The waters of the Rewhister Ocean have tempted many a traveler, as from the shore they seem docile and inviting. Upon reaching around 100 km from shore though, the sea floor drops greatly and waters are often violent. Sailors fear the horrors that may lurk below. (+2 stat of choice)

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We're Monster Hunters Now [Event, solo]

Postby Kyrit » 08/02/2019 3:14 PM


"You've got to be kidding me." His displeasure was clear in his voice as Estebanito confronted Kyrit at the docks. "You signed us up for what?"

"Monster hunt." Her arms were crossed in front of her, ready to stand her ground as captain of the ship. "Look, the gig pays well, and we're not the only crew going out there. They've hired their own crew, and we're mostly just tagging along to help out where we can. I'm not saying we have to fight it, I'm just saying we'll help find it."
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Re: We're Monster Hunters Now [Event, solo]

Postby Kyrit » 08/02/2019 3:17 PM

A sigh was let out as his hand reached up to rub at his temples. It was always like this when they let her go to shore alone. It was why he always tried to go to shore with her, but she'd managed to slip away before he could catch up. Every single time she managed to find some way to cause trouble for all of them. Sometimes it's was horrible jobs, sometimes it was getting herself caught up in some sort of trouble. Every single time there was no way to talk her out of these decisions though and he hated it. What could he do though? Stay behind? Then he'd be worried about her while she was out on the sea.
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Re: We're Monster Hunters Now [Event, solo]

Postby Kyrit » 08/02/2019 3:22 PM

"Fine, whatever," he spat out, beginning to turn around to walk back toward the ship to call for everyone to ready themselves to set sail. "Just know that if this gets us all killed it's your fault." Even if it wasn't this time, he knew that one of these days her antics were going to get them killed. This one definitely sounded like it had a high likelihood of such if they were having to hire outside of their own crew for help. It'd already torn up one ship and now they were just going out to feed it another.
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Re: We're Monster Hunters Now [Event, solo]

Postby Kyrit » 08/02/2019 3:28 PM

"We'll be fiiiiine." Her boots clacked against the dock as she began to follow after Estebanito. "The ship is fast, and I doubt their ship is faster. If things get hairy, we just leave. If it's going to catch someone it's going to catch the slower ship, yeah? Besides,"

She was passing him by now, taking the first step on to the deck. "I bought a few things for the ship while I was out. So you can kick back and relax a little longer while we're waiting on them to be delivered."
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Re: We're Monster Hunters Now [Event, solo]

Postby Kyrit » 08/02/2019 3:37 PM

Behind Kyrit, Estebanito paused briefly. He knew she had gone ashore to buy important supplies, such as frozen fruits and dried meats, but something about the way she'd said that implied that there was something she wasn't telling him she'd bought. Something they hadn't needed, but perhaps would now potentially be needed. They did keep artillery on the ship for protection, but typically they didn't keep large stores of ammo. Usually it was just enough to defend, nothing more. Anything else just added weight to the ship, which meant slower travel.

"What did you buy?" he more or less growled out.
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Re: We're Monster Hunters Now [Event, solo]

Postby Kyrit » 08/02/2019 3:43 PM

"Well, first I bought an extra set of sails." She was still walking away, not turning around to face him. If he wanted to listen he'd have to follow and keep up, as she was tired of carrying the bags she'd brought back with her. "I don't want to think that the sails would get damaged enough that they wouldn't be able to be used, but if they did, repairing them would take too long. It'd be quicker to just replace them on the spot so we don't get stuck out at sea for any longer than our food stores would allow."
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Re: We're Monster Hunters Now [Event, solo]

Postby Kyrit » 08/02/2019 3:50 PM

"After that, I bought some extra cannonballs for the ship. If we do get attacked by the monster before we can spot it, we're going to need some way of defending ourselves. I'd like to think that we won't get attacked, but better safe than sorry. And on that note, I also bought some harpoons-"

"You WANT to fight it, don't you?" Estebanito exclaimed, catching up to her and grabbing her by the shoulder to spin her around.
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Re: We're Monster Hunters Now [Event, solo]

Postby Kyrit » 08/02/2019 3:53 PM

"No," her eyes narrowed, staring in to Estebanito's. "I don't want to fight it, but after hearing what happened to their ship, I know that fighting it is possible. And if it is out there I'd rather find it rather than run in to it on accident out on the open water one day when we're not prepared like they were. We have a chance to help take down a monster that is out there destroying ships that otherwise could take us by surprise any day. Now, while others are also hunting for it, is our one chance to make sure that it's just that much safer to make our journeys."
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Re: We're Monster Hunters Now [Event, solo]

Postby Kyrit » 08/02/2019 3:57 PM

She pulled his hand away from her shoulder, pushing it off to the side as she turned away and began to walk again. "I'm not stupid, Estebanito. I worry for my crew as much as you do. You're all my family. And that is exactly why I've made the preparations to fight it if push comes to shove and we can't just let everyone else handle the harder work. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of preparation to get out of the way."
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Re: We're Monster Hunters Now [Event, solo]

Postby Kyrit » 08/02/2019 4:00 PM

With a sigh of defeat, Estebanito watched as his captain, his love, walked away. He didn't want to admit it, but she was ultimately right. If it wasn't found it would likely continue to destroy other ships. If that kept up there was no guarantee that they would be lucky and theirs wouldn't eventually be one of those very ships. "Alright... Alright..." He began after her once again, this time with a different purpose. "Tell me what we need to do to get ready...."

[Hunt Complete]
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Re: We're Monster Hunters Now [Event, solo]

Postby Kyrit » 08/16/2019 6:57 PM

Preparing to set sail had taken a lot more time than expected. The delivery of supplies had been delayed, loading everything up took forever, and explaining to everyone exactly what the plans were had been a huge pain. Finally though, it looked as though they were almost ready now. As the final preparations were under way, Kyrit began to comb over the map one last time, making sure they had an exact path charted out for them that she could pass off to Pablo.
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Re: We're Monster Hunters Now [Event, solo]

Postby Kyrit » 08/16/2019 7:16 PM

Before she could finish, there was a soft tapping at the door. With a sigh, Kyrit rolled up the map and collapsed back in to her chair, slamming the heel of her boots down on to the table by the rolled up map. "Come in!" she called out, an audible hint of annoyance lacing her words. Within moments the door creaked open and a tall, thin man stepped through the door, his hair streaked with shades of red, yellow, and black.
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Re: We're Monster Hunters Now [Event, solo]

Postby Kyrit » 08/16/2019 7:20 PM

"Sorry, Captain," Pablo started out as he let the door click shut behind them. "I believe just about everything is ready, so I came to see if you were ready to talk about the course we're taking. If you need more time I can go help with the final preparations."

Across the room she shook her head before nudging the map toward him. "Nah, I guess we're as ready as we're going to be. Once we catch up we'll mostly be following the other ship anyways."
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Re: We're Monster Hunters Now [Event, solo]

Postby Kyrit » 08/16/2019 7:29 PM

With the map sent his way, Pablo reached down and rolled it out on the table, giving it a quick look over. His gaze didn't linger on the map for long before glancing back up to his captain, having noticed the nervous rocking of her foot back and forth.

"You're not so sure about this trip, are you?" he started out, letting go of the map and letting it roll back up. "We can still call it off if you're uncertain about it."
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Re: We're Monster Hunters Now [Event, solo]

Postby Kyrit » 08/16/2019 7:35 PM

"No... I am definitely nervous about it, but I'm certain about us going on this mission." Her foot continued to rock back and forth as she let out a sigh, though it did start to slow some. "I don't like the thought of dragging you guys in to potential danger, but we need to. I'd rather go hunting for danger than it find us when we're unprepared. Besides,"

Her feet slid off the table, roughly landing down on the floor below. "I've got nothing to worry about with you at the wheel of the ship. You're the fastest navigator I know, so I'm sure you'll keep us out of trouble."
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