat on the corner, kicking her legs back and forth happily as she watched the party goers. It wasn't until the party was winding down that she noticed the small pile of keystones not far from her. The little doll clapped her hands together and set about gathering the keystones in something and headed home.

The next day passed quickly and it wasn't long before Hadya was skipping back into the tavern, still wearing her festive outfit. She beelined for the foods and drinks set out for everyone. While she couldn't eat anything herself (not that she knew of, anyway), that wasn't going to stop her from looking at all the pretty food. And helping hand it out to guests, of course! She spent most of the night trying to hand cookies to unsuspecting party goers.

((Claiming the 11th day prize!))

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It burns beyond the grave
There's lead inside my belly
Cause my soul has lost its way

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Re: Twelve Days of Christmas [Advent Calendar Event!]

Postby Kestrel » 12/15/2017 11:31 PM


"I know it's not your usual scene, you know, the kind of party you'd normally go to. But, I mean, it's fun, right? Risi liked it yesterday. I hope--I'm sure--you will to! I think." The smile Koyren shot up at his eldest brother wavered just a bit at the stony stillness in his face, as Tainver slowly turned his head to survey the room.

Tainver, for his part, found the party to be fine. Just...fine. He wasn't inordinately social, and thus never found large social gatherings inordinately pleasurable. He felt more or less the same about this party as any other he had been to. But Koyren was making no effort to disguise how much he wanted Tainver to enjoy this, which certainly made the experience more pleasing. He appreciated the attempt to make him feel more welcome. Tainver turned to his third youngest brother and smiled. Koyren's shoulders relaxed.

"I think I see someone I know. Just give me a second to check in with them, Koi?" he asked, pointing out a small figure in the crowd.

Koyren nodded eagerly. Tainver spotted a small jolt of satisfaction race through his bright purple eyes as he bounced off to chat with one of his own friends. It was as he had suspected, of course. Undoubtedly Koyren did actually feel some amount of anxiety that his big older brother enjoyed himself. But equally undoubtable was that Koyren knew him well enough to know that playing it up would actually make him feel more comfortable. And that Tainver would know exactly what he was doing, and that he would appreciate the effort.

Tainver smiled to himself. He was in good hands.
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Re: Twelve Days of Christmas [Advent Calendar Event!]

Postby Mojave » 12/16/2017 1:20 AM


Despite his pastel sailor suit and jauntily tilted cap, the boy wearing the clothes was anything but friendly or happy. He approached reluctantly, obviously dragging his feet. Once he reached the person handing out gifts, he paused. "Well, I guess I'm here to claim the prize for today." He glanced at the sign and cringed. He'd taken too long getting here and had missed the prize for the previous day. After receiving the prize for the day, Nicodemus left, already dreading the reaming he was going to get when he got home. Of course, if Chisa wanted all this festive crap done sooner, maybe she should have been the one to come claim the prize.
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Re: Twelve Days of Christmas [Advent Calendar Event!]

Postby Flame » 12/16/2017 1:28 AM


Word had gotten around the Estate that there was a big party going on in Basantha, and certain ears had perked up faster than others at the news. After all, Atlas had always been one to share in any wealth he came across (not before he had a fair chance to partake in it himself first though, of course), and it seemed today, he'd finally decided to tap someone else in to take his place in running down to the tavern to revel in the celebrations and free gifts.

The little Phyrette had gone out on its own more than once before, and in the time that it had been on Evelon, had come to be pretty comfortable navigating around cities and towns. With detailed instructions from its companions, it had found its way to the tavern without too much trouble (after all, after it got about halfway there, it could just follow its ears and nose to the party). Bounding in, it was immediately distracted by a table displaying all manners of savory snacks, and proceeded to spend the better part of its visit occupied by the myriad of goodies it had never seen before in its life. It knew it would need to snag an advent calendar gift for the day at some point before leaving, but it didn't seem like the party was going to end any time soon, so the present could wait until after it had tried all the cheeses at the table first.
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Re: Twelve Days of Christmas [Advent Calendar Event!]

Postby Freezair » 12/16/2017 3:10 AM


Little did Kelly know, he wasn't the only one at the advent calendar who wasn't exactly jazzed to be there... who also came from the same, tiny, middle-of-nospace universe that Kelly did. Drakescale, who'd been dragged in by a mad scientist Soveris with something to prove, had been sent in by his master to collect a prize for the day. And she'd been certain to dress him right for the occasion, with a red scarf and matching hat.

It was humiliating.

Drake hated the cold more than he hated his attire, though, so he sucked it up and charged forward to the calendar. If Gizma wants to do this so much, why didn't she just come herself? he groused and grumped to himself. Still... he understood that advent calendars often contained candy. He didn't mind candy. It was even nice on occasion.

He decided he liked candy more than he hated cold.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: Twelve Days of Christmas [Advent Calendar Event!]

Postby Thunder » 12/16/2017 4:13 AM


Sigma had been interested in earthlings' rituals ever since she arrived on the planet, and this "Christmas" was no exception. To her understanding, it was a time when an overweight, bearded man in a white and red suit sneaked into peoples' houses in order to deposit presents under a specially designated conifer. "Does your civilization not have laws forbidding the act of breaking and entering?" she had asked her fellow Super Wolves.

"That's...not what it is," they had all replied.

So if that wasn't what Christmas was, what was it then? She had traveled to this "Advent Calendar" event to learn more. Inside the bar was a massive wall with what appeared to be colorfully decorated boxes, and based on what she was hearing, they had special objects inside. And one could request such an object simply by asking the individual in the "Santa" outfit.

"Greetings, Santa," Sigma said, walking up to the aforementioned person. "I would like to inquire about what is inside the box for this date of December 16th."

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Re: Twelve Days of Christmas [Advent Calendar Event!]

Postby Adelie » 12/16/2017 6:40 AM

Just a messenger, not an party-goer, she had told the employee at the door, who had shrugged and said she was a guest, no matter what her purpose was. Holiday spirit, everyone's welcome.

Not that she was feeling particularly festive; these festivals were foreign to her, mostly. They celebrated the winter solstice, back home, but not with these lights, these stockings, these bright-wrapped gifts, this fried chicken. Disconcerting, almost. Crowded, dazzling. She had to find a perch on a table, between a pitcher of hot cocoa and a plate of candy cane-shaped cookies, to catch her balance.

No time to think about these things. She had a job to do, and the sooner she found the recipient for the message, still tied around one of her feet, the sooner she could leave.
and if you ask how i regret that parting:
it is like the flowers falling at spring's end
confused, whirled in a tangle.

what is the use of talking, and there is no end of talking,
there is no end of things in the heart.

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Re: Twelve Days of Christmas [Advent Calendar Event!]

Postby crow » 12/16/2017 7:03 AM


Leo took in the decor and said, "You could say that." Christmas spirit... He glanced at Oliver, a thoughtful frown tugging at his features. He had somehow briefly managed to forget that Oliver was Catholic, probably between the gift and the whole... being half naked part. A replay of Oliver's stunned expression threatened at the peripheries of his mind, and he dismissed it as quickly as he could.

Catholic. Right. With... Jesus, and everything that entailed. Leo didn't have a great grasp of any religion; his mother had been agnostic, and it had largely been kept out of his upbringing. Christmas probably meant something different to Oliver than the commercial glitz that Leo was used to.

But then Oliver looked at him and smiled, and Leo found himself smiling back before he even realized what he was doing. Unfortunately, that was when someone bumped into him, jostling him in his seat, and the moment was lost. He turned to get a better look at them, but they were already making their way through the rest of the crowd.

Oliver's question brought his attention back to the table, and Leo cleared his throat, trying to refocus himself. How he'd been. Right. "Well, V still isn't talking to me," he said, leaning one elbow on the table and propping up his chin with a wry, lop-sided grin. "But she'll come around." It wasn't exactly what Oliver had asked, but without a job to distract him, the sad fact of it was that his sister constituted most of his life right about now. "Other than that, I can't complain. What about you?"
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