These woods are nice for a casual walk or even if you have a more adventurous urge. Bubbling hot springs lie just around the bend, fruits can be found to suit every taste bud, and rumor has it there are talking Tali who can speak Lambastian! (+2 Precision)

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Re: Trouble Finds You [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 04/05/2020 8:10 PM

What was that cat thinking!? She had no right to steal her Pokedex like that! "Dammit!" Tightly clenching her fists, Millie suddenly stood up straight and swung a foot out to kick at the dirt. Kicking up a cloud of dust as she spun herself around to start pacing in frustration. She needed to think of some kind of plan, and quick.

Small pebbles had also been sent flying about with that action, and a couple of them showered over Tondra as she stood there staring dumbfounded at the bushes.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: Trouble Finds You [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 04/05/2020 8:16 PM

Uh-oh... Nervously, Tondra turned around to face Millie. Something like this had never happened before, but she did have some familiarity with what happens when her trainer got super upset.

Suffice to say, it wasn't good.

She would stand there watching Millie start going back and forth for a couple minutes. Shaking herself free from the tiny debris that had gotten flung about and caught in her fur in the meantime, scattering dirt and pebbles all around her. Tondra knew she had to do something as well. Fast.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: Trouble Finds You [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 04/05/2020 8:25 PM

"She's not going to get away with it that easily!" Tondra declared with a confident growl, snapping her eyes towards the forest. A place like this was going to make finding her pretty difficult, as she could be practically anywhere. But, perhaps with her speed, and the strength of her nose combined, Tondra could succeed.

Millie was not paying attention to her however, as the intention of Tondra's bark fell upon deaf ears. She had heard her being noisy, but threw up a hand towards her as she walked by. "Not now, girl!" The gears in her brain were working in hasty overtime, and she was so flustered right now that there was no room for anything else that might distract her.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: Trouble Finds You [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 04/05/2020 8:58 PM

Well, thankfully Tondra didn't really need Millie's attention right now. Though the response was a confusing one, considering it wasn't intended to do that. Clearly she needed to deal with Bandit herself! So while the girl was currently preoccupied, Tondra would jump right on into those bushes to start tracking down the thieving Meowth.

Emerging out through the other side, getting covered in a few twigs and leaves, the canine Pokemon peered around curiously. Seeing there was nothing, not even Bandit, currently anywhere in sight.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: Trouble Finds You [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 04/05/2020 9:10 PM

It was pretty obvious that finding her wasn't going to be so easy, and Tondra was up for the challenge now presented to her. With the area being empty of any other life at the moment, she fully emerged from her current spot, and set about her task.

Lifting her nose up to the air, she took a few whiffs around to see what was going on.  Mostly those consisted of Pokemon and people under the heavy smell of trees. And being familiar with Bandit's scent, it wasn't difficult at all for her to pick them out among the mess of everything that was currently present. So this would be easy to follow!

It helped that the trail was also super fresh too.

[Wild Pet Found]

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: Trouble Finds You [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 04/12/2020 11:14 PM

And as she was now doing her best to track Bandit down, the cat was still running as fast as her legs could carry her.

Yes! She had done it! Her eyes gleamed with triumph at what she had accomplished, both at having quite easily outwitted the girl and gotten away from her, and now being in possession of something she'd been dying to get for so long.

But she couldn't stop yet, for this was not a good place to do so in her opinion.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: Trouble Finds You [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 04/12/2020 11:18 PM

In fact... Bandit had not actually figured out what would've been the next step in this rather impromptu plan of hers. For it had been a rather sudden thing for her to go and take the red device as soon as it's metallic surface had gleamed beautifully her way...

Soon she had come to a stop out near a clearing among the trees, and the cat's eyes darted around quickly as she was now breathing heavily. The next logical step would be for her to find a hiding spot of some sort.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: Trouble Finds You [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 04/12/2020 11:25 PM

Already there would be tons of possible places she could think of that would likely suit her immediate needs out here in a forest, but... No, none of them would work. With her prior experience, and what she now had in mind, it couldn't just be any spot. With a quick shake of her head, Bandit passed on whatever ideas she first came up with and finally looked onward past the clearing.

What she needed was to create a new hoard.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: Trouble Finds You [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 04/12/2020 11:34 PM

The Pokedex would be the very first, of hopefully many more such shiny objects to aid in the recreation of such a hoard. For the first time in what felt like forever, she was purring in absolute delight. If she were to find any more shinies today, there was no way she'd be able to contain the happiness it would bring her!

She'd better get looking then, and pick out her new spot! Jumping out from the edge of the clearing, she would resume her running.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: Trouble Finds You [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 04/12/2020 11:38 PM

Disappearing into some of the taller grasses that were in the immediate vicinity, she would dart along to make her way over to the other side. There was no telling what was all around here exactly, as she wasn't familiar with this region and its forests one bit, but she was feeling pretty confident that she might be able to find something really good around here!

The grass would be shuffling about in her wake as she ran, creating a fair amount of noise and apparent movement.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: Trouble Finds You [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 04/26/2020 10:45 PM

In her rush of newly found excitement, Bandit would not at all be subtle whatsoever in her movements through that grass. Very much so that something would eventually take notice of this at some point, and raise their head up from the grazing that they'd been doing in a different patch that was quickly becoming not too far off from them.


Broad ears would perk up suddenly as dark eyes focused in on these new sounds coming towards him. He naturally had a dour look on his face that would be common among his kind, but there was a clear hint of anxiety around the eyes as he took a nervous step around to fully position himself towards whatever may be coming towards him.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: Trouble Finds You [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 04/26/2020 10:50 PM

He wouldn't really realize the overall advantage he currently had in this situation in terms of power and size compared to whatever may be in the grass. All he could do was worry that it may be a huge predator hiding somewhere, stalking him with the intent of turning him into their next meal, and the more these dark thoughts grew in his mind, the more furiously he began to chew at the freshly obtained grass still in his mouth in a fit of nerves.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: Trouble Finds You [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 04/26/2020 11:15 PM

Swish. Swish. Swish.

They would be getting closer and closer, and he found himself having to tilt his head further and further downward, of all things, after he spotted the movement of green stalks waving about in the wake of whatever was hiding within. He did take a step back, preparing to bolt if the worst came to worst, but... Maybe it was morbid curiosity getting the better of him? Or it was the fear taking control and freezing him in place, it was hard to say, really.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: Trouble Finds You [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 04/26/2020 11:27 PM

Regardless of which it was, he was completely held captive to whatever his brain was, or wasn't, doing right this second. The next thing he knew, something small and round, but with freakishly large eyes, poked their head out and almost bumped into his snout after emerging from the grass.

Bandit had gotten distracted with something that snagged itself against her fur, and she had glanced back to try and shake it off and be rid of it. Then a shadow being cast her way had caught her attention, and she stopped.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: Trouble Finds You [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 04/26/2020 11:37 PM

Ooh... That didn't look very good. It was only a first impression based on just their shadow, that was no doubt being heavily exaggerated because, light did tend to do that with it's opposite, but the cat had a pretty bad feeling anyway.

Her slitted pupils turned their way forward, seeing a long and slender brown leg at the start with a really solid looking hoof attached at the end. Following that leg to gradually look her way upwards, she'd see there was what looked to be a massive chest connected to that leg, but the rest would quickly be obscured by this large head that was just inches away from her own.
[Wild Pet Found]

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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