If you're looking for beautiful seaside scenery, this is the place for you. Home to the world's largest collection of fishermen and fishing pets, this city is well known, as it provides much of Barakka's fish exports. You should try the famous Broiled Sea Scalla, it's delicious! (+2 Fame)

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Jewel of the day [P]

Postby Yang » 10/30/2018 1:26 PM


It was cold. It was bleak. She was tired and worn out from over-working and over-exercising her ability to finish schoolwork before their allotted deadlines, and not a minute after.

The Yonyuu shuddered and pulled the parka ever closer-  despite the ever-ebbing heat that flowed from her black & red fur, the cold still managed to nip and bite. 'this had better be good,' she thought to herself, miserably. 'a 9 hour trip and-'  her hard, blank white eyes glanced to and fro darkly, '-still no sign of-'

Her head jerked, ears pricking at the sound of a husky womans voice, her name sounded in a cheerful tone.
She grimmaced.

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Re: Jewel of the day [P]

Postby Yang » 10/30/2018 1:36 PM

A massive Caine bounded up along the sea-deck, her massive jowel split in a grin as her thick arms wrapped the much smaller girl in a bear-crushing hug. After a minute of discomfort for Myria, Ferinput her down, arms slapping on her waist as she beamed proudly. Myria had been Ferins friend for many years, and having gotten used to the scowling, boiling pot of anger she had always been, this sign of cheer had her feeling..weary, and a bit suspicious.

"You're here!"
"Yes," Myria answered slowly, unwraveling herself from the Caine's hulking mass and sticking her own hands in fluffy pockets, "Flight got delayed, but yeah, I'm here."

"Did you see the land when you passed overhead? Did you see all those caverns on the east coast?"
"Yeah," Myria tiredly nodded. Where was this exuberance coming from? She honestly hadn't cared for the nature that had passed by below the plane-  she'd been zoned out for most of the flight, waiting for the stupid thing to land.
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Re: Jewel of the day [P]

Postby Yang » 10/30/2018 1:47 PM

Ferin's massive tail swayed in a heavy excitement, taking a bouncing step as the two began their walk along the boardwalk.

"I can't tell ye' how excited I was- Those mountains a're beautiful!  And the sea!"

Ferin had come out to the seaport a few weeks before Myria had even Thought of planning a trip out. Something about exercising practice for the Core, that wound up becoming a pleasure cruise as all of her online profiles filled with overzealous pictures and photos of sea-life, gems, townsfolk, and the strange, unique foods made in abundance at crazy, tourist-gouging prices.

Myria followed Ferin's steps, still hunkered down inside herself and her jacket, groaning as Ferin babbled on, far more entranced and excited than she was.
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Re: Jewel of the day [P]

Postby Yang » 10/30/2018 1:52 PM

Ferin's bounding steps gradually slowed and calmed, falling into a steady pace next to Myria. The smaller girl never had much for appreciation, but always had bounds of information to share, espeically on topics that bothered her. Something seemed off;  her crossed posture, tightly collapsed wings and folded ears were more than enough evidence of that.  

Ferin rested an arm around her shoulders, squeezing and slowing their walk.
"Did you want to get something to eat?"

Myria sighed. She appreciated the woman asking about her needs, but she didn't want to answer; she was drained, from school, from work, and mostly from that damned flight that left her feeling shaky and weak.
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Re: Jewel of the day [P]

Postby Yang » 10/30/2018 2:02 PM

"Honestly Ferin, the flight has me drained, never-mind the final exam I pulled several all nights for,"  She grumbled, sighed, and leant into the womans side, taking comfort in the thick fur and muscled arms. "I'd really like to just curl up and have something easy."

Ferins' thumb rubbed, nodding slowly. Her enthusiasm was dampened, but it would be back with another trip around the town. It was a Jewel of a city, and there was little there that wouldn't pick it back up.
"I 'ave a pretty great suite up in the Hotel here on Main street. It's got a pretty great showerhead," Ferin gave a smug grin, and Myria grumbled, eyes rolling. Her feet picked up their pep, and her hips swayed as she walked.

"It will have to be later, hun, I am beat,"
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Re: Jewel of the day [P]

Postby Yang » 10/30/2018 2:12 PM

The walk was mostly silent as the pair walked down the boardwalk. Vendors of all sorts shared their wares, unperturbed by the faint autumn breeze. Despite the foretelling of fall, the ocean air kept the area relatively warm; Ferin had no trouble spending the say in khaki shorts and an open vest. Myria, despite being a cursed being who radiated warmth from hell from who knows what faith or religion, shuddered every once in awhile even under the bundled up parka and her own, short silky fur.

The town loomed just beyond the docks; buildings erected in favor of the ever-growing number of tourists and travelers. What culture had grown was swathed by the over-priced fast-foods and cheaply made trinkets, burying original creators in a fast-paced consumerism.

Myria tried to not let the reality of the place sink into her gut, instead, steeling her eyes towards the wooden dock-ground and the sea that lapped at the edges all around.
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Re: Jewel of the day [P]

Postby Yang » 10/30/2018 2:19 PM

"Here we are," Ferin murmured as the two carried on towards a sidewalk. The hotel, luxuriously outlined with plants and fancy design around glass doors. Persons came in and out in regularity, some with baggage, some with kids, most were occupied with phones, whether talking with important tones or tapping at the lit screens with busy fingers.

Ferins arm dropped from Myrias shoulder, reaching into her shorts pocket to pull out a sleek black card. "We'll catch the elevator to the top; figure everyone else in the crew's stuck along the bottom floor,"  

"Isn't that better?" Myria sighed, "Seems  like a lot less work."

Ferin shrugged, leading them towards one of the double-door elevators that lined the classy lobby.
"They sure as hell don't have much of a view."
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Re: Jewel of the day [P]

Postby Yang » 10/30/2018 2:28 PM

They clamored into the elevator, taking a ride with a few other hotel-goers. It was a mixed bag of persons, from the high-class to the no-class, but thankfully the box was empty by the time the pair came to the top.

"403,403" Ferin muttered, striding with her long legs while glancing at the numbers.

"I thought you would have had the room number recognized by now," Myria trailed, watching with tired amusement. "You've only been here for 14 days."

"We got switched earlier today. We'd been stationed at a hotel downtown-" Ferin stopped at a door, one of many that lined the carpeted hallways. The wood was nearly as dark as the walls, and with a swipe of the card, the heavy door blinked a mint green light. "-this one is much fancier, but I could do without the glass walls."
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Re: Jewel of the day [P]

Postby Yang » 10/30/2018 2:37 PM

The room was true to Ferin's word-  the walls were made entirely of glass, revealing the spread of vendors below, but more importantly, it revealed the sea in all its vast, encompassing mass, dotted with distant mountains and stretching far enough that the sky looked to kiss it at the horizon. It was late enough in the day that the sun had begun to set nearly behind the building;  almost no glare bounced from the waves, and instead, the water looked like a shimmering land of jewels.

Myria took a deep breath, finally shedding the polar coat and tossing it on the counter before striding over towards the glass wall. She couldn't remember seeing anything outside save for black-glass- a one-way mirror, all throughout the building.

"This is really nice," She murmured, plopping onto the only bed in the room, "I'd trade my dorm room in a heartbeat for this place."
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Re: Jewel of the day [P]

Postby Yang » 10/30/2018 2:44 PM

Ferin closed the door behind them, rummaging through her bag while speaking, "Yeah I don't doubt the cosy demure of the school housing, but this is..much nicer." Her hand retracted, pulling out a handful of roasted nuts, dwarfed by her massive hands.  She threw them back in her mouth, as Myria watched.

"Pass me some of those nuts," Myria called, tail and ears flicking upwards. This place had put her in much better spirits, especially now t hat she was comfortable on the lavish bed. "I could use a snack;  the sweet deserts at the boardwalk were making me nauseous.."

Ferin dug through her bag, and paused. Face hidden from view, she bit her lip, cleared her throat, and pulled out a can.
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Re: Jewel of the day [P]

Postby Yang » 10/30/2018 3:59 PM

"I don't have anymore mixed nuts- finished them off- but I have a can of these," She gently tossed it over to Myria, who caught it was ease. a faint look of disappointment bloomed as she read the can.

"Salted peanuts?"
Ferin shrugged, and Myria sighed, popping the top open.
"If its all you have-"

Myria yelped as a mass of velvet snakes sprung into her face!
She froze in shock, fur standing on end as she sat, surrounded by fake snakes, and holding an empty can labbeled 'salted nuts'.

Ferin howled with laughter, ducking as the empty can came flying at her head.
Myria scowled, madly flattening down her tail with her hands.

"Ferin, you are a beast."
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