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Fruit Tarts [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/23/2018 4:05 AM



[Short side story thing, most likely]

"Today, we're practicing your baking skills, so we'll be moving over to the other room shortly, but this wont be quite  as easy as the cookies we made last week," Miss Bellfrey, one of the home economics teachers, announced after marking down attendance for her class. "As usual, you'll have to pair up for this in class assignment." They didn't have enough stations for each student to work alone. "You have five minutes to gather up your things and choose a partner before we head over. If you don't find a partner yourself, I'll pair you off once we reach the other class."

From the back of the classroom, Iris' eyes were already on Maddox, with her head tilted a bit to the side, as if confirming, "We're working together, right?' Until recently, she absolutely dreaded any assignments that required partners, but, well, things were different now. There was someone she actually wanted to pair up with.

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Re: Fruit Tarts [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 02/23/2018 4:16 AM


Maddox hadn't really been paying attention, Home Ec was his least favorite class. Granted, a certain someone who was eyeing him made the ordeal of learning how to do domestic things around a house much more pleasant. He smiled and nodded, tossing his belongings into his bag before going to Iris's side. "Any ideas what she's going to make us do?" He inquired, sure she'd know since she was so close with the teachers. Of course, he was also nervous about how she'd react once she discovered he hadn't been listening.


For his part, he was just relieved the dance had gone so well for them. He hadn't dared to hope that Iris would ever forgive him for what happened when they were kids, but here they were. Dating!
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Re: Fruit Tarts [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/23/2018 4:27 AM

After recieving Maddox's confirmation in the form of a nod, Iris rose from her seat, grabbing her bag and the book she was currently reading for one of her online classes; she had the habit of keeping it out of her bag, to read it whenever she had the opportunity.

He was by her side by the time she had gathered up her things and stood up, and she sighed and shook her head three times, knowing he probably hadn't been listening. Again. "You really need to pay better attention in class." Luckily for him, though, he had her on his side now.

She let him in on it, quietly, which required leaning in close to him, "Today, it's fruit tarts." Indeed, Iris already knew what was coming.

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Re: Fruit Tarts [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 02/25/2018 1:30 AM

"I pay attention in class!" He insisted, feigning hurt at her accusation. "My grades aren't too terribly lower than yours y'know." He finally looked away with a shrug, "I just don't pay attention in Home Ec." He conceded, smiling as she leaned closer to him. He took her bag from her and slung it over his shoulder with his own, draping his free arm over her shoulders in a hug before they headed to the other room. "Fruit tarts?" He asked quietly, confused. "Like... pop tarts?" Sports were his forte, not cooking or baking. He knew how to make a killer mac n cheese but that was the extent of his culinary skills.
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Re: Fruit Tarts [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/25/2018 1:46 AM

In that moment, Iris wondered if Maddox's grades were really that decent, and if he was the one actually entirely responsible for them. She could recall a time, not long ago at all, when he partnered up with different girls for home ec. Not that Iris could hold that against him, of course, but she got the feeling he probably let them handle most of the work, since he really wasn't interested in the class.

Iris gave him a look of disbelief when he mentioned pop tarts of all things, and she shook her head. Even if he hadn't made them before, she thought he might have at least eaten one at some point, but apparently not. "No, not even close," she answered, as they walked through the hall way side by side with the rest of the class. But after a moment, she added, "Well, maybe the tart part. But it's a tart covered in cream and fresh fruit. Think a little more like a pie."

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Re: Fruit Tarts [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 02/25/2018 3:57 AM

Unaware of her doubt regarding the validity of his grades, Maddox simply nodded at her explanation of what the fruit tart was. "So why not call it a fruit pie?" He asked in all sincerity. Perhaps the thing he hated most about the culinary side of Home Ec was trying to remember all the fancy names for the simplest dishes.

"Also, we going to see that new comic movie this weekend?" They were (of course) interrupted by the teacher giving them the instructions for the desert they were being assigned so he paid attention to what was being said. For once. Totally for Iris's benefit even though he had a feeling he'd be relying on her to tell him what to do. It sounded simple enough, but as with most delicate deserts, he had a feeling he'd just botch it as usual.
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Re: Fruit Tarts [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/25/2018 4:19 AM

Iris shrugged. "It's still executed differently." That was as much as a reason she could give. But, really, the names for dishes didn't always make sense, such as cheese cake, which seemed much more like a pie in spite of its name, and she couldn't say what the origins of the fruit tart was. Sure, she enjoyed studying, but the origins of various dishes, that was not exactly on the list.

Luckily, aside from just the verbal instructions, they were given written instructions to go off of, as well, which were passed out by a fellow student. As Iris accepted the sheet with the recipe, she nodded. "Sure. You wanted to see it, right?" she answered, in regards to the movie.

She began reading over the necessary ingredients and the instructions, to single out what supplies they would need to gather up. "Want to gather up the fruit and start washing them, while I get the other ingredients measured out?"

As she asked him this, she held the recipe sheet out for Maddox, and the teacher gestured toward the back of the room. "All of the fresh fruits are in the back. Make sure to only take what you need. You guys know where to find everything else." Aside from that, the individual stations usually had all the necessary dry ingredients and, if not, they could be found in the cupboards. All things that required refrigeration could be found in one of the two large fridges in the room, if not already at the stations.

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Re: Fruit Tarts [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 02/25/2018 4:38 AM

Maddox took the sheet from her and skimmed down past the crust and cream ingredients to the fresh fruit. Kiwi, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries; sounded good to him. He turned back to their workstation and opened the mini fridge under the table. "Let me make sure we have all the cold ingredients too." He said as he bent down.

Once he was sure they had it all he stood up. Before heading to the back of the room, he gave Iris's long hair a light friendly tug, walking backward so he could make a heart with his fingers in response to any objection she was going to make. It didn't take him long to grab the fruit and once he made it to the sink he washed them thoroughly before returning to their station. "What next, madame chef?"
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Re: Fruit Tarts [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/25/2018 4:56 AM

Feeling the tug on her hair, Iris turned sharply to throw a glare back at Maddox but, upon seeing the heart he made with his hands, her expression softened, a slight blush creeping in, and she just exhaled loudly. "Just go!" All this flirting, Iris was still out of her element. Even kissing him in front of everyone else had been less intimidating.

Once he'd gone, she set about gathering everything up that they would need, from the ingredients to the utensils and so on and getting it all arranged at their station. When he came back, though, she was in the middle of gathering up her hair to put into a high ponytail, to keep it out of the way while they cooked.

"Could you dig a hair tie out of the front pocket of my bag? I forgot to grab one."

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Re: Fruit Tarts [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 02/25/2018 9:39 PM

"Sure, let me set this stuff down." he replied, glad he'd started wearing hair ties on his wrist like a bracelet for her. Despite her invitation, he wasn't fond of digging through her bag of untold feminine horrors.

He was in the process of setting their clean produce on the counter when someone bumped into him causing him to drop one of the kiwis onto the floor where it split. With a frustrated sigh he turned to see Kaellie give him a flippant shrug before she went back to her own station. So this was one of her ploys to get even?

He smirked at her, setting the rest of their produce down before he removed one of the hair ties from his wrist and took over the task of gently pulling Iris's hair back for her. He kissed the top of her head before moving aside to wash his hands so she could continue prepping the dry ingredients. He just hoped she hadn't noticed Kaellie or her antics. He'd have to find some way of resolving it before she was caught in the middle. Again.
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Re: Fruit Tarts [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/28/2018 12:59 AM

"Ah, um," Iris seemed about to protest it when Maddox began to gather her hair up for her rather than just handing her a hair tie so that she could do it, but, in the end, she just exhaled she set about measuring out the ingredients. "Thanks."

Although, the  sudden kiss on top of her head once he'd tied it back caused her to stop moving for a moment, and she glanced over at him with narrowed eyes. "We're in the middle of class." In other words, she was telling him to be good.

Whether she noticed Kaellie's weak attempt of revenge or not wasn't obvious, but, one way or the other, it wasn't really worth her time, anyway.

She pushed a bowl, with flour and sugar over toward Maddox. "Can you put this into the food processor? We need to add butter and sour cream, too, for the the crust." She was already cutting the butter up into pieces as she asked and, soon slid that over to him, too. Next was the sour cream, but that was easy.

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Re: Fruit Tarts [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 02/28/2018 1:50 AM

While he wasn't a teacher's pet, he was generally liked well enough that he didn't worry about small displays of affection getting him sent to the principal's office. Granted, the Home Ec teacher and he weren't exactly buddy-buddy, so perhaps Iris was right. Per her request, he settled onto a stool to be a good boy.

"Yes, Chef." He replied devotedly as he took the ingredients sent his way. After he added the sour cream he threw it all into the processor. Without needing to be told, he then poured the mixture into a pie dish and began patting it down into a crust.
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Re: Fruit Tarts [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/28/2018 2:00 AM

Iris laughed once, just an obvious breath out, at Maddox's reply. "You know, a few of the teachers were worried when they noticed that we were hanging out together. They thought you might have been blackmailing me or something." Or worried that she'd fall into the wrong crowd. Probably talking about the cheerleaders and some of the other football players.

All the while, trusting that her boyfriend was doing his part well, she began to prepare the cream, starting with using the electric mixer to fluff the heavy cream.

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Re: Fruit Tarts [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 02/28/2018 2:05 AM

Maddox didn't hear the second part to what Iris said to him, he was already cringing when she brought up teachers worrying about her. "Ah shit, I'm sorry Iris." He said, pushing the pie dish aside to turn to her. "I told Coach to watch what he says that I wouldn't tolerate people insulting you-" He paused, realizing what she had said. "Oh."

He wasn't sure what to say in response, that anyone would think he' was capable of such an act. Or as if he'd even think it! He let his head fall back in a relieved laugh before sitting up straight. "Seems everyone's surprised. I hope you haven't been catching a lot of flack over all this?"
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Re: Fruit Tarts [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/28/2018 2:44 AM

Hearing his apology, Iris stopped and abruptly set the electric mixer back down, not concerned that she hadn't exactly mixed it for a full two minutes, like the recipe had called for, so she could face him, too. She didn't think he would have been so concerned about what she said, what the teachers said, otherwise, she wouldn't have brought it up at this moment.

But, then, what he said next made it evident that it wasn't only the teachers that favored her that were saying things about them. There were certainly teachers that liked him better, so it made sense that they had said something to him about it, too.

She shook her head, and her waved her hands, dismissing the idea. "No, no, it's nothing much. I just think the teachers were worried, since... they already know I don't exactly get along with any of the other students, so they just assumed the worst. And they know I'm not really into football or anything, so it just... " Iris broke eye contact for a moment, as she gathered her thoughts. She actually felt guilty about it, since she was positive that it was at least partially her behavior toward others that made them so concerned. "You know. They thought we weren't compatible."

After saying these words, she met his gaze again, and then closed the space between them, reaching out for his hand to hold. If it wasn't for being in class, she'd have done more, and was still actually considering it. "I assured them, though, that you're a good person and wouldn't do something like that. And that you treat me well and... that I like you very much. I told them to trust my judgement, because I knew what I was doing, and to leave it alone." And while the teachers may have been skeptical, she supposed they decided to trust her judgement, since she was so insistent. Or maybe they fully trusted her, once they heard her answer. If they were really too concerned, they could have easily contacted her mother, too, and then her mother would have just gushed to them about how fantastic Maddox was.

"So... People have been saying things to you about me, too? Aside from the most obvious?" No doubt Kaellie and at least some of the cheerleaders were not exactly thrilled about Iris having 'stolen' Maddox away, nor was she surprised to hear that others made comments, too, because she was the weird girl that didn't have any friends and he was the popular jock, but she was curious.

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