Possibly the rainiest place on Evelon, Baian stretches for miles along the southern coasts. Thanks to the moist soil rich in minerals, wildlife here have developed unique adaptations. To travel through this thick, muddy area, most either take specially designed boats. (+2 Offense)

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Muddy Paws (Solo)

Postby Silver » 02/21/2018 8:15 AM


"I'm pretty sure we're lost," Fen said, twisting his face into a frown.

"We're not lost. Just a little off course," Luke insisted.

"Do you even know where we're going?"


"How can we be off course if there isn't even a course?"

"Fen, you are not making this easier." Fen let out a disgruntled snort in response. He knew better than to continue arguing with his stubborn brother. There was no changing his mind at this point.

The ground they were walking on started quite solid, but as they continued it got softer and softer. Soon their feet was sinking into the mud as they walked. Fen snorted again, obviously not pleased by the state of things. He really did not like to get his fur dirty.

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Re: Muddy Paws (Solo)

Postby Silver » 02/28/2018 6:29 AM

"Let me see the map," Fen insisted. Luke turned away from him, trying to hide himself and the map from his brother. Fen was clever and fast, however, and he managed to snatch it after a few false grabs. Normally Luke appreciated his brother's craftiness, until it was aimed at him.

"Where even are we?" Fen asked. He was tilting the map this way and that way impatiently.

"Here," Luke said. He grabbed one of Fen's arms to straighten the map and pointed.

"This is a swamp."

"Something like that, yes."

"No, not something like that. This is a swamp! By the dragons, what are we doing in a swamp?"

"Well it's not like we're here on purpose. Like I said, we're a little off course." Luke snatched the map forcefully from Fen's hands and rolled it back up. He looked mighty annoyed by the entire conversation.

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Re: Muddy Paws (Solo)

Postby Silver » 02/28/2018 6:45 AM

Usually, Fen didn't mind traveling. The two of them traveled a lot. Such was the life of a couple of orphans. Today, he was having just about enough of quality time walking around nowhere with his brother. It was too hot, too muddy, and he was too tired to deal with it. Without another word, he stomped off into the swamp.

"Fen," Luke said softly to himself. He knew his brother was upset, and he honestly didn't blame them. They had been traveling for a long time without seeing anyone else, and they hadn't slept somewhere safe and dry in a long time. For now, Luke let him wander off. Maybe a few minutes apart would do them some good for clearing their heads. He wasn't worried about losing him - he was smart enough not to get himself into too much trouble. Probably.

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Re: Muddy Paws (Solo)

Postby Silver » 02/28/2018 7:01 AM

Fen stomped through the slushy ground, kicking every stick and twig we went past. He was exceptionally frustrated, and even more so because he couldn't figure out why. He probably wasn't actually mad at Luke, but Luke was nearby and easy to blame. He missed warm blankets and meeting with strangers and hot food. They hadn't seen or heard hint of civilization in days.

Luke could hear his brother splashing around in the wet mud for a while, but eventually the sound faded away. He figured he would use this time to read the map and try to figure out where they should go. It was outdated for the area they were in, which he only realized once he saw how far away they wandered from where they should be. He sighed and pulled out the map, now torn from their altercation. There had to be a hint there somewhere.

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Re: Muddy Paws (Solo)

Postby Silver » 02/28/2018 7:10 AM

Now that he had gotten all of frustration out on inanimate objects, Fen realized how tired he was. His feet hurt, and all the kicking things certainly hadn't helped. He let out a soft sigh and looked for a place to relax. The ground was all squishy and terrible, and there was hardly a bench around. He looked up into a tree and decided that he'd sit among the branches and relax for a while where he could rest his tired paws.

Scaling the tree proved no trouble to a nimble little fox like him. His claws helped him keep his grip on the rough bark and his tails kept his balance on the way up. This was much better than the mud, he thought to himself. He set down on a sturdy looking branch and leaned against the trunk of the tree to relax.

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Re: Muddy Paws (Solo)

Postby Silver » 02/28/2018 7:52 AM

Now that he was finally off his feet, Fen let out a wide yawn. It was like the tiredness suddenly hit him all at once. He sunk into the trunk of the tree and his head started to become heavy. What harm would just a little nap do? Surely by the time he woke up, Luke would have everything figured out. With that thought hanging around his head, he quickly fell into a light sleep.

Luke had spent some time studying the map, and he was pretty sure he had an idea where they were going now. If they could just get around (or dragon forbid, through) the swamp, there most likely a little village just on the other side. If it hadn't been utterly destroyed since the map was made, they'd at least have a warm place to sleep and some hot food to eat.

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Re: Muddy Paws (Solo)

Postby Silver » 02/28/2018 7:55 AM

All he had to do now was find his brother. Luke headed off in the direction he had seen Fen run off in. Unfortunately, the ground was so squishy it just sucked up all of the paw prints, making it impossible to track him that way. That wasn't too much of a trouble, though. He was a pretty good tracker, and he had no doubt that he'd find his brother soon. It wasn't like he was prey trying to hide from him, after all.

Luke spotted a reddish orange shape in the distance, and he waved to it. To his surprise, it waved back. Well that was a relief. He hadn't gotten very far away after all. Luke picked up the pace and ran toward what he assumed was his brother. Once he was in the place he had sworn his brother was standing just a moment ago, he looked around confused. There was nothing there!

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Re: Muddy Paws (Solo)

Postby Silver » 02/28/2018 8:01 AM

"Fen?" Luke called out. No response. "Fen!?" Even louder this time, and a little more panicked. Luke rubbed his shoulder and tried to calm himself down. It was obviously just a trick of the light or something. He was very tired, after all. He was just going to have to focus and everything would be fine.

Luke tried to think of what Fen would do after he ran off. His brother was fast, but he was also lazy. He probably wasn't too far from where they started. Luke looked around and frowned. Where had they started, again? Everything looked the same around here. Small rocks, rough trees, and fallen branches stuck in the mud. It was a bit different than the thick pine forests where they were from. Was Fen having just as much trouble getting around as he was? No, Fen was an adult. He would be able to take care of himself, Luke reminded himself.

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Re: Muddy Paws (Solo)

Postby Silver » 02/28/2018 8:05 AM

"Over here," someone said. Luke turned to look at the source of the voice, but nobody was there. Nonetheless, he wandered in that direction. "There you go, good job, you can make it," the encouraging voice continued to coo at him as he headed deep into the swamp.

Meanwhile, a loudly buzzing mosquito found its way into Fen's large ears. He shot awake and slapped himself in the ear. "Ow," he said, rubbing the spot where he smacked himself. That was stupid. "How long was I out?" Fen said, letting out another wide yawn. He did feel a little better, but that might just be in his head.

"Are you lost?" a voice whispered. It felt familiar, yet not. Fen looked around, but he didn't see anyone. Something didn't feel right at all. Someone was playing tricks on him - he knew illusory magic like the back of his own paws, and he wasn't about to fall for something as simple as that.

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Re: Muddy Paws (Solo)

Postby Silver » 02/28/2018 8:09 AM

At first, Fen was content just to ignore the strange voice, but then something occurred to him. Where was Luke? Luke was much more easily swayed, and he wasn't around to protect him. He leaped down from the tree, hitting the ground with a splash. So much for not getting his fur dirty.

Fen searched the swamp for any sign of his brother. A tuft of tan fur pulled out by a tree branch was a good sign. He had been here recently. Fen ran off in the direction the fur seemed to come from. The illusions were continuing to try and contact him, both visibly and audibly, but he knew better than to listen. What he did notice, however, was that they got stronger and more intense as he headed deeper into the swamp. That must be where Luke was.

"Luke! Luke, don't go in there. It's a trick!" Fen shouted. He couldn't see his brother through the thick fog and bramble of the swamp, but he could feel the intense magic coming from the nearby cave. He hoped the sound of his voice was enough to snap his brother out of the metaphorical and literal fog surrounding him...

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