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.: Mega Pet Description Raffle! :. [Breedables, Rare Items!]

Postby Redd » 03/13/2020 8:52 PM

So, you want some pets with those new markings, maybe... you heard about some new items? Well you're in the right place! Today, we're running a raffle, help us out and you'll go in the draw to receive some prizes!

We know we're super behind on pet descriptions and we know you know it too! And we also figured, we're a community of writers, are we not? So why not open the doors to allow some of you to submit some entries in! We've got some neat, possibly unique things to win, so why don't you give it a crack?

We've even got a nice little form for you to use! Please, only one post per user
Code: Select all
[b]Entering For:[/b]  please use name, not number
[b]Pet Species:[/b]

[ Rules and Entry Info ]
- Every single separate description entered will net you 1 ticket. There's no limit on how many tickets you can earn. Your description does not need to be chosen to get a ticket.
- Only pets lacking a description from the Christmas, Halloween, Easter and Special Event lists (EXCLUDING Birthday pets, if you've already done one, they'll still count, they just won't be used) here are eligible for an entry. If a pet is missing from either of these lists, please let me know~
- You may submit multiple descriptions for the same pet but they must be vastly different.
- There's no character limit for descriptions, but keep them short and succinct. We're looking for 3-5 sentences as a general rule.
-Please note, these descriptions will be treated as suggestions. If your entry is used, we may use them word for word, we may tweak them somewhat.

[ Start and End Date ]
Now until April 20th, 11:59pm!

[ Main Prizes ]
Lot #1 - Lunar Moth
Markings: Lunar, Peacock, Coverts
Mini Markings: Belly, Bluejay
Wing Markings: Eye Wings, Webwing



Lot #2 - Bumblebee
Markings: Beat / Hyena
Mini Markings: Carnivore / Mask / Mudpaw / Coontail



Lot #3 - Spring Flower
Markings: Peacock / Tapir / Feyline
Mini Markings: Beak / Feathered / Scaled Legs / FullTail



Lot #4 - Umbra Strain + Specimen OR Egg
This... looks remarkably like the Lunar-X strain but almost appears to glow under the moonlight. The origin of this viral pathogen is unknown but upon use it will complete the DNA of a Sickle or Other Eligible Pets.

- You may not use the Umbra Strain more than once on a pet. (It would die from so much exposure.)
- Pets exposed to the Umbra Strain can no longer evolve/change forms.
- This item is currently contest only.
- Specimen choices include: Serpentine, Mustelid, Vulpine or Draconic
- Specimens are compatible with other strains and it is up to the winner on how it is used.



Lot #5 - Sol Strain + Specimen OR Egg
This... looks remarkably like the Solar-X strain but almost appears to glow when exposed to the sun. The origin of this viral pathogen is unknown but upon use it will complete the DNA of a Sickle or Other Eligible Pets.

- You may not use the Sol Strain more than once on a pet. (It would die from so much exposure.)
- Pets exposed to the Sol Strain can no longer evolve/change forms.
- This item is currently contest only.
- Specimen choices include: Serpentine, Mustelid, Vulpine or Draconic
- Specimens are compatible with other strains and it is up to the winner on how it is used.


[ Runner-Up Prizes ]
Note: You cannot allocate tickets to these raffles. Everyone who entered for the main items will automatically be entered for these, after the main prizes have been rolled.

Lot #6 - Breedable Custom Token

Lot #7 - Breedable Random Token

Lot #8 - Lost Ipinox OR Wanderer Kuhna
- Your choice of a Lost Ipinox or a Wanderer Kuhna

Lot #9 - 5 GT OR 300 KS
- Your choice of 5GT or 300KS

Lot #10 - Mysterious Egg + Solar-X OR +Lunar-X
- One Mysterious Egg and your choice of a Solar-X or Lunar-X

Lot #11 - Pet Strain Kit
- Your choice of Umbra or Sol Strain
- Your choice of Mysterious Egg or Specimen.
- This item is currently contest only.
- Specimen choices include: Serpentine, Mustelid, Vulpine or Draconic
- Specimens are compatible with other strains and it is up to the winner on how it is used.

It's now or never
Don't surrender
We came too far to die
So claim your weapons
This ain't heaven
We came here now to fight

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Re: .: Mega Pet Description Raffle! :. [Breedables, Rare Ite

Postby GrayGriffin » 03/14/2020 1:48 AM

Entering For: Spring Flower
Pet Species: Astronomer Malphas
Description: An especially solitary subspecies of Malphas, they can often be found observing the stars. They seem to have the ability to discern the future from the movements of the stars and planets, and the appearance of one in a populated place often means that it has some prophecy to pass on. Very rarely, they may take a member of another species as an apprentice, since it appears they rarely communicate with each other.

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Woolly Torken
Description: They make their home in arctic areas, surrounded by snow and ice. Unlike most Torken subspecies, the Woolly Torken is not capable of breathing fire. However, their internal temperature is actually much warmer than typical Torken subspecies, and domestic ones often find themselves used as living heaters, especially with their soft fur.

Entering For: Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Noir Draculi
Description: Noir Draculi are an especially vicious subspecies of Draculi, with sharper claws and more vicious natures. It is said that the red glow above their heads grows with each creature they slaughter. Due to the fact that they are mostly solitary, this rumor is extremely hard to verify.

Entering For: Spring Flower
Pet Species: Mondrakel
Description: Strangely enough, there are few records of the Mondrakel subspecies in artistic works, until recently when several were found in an art gallery. While there have been works of art reminiscent of their fur patterns, it is unknown whether the art or the subspecies came first. Each Mondrakel has a unique pattern of rectangles and colors on their pelt. Because of the vividness of their coloration, they are very rarely found in the wild.

Entering For: Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Snow Snicky
Description: Unlike most Snickies, their skin is cold and strangely soft to the touch, almost as if they are actually made of snow. Their shells leave sooty residue on things they touch as well, implying they may actually be coal, though experimenting on their efficiency as fuel has been considered unethical. They seem to have an instinctive dislike of heat, and will often seek out the coldest areas in a house, though there's no evidence so far that they will actually melt if it's too warm.

Entering For: Spring Flower
Pet Species: Psychedelic Fenref
Description: It is said that the first Psychedelic Fenref appeared to someone in a hallucination, yet somehow stayed even as the other hallucinations faded. The patterns on their fur seem to shift and change color occasionally, though no one has ever seen them changing in person. They have a fondness for certain herbs, and seem mostly unaffected by the negative effects of them. However, they will not abandon their more sensitive companions, and are often there to help others center themselves while those effects wear off.

Entering For: Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Festive Battleheart
Description: They are an extremely friendly and affectionate subspecies of Battleheart, always happy to brighten up someone's holiday. However, sometimes they can get a little too pushy in their attempts to spread holiday joy, and have been known to do things such as knock down doors so someone can hear their caroling, or kidnap someone on a shopping spree. With someone willing to indulge them, those impulses can be corralled, though owners should still be careful that their Festive Battleheart doesn't bury the neighbors in a pile of cookies.

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Choirwockee
Description: Choirwockee have very delicate, high voices, and can most commonly be found in winter. They often flock together to combine their voices in harmony. Even the voice of one Choirwockee can bring someone brief happiness, and an entire flock is often capable of lifting the spirits of an entire household.

Entering For: Spring Flower
Pet Species: Blooming Kasuga
Description: These Kasuga are not considered symbols of death, but instead of renewal. They share the tendency of their other kin to spend time in graveyards and abandoned towns, but they leave new growth behind them as they walk. A Blooming Kasuga passing through a place is often considered a sign that whatever problems plagued that place will not reoccur, and have been the cause of many abandoned places being resettled.

Entering For: Spring Flower
Pet Species: Qilin Frightmare
Description: There are some people who say that the Qilin Frightmare is misnamed and should not be considered a Frightmare subspecies at all, due to them being seen as symbols of good fortune and granters of wishes. They are certainly more good-natured than most other Frightmare subspecies, but in truth can be just as dangerous. People who seek them out for malicious ends are often never seen again, and it is rare to hear of anyone who's actually received a blessing from one.

Entering For: Spring Flower
Pet Species: Shamrock Ferrikoon
Description: It is said that anyone who catches one of these elusive Ferrikoon will be granted all the treasures they have stolen. However, in order to gain this chance, you must also allow them to snatch something from you. In truth, this entire rumor was started by the Ferrikoon themselves, as a way of getting suckers to leave their precious items exposed. In fact, there are several Ferrikoon subspecies that have started dressing up as Shamrock Ferrikoon to take advantage of this rumor.

Entering For: Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Malware Mekkayena
Description: Malware Mekkayena have an extremely erratic nature, and can often be seen walking in strange patterns or making odd sounds that only have meaning to them. They seem, strangely enough, to prey on other Mekkayena most often. Mekkayena bitten by them often start imitating the behavior of the Malware Mekkayena that bit them, and if left untreated long enough will start slowly changing into another Malware Mekkayena. It is unknown what would happen if a Malware Mekkayena attacked another mechanical or cyborg pet.

Entering For: Spring Flower
Pet Species: Unicorn Cavallion
Description: They will only allow people they consider "pure" to ride or tame them. However, every Unicorn Cavallion's definition of purity is different, and this has often led to schisms in herds when one member's companion is deemed insufficiently pure by the rest. Thus, despite being a herd species by nature, many of them are now found solitary instead.

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Leviathan Xing Yun
Description: Unlike most Xing Yun, they are often found deep underwater, preferring the darkness and pressure to the open sky. They are solitary by nature and dislike being bothered or sought out, though every so often (once a century or so) they develop an urge for company. However, they usually get this company by pulling unsuspecting swimmers or divers deep underwater into their lairs, which has led to various rumors of deep-sea hunting beasts.

Entering For: Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Veiled Bleeder
Description: The nature of these Bleeders seems to be more than a simple disguise. They seem to shed charcoal dust instead of blood, and are very hard to grab hold of, just like the Scribblen they emulate. It is said that instead of unrequited love, they were born from the spirits of drawings that were cruelly discarded or mocked.

Entering For: Spring Flower
Pet Species: Counting Yingshee
Description: It is said that these Yingshee were born from a particularly tired student's wish for a peaceful rest. Simply touching their wool can lull people into a peaceful sleep, and they are patient enough to allow themselves to be used as pillows. While their wool still has some effect when sheared, most prefer to have a living creature by their side, claiming it offers them additional feelings of security and comfort.
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Re: .: Mega Pet Description Raffle! :. [Breedables, Rare Ite

Postby Freezair » 03/14/2020 4:00 AM

Entering For: Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Festive Battleheart
Description: "Despite being a Battleheart subspecies, these creatures almost never display any sort of aggression. The cold environments they hail from seem to have given them a sluggish, sleepy temperament--they would rather not waste their valuable fat reserves on fighting. Festive Battleheart clans can often be found slumbering huddled together for warmth in large, communal caves, and they are surprisingly gregarious within their own clan group. They have even been known to display altruism--a rarity among Battlehearts."

Entering For:  Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Caustic Hydrolisk
Description: "Though their brilliant pink scales may be beautiful, these Hydrolisks are some of the most dangerous creatures in Evelon's seas. Their talons, their head crests, and their tails and fins are all tipped with stingers that deliver a deadly neurotoxin. One sting can cause cardiac arrest within fifteen minutes if an antidote isn't immediately injected. During their breeding season, they swarm beaches, leading to entire stretches of coastline  closing down to prevent visitors from being stung."

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Alien Quiksylph
Description: "Despite resembling a Quiksylph, the magical aura associated with these beings bears no resemblance to that of any other Quiksylph species. In fact, their essence is so unlike anything else on Evelon that some phantomologists have concluded that they are from an entirely different world. These same experts state that their resemblance to Quiksylphs is merely an example of convergent evolution. However, like Quiksylphs, these beings do have the ability to bond with other living creatures. The detailed effects of these bonds are still being studied."

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Bubblewockee
Description: "The Bubblewockee may well be the most energetic creature in all of Evelon--and that's no exaggeration. They sleep for only an hour each day, and spend the rest of it hunting their favorite food--bouncy, sugary pop beats. They surround themselves with uptempo music every waking moment, and while they listen, they dance, run, and even play high-energy sports and games. But be warned, as they are known for their highly variable temperaments. While many Bubblewockees are outgoing and kind, just as many are cruel and elitist."

Entering For: Spring Flower
Pet Species: Goghgoyle
Description: "The Goghgoyle is a quiet and melancholy creature. They are often seen with a strange, distant look in their eyes, as if they were pondering the mysteries of the universe itself. And they are--the Goghgoyle is highly intelligent and spends much of its time consumed with philosophical questions. However, these machinations often weigh heavily on their minds, making them distant and aloof. But if they are befriended, they reveal themselves to be incredibly empathetic and caring."

Entering For: Spring Flower
Pet Species: Anubis Baskerville
Description: "In some cultures, this species is strongly associated with death, and was feared because of it. It was believed that its presence caused horrible convulsions and wasting away that lead to death. In actuality, this species is a 'sniffer' capable of detecting various kinds of diseases! It is drawn to those who are ill or soon to be ill out of concern, and can in fact help detect various ailments before other medical testing can. Because of this, it is developing a new reputation among the superstitious: Some say it guards the gates of the underworld, and turns away those whose time has not yet come."

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Illumidrak
Description: "Have you ever seen a mysterious, bright light in the swamp at night? It may well have been one of these glowing creatures. As Illumiworms, they hatch in sheltered holes in rotting logs, though their glow is faint. However, once they metamorphose, they come into their full bioluminescence. They dart rapidly across the sky to create beautiful patterns with their light, using the shapes they write in the darkness to communicate with their kin. They make a certain special shape to try and attract mates; in some swamp communities, waving a light source in this shape is seen as a cute way of saying 'I love you.'"

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Swampgas Werecain
Description: "Oh... oh dear. There is simply no nice way to put this: This creature constantly emits a rather... fetid aroma, known for its strong stench of decay and, er, sulfur. Some of this aroma is caused by its, er, digestive processes, and is expelled, ah, in the way such gas is usually expelled, while other parts of it come from the fungus and algae that live in colonies on its fur. Especially its, uh, feet. This smell is a vital evolutionary advantage, as it masks its scent from its prey and allows it to hunt more secretively in the marshes in which it lives. But its pungency makes it easy to, er, make puerile jokes about, which we, as serious scientists, like to consider ourselves fart above."

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Arctic Fenling
Description: "The Arctic Fenling has a novel means of surviving in cold temperatures. Some species have heavy fur or blubber; the Arctic Fenling uses magic stones! Each of the Fenling's gems actually contains a pure spark of Lavamancer fire, which gives off a constant heat. These fiery stones keep them warm in the cold climates these creatures live in. Each year, a representative from each Fenling family group is selected to travel to the Paragon clans to create new firestones, in an ancient tradition stretching back thousands of years. No one is quite sure how and when these two species formed such a symbiotic relationship."

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Flare Shimin
Description: "The Flare Shimin is a creature with extremely unique biology. Much as some species of frog live deep in mud until the rains, the Flare Shimin lives buried underground until a forest or brushfire strikes. Then, these creatures rise from the ground to feed and play in the flames until they are quelled, and they return to hibernation until the next fire strikes. They're quite friendly and love it when others admire their fire magic, and they can live very happily in an outdoor firepit or bonfire as long as the coals are kept glowing."

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: .: Mega Pet Description Raffle! :. [Breedables, Rare Ite

Postby Sarah » 03/20/2020 4:15 PM

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Crested Alluria
Description:   Hailing from the tropical parts of Barakka These Alluria are timid in temperament. Their colors and markings belie their natural habitat as they tend not to stray far from black and grey feathers. Crested Alluria are most notable for their popularity as a prey species to much larger creatures.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Crested Pingune
Description:  These birds call the jungles of Barakka home. They are adept swimmers and rarely make landfall due to their host of natural predators in the region. They feed on small fish and it has been posited that their crest is used to better bait fish.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:   Crested Alluria
Description:  Their looks are taken after the black waters of the Yuunu Sea. They travel in cohorts sized in the hundreds of thousands to the millions. They find natural predators with the bigger fish and mammalian species that dare to habituate the frigid waters.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:   Crested Pingune
Description:   The Crested Pingune is known for its larger size and fluffy-looking feathers. These traits help it to survive the harsh northern climate it calls home. These Pingune are territorial and aggressive, but flock together en masse for better survivability.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Dalma
Description:  Famed for their spot pattern,, Dalma are a popular species among Evelonians. Breeders are difficult to come by and their litters are even more prized. Dalma that have been bred and trained properly make excellent companions.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Dalma
Description:  Its a rare day to find a household lacking a Dalma companion. This species is known for its loyalty, compassion, and trainability. Dalma are even more famous for their inbred neurosis and careful consideration should be taken before adopting this high-strung pet.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Albino Snowball
Description:  These Snowball are not found in nature as they are not truly albino. Breeders selected colorings and markings to suit their needs and the resulting lineage produced a pale colored Snowball. Those in the know have said naturally Albino Snowball do not grow horns, and these were made popular because of their high breeding standard.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Ash Garudor
Description:  These larger-than-life birds hail from the volcanic regions of Evelon. Their feathers burn and wane as coals would because they are of the same quality as smoldering coal. To keep from their feathers ruining this species must remain in a hot climate and many have been spotted bathing in pools of lava.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Ash Garudor
Description:  Legend follows these birds wherever they land. The Ash Garudor known today was specially bred in captivity and can only be an approximation of these legends. What few birds have escaped have found a niche in the far north where the suns shines only a few months out of the year.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Burnt Scribblen
Description:  Very little is publicly known about these creatures. Their looks hide deeper mass and physicality. Rumors abound when their name is brought forth and many falsely believe they are a lesser species of Chaos. In reality they are little more than pests with an annoying penchant for burning books and paper.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Draught Trumpetter
Description:  Draught Trumpetter are native to the jungles of Barakka. Their coloring make them the perfect camouflage for the often muddy waters. This species was not borne of draught, nor has their lineage ever known a time when the jungles were not rainy.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Draught Trumpetter
Description:  This species makes its home all across Evelon. They were named from the often hollow or shrill noises of their song. It sounds as though their lungs are dry and the noise has difficulty escaping their trumpet-like mouth.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Flare Shimin
Description:  A common species to keep as pets among the mages and magically inclined people of Evelon. These Shimin have no innate access to magic, but they are able to create fire with their hands in the same way a flint and steel can create fire. Flare Shimin are loyal companions but their trust is hard earned, and they do not care much for strangers.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Glacial Malphas
Description:  The blue flames and dead eyes are obvious signs of an experiment gone wrong. No one has ever been prosecuted for the creation of the volatile Glacial Malphas, but they should have been. Interacting with this species produces, at best, sub-zero temperatures. At their worst Glacial Malphas are temperamental catalysts for chaotic destruction.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Glacial Malphas
Description:  Glacial Malphas are an endangered species found in the northern reaches of Lambastia. They live in isolated arctic places that offer little in the way of tourism. Few are every brought very far south because the species cannot adapt to temperatures above freezing. Most Glacial Malphas are even sensitive to temperatures close to the freezing base.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Melted Insonia
Description:  Melted Insonia rove beaches warm and cold. They are scavengers and bullies by trade and their favorite marks are vacationers. They’ll eat anything, including things that are not edible. The two heads work in tandem to become perfect annoyances.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Melted Insonia
Description:  Legend states that the two Insonia were once separate reptiles that were always at odds. The gods forced them together in hopes that they would one day get along and when they could, they would be two separate beings again. Apparently, their differences were so great that the species lives on today.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Scancia Sygriff
Description:  A beautiful and rare specialty breed of Sygriff. These birds have a long lineage of being kept and their origins have been heavily hinted to be non-natural. There is no proof of these species every being wild before they became captive, but there is no proof otherwise either.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Scancia Sygriff
Description:  These birds are powerful predators with excellent hearing and camouflage. Native to the Fe’gan mountains and rarely captured outside poaching, it is rare to see one outside its native habitat. Its fur costs a pretty penny, but few are daring enough to buy the real deal off the black market because of how well protected this species is.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:   Snow Bleeder
Description:  No one thought the Snow Kuhna would have such a close relative. In truth the Snow Bleeder has no relation to Kuhna, but the color similarity is quite striking. Perhaps the first Bleeder of this kind came from a Snow Kuhna.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Alien Quiksylph
Description:  Unsettling. What little is written about this species conveys a sense of distrust and disgust from the author. Natural or bred, no one is quite sure how this species came about. One thing is for certain though, they are not alien.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Woolly Torken
Description:  Kept in the north as intelligent pack animals. Natives insist they are not pets but equals. Wooly Torken are the smartest and most even-tempered of the Torken species. They make trustworthy companions and their fur makes excellent textiles.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Albino Reindoe
Description:  This coloration suffers from misidentification. Albino Reindoe are seen often in their natural habitat and among the common Reindoe, but they do not have the genetic Albino mutation. They are just another species of Reindoe. Other than their colors they are indistinguishable from the common Reindoe.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Goghoyle
Description:  A painting? A blank canvas? The scale and leather pattern on this species have a narrow margin for error, yet they do not exhibit the same behavioral traits as inbred or specialty bred species do. Goghoyle are quiet and companionable creatures that have seemingly not been exploited for their markings.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Lunar Eclipse Ipinox
Description:  The eggs of this Ipinox give no indication of the coloring within. It is said exposure to a lunar event decides what species will hatch, but these claims are unfounded. Lunar Eclipse Ipinox are mischievous and nosy, so hide your Ipinox eggs when a Lunar Eclipse is on the sky.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Mondrakel
Description:  This species was never meant to survive in the wild. The patterns and colors on this pet were bred into existence very carefully. Despite the reference this species is not artistically apt.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Noir Draculi
Description:  All the fun of having a black cat, without the repercussions of luck. This species is happy to curl up in front of a fire or knock off fragile family heirlooms from tall selves. Their wings only make their troublesome nature easier to access.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Nouveau Tali
Description:  This species proves there is a niche for everything. The messy pattern and bright coloring stand out to a few but are an eyesore to most. The original species is hard to get a hold of, so many owners are rightly accused of painting a regular Tali and calling it Nouveau.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Rising Suncheeka
Description:  Soft and aloof and needy. Rising Suncheekas make for strange pets. Their personalities range drastically within their species. Many breeders and pet owners make the sacrifice in appreciation of their appealing colors and excellent fur.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Solar Eclipse Ipinox
Description:  These Ipinox are cold to the touch. Few are found in captivity and those in the wild are rarely seen by humans. They are untrusting by nature and skittish even when they’ve been won over. The best time to spot one is during the Eclipse for which they are named after.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Timeless Rollaby
Description:  Timeless Rollaby are excitable and gentle in nature. They are a favorite of children because they act much like children themselves. If a parent doesn’t mind another kid to keep track of and clean up after, this species makes for an excellent companion to a lonely only child.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Albino Langerine
Description:  Because the albino genetic mutation is so rare this species is found nearly exclusively in captivity. Wild Albino Langerine are poorly equipped to survive without help. They make for attractive pets though and are easy to find from reputable breeders and pet stores.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Candycane Snowball
Description:  It is unknown when the Snowbal species was decided as popular. Their strange physical attributes and often exotic coloring makes the species seem a natural phenomenon instead of a bred one. The Candycane coloring would argue differently. How could there exist a natural place in Evelon where this coloring would reign an advantage?

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Snow Nonaga
Description:  Strangely this coloration of Nonaga is neither venomous or poisonous. They hail from the harsh southern regions where their snow coloration makes them fearsome predators. They do not need to rely on fighting prowess when their ability to stalk and ambush prey has been perfected.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:   Arctic Fenling
Description:  These Fenling roam the tundra of Lambastia. They hold little of the psychic powers their species is known for. What psychic power they do wield is translated into an apex sense of where the small prey they feed on is located. Unlike most species on the tundra they do not shed their tawny summer coat for a pure-white winter coat.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Black Silkie Piyo
Description:  The census for Black Silkie Piyos has never quite been accurate. Melanism is more common among Piyo species than albinism and the similarities between cause some confusion. Black Silkies tend to have a more placid temperament and are often smaller than the more common species of Piyo.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Humble Alluria
Description:  This species was meant for zoos. They are fickle and prone to sickness and are out competed by other Alluria in their natural habitat. Thankfully their numbers have been protected in captivity and many breeding pairs have been shaped to one day become wild again.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Humble Pingune
Description:  The pink around their beaks is not a feather coloration but a lack of feathers. Their skin is delicate and fleshy and ill suited for harsh climates. Humble Pingune rely heavily on activists and good Samaritans. Their numbers in the wild dwindle compared to their competing species.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Marghest
Description:  Few believe this species exists on a tangible plain. The Marghest is the antagonist in many stories. Frightful tails fill legends the scare children and adults alike. Whether or not this species does occur naturally is not a matter of debate. Experts in the field are assured that the Marghest is nothing more than a character.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Sled Shielupe
Description:  These Shielupe are thought to have originated as working class pack animals. This is not the case. Although this species may have been repurposed for this the original plan for this coloration was for show only. Many lineages show champions for best in show among their coloration even though few of these Sheilupe compete any more.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:   Miserly Rengosett
Description:  What started as a joke quickly became a new coloration within the species. Hilarious breeders posted an image or two of Rengosett with grumpy looking faces and a subspecies was born. The Miserly Rengosett acts just as a common Rengosett would, but they look to be in a bad mood all the while.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:   Astronomer Malphas
Description:  Legend has it these winged creatures came from outer space. Their face mask is not as malleable as its coloring would suggest and its red eyes are stone-like. How this creature eats or sees is unknown. Whatever it does consume for sustenance is not physical.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Albino Mahool
Description:  Albino Mahool are all blind. The lack of pigmentation messes with the structure of their eyes and leaves them sightless. Because of this they are left mostly in captivity where they can receive the care they need to thrive.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:   Snow Snicky
Description:  This ornamental species of Snicky are not as they appear. They prefer a warmer and more humid environment. They are a normal temperature to the touch and their physicality is much the same as a common Snicky.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:   Borealis Cavallion
Description:  These Cavallion were bred for show. They make excellent riding partners. They are difficult to spook and are very trusting. Some Borealis have made their way into the wild either through escape or purposeful release. They get along well with all other Cavallion.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:   White Silkie Piyo
Description:  Like the Black Silkie Piyo, this species is smaller than the regular Piyo. The white Silkies are docile and prefer to flock in medium to large sized groups. They make for intelligent companions and can hold their own against predators despite their smaller stature.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:   Voltaic Tundragoon
Description:  Native to the extreme north and south sides of Evelon these Tundragoon are said to make their homes near volcanic activity. They are adept at traversing glaciers despite their weight. They are predators of opportunity and trove ravines of both rock and snow for incapacitated prey.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Blizzard Garudor
Description:  The largest species of Garudor and the strongest. Their wings are said to be the cause of blizzards. In a blizzard these birds are able to easily maneuver the wings and snow. As such they are rarely denied time to hunt.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Choirwockee
Description:  This species was named for its coloration more than its sound. Little differentiates this ‘wockee from the common colorations, as they can harmonize and imitate the sounds of many ‘wockee species. The more Choirwockee around to be led by another ‘wockee the better the sound.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Tempest Kasuga
Description:  Sometimes called the Spirit of the Whisper Forest. This Kasuga is quiet on its feet and its native tongue is ghastly and ethereal. They are native to the same Whisper Forest they are sometimes nicknamed after.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:   Albino Baby Doom Kitty
Description:  Baby Doom Kitties have a bad reputation. No doom comes from this albino coloration. That is to say doom could come in the form of mistakenly being called albino, or perhaps their cat-like tendencies for stupidity and destruction. No doom that comes from the Albino Baby Doom Kitty is unexpected.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Psychedelic Fenref
Description:  A favorite guard for owners and purveyors of the night scene. They are loyal and vicious and easily controlled. One wrong move from a stranger could result in missing fingers or broken bones, but they are just as easily called off from attack.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Powder Snowball
Description:  One of the few species of Snowball to not be bred. They are native prey species to particularly cold regions of Evelon. They are skittish and careful and use their horns in defense.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Ethair Rabbot
Description:  Ethair Rabbots are as temperamental as they are elusive. Few of this coloration are bred in captivity because so few are found in nature. They are on endangered species lists across the globe. Very little data is available for this species so little is known on how to help their numbers grow.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Festive Battleheart
Description:  This species wins every ugly sweater competition they’ve ever entered. Their fur is exceptionally soft. Even their leather and scales are known for being smooth and soft to the touch.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Stellar Ipinox
Description:  A child’s favorite gift is this celestial looking pet. They’ll be the envy of their classmates and their teachers. Any parent will have their praises sung for providing their child with such a unique and beautiful pet.

Entering For:   Lot #5 - Sol Strain
Pet Species:  Nova Ipinox
Description:  Another otherworldly product provided for the lonely children of the world. The Nova Ipinox make wonderful pets that children can take with them wherever they go. Every family has room for his easy-to-care-for pet.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Anubis Baskerville
Description: _ Found in isolated sectors of the Wilt’no desert. This Baskerville is said to be very territorial, but few scientists have been able to procure the supplied needed to delve into its natural habitat. Natives of the Wilt’no claim the Anubis Baskerville guards long-buried cities.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ CuSith Fenref
Description: _ These ghoulish Fenref are found around gravesites. They consume the flesh of recently deposited bodies. They are opportunistic scavengers and prefer to unearth recent graves as opposed to graves which soil has had time to settle and harden.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Everdrys
Description: _ Everydrys are tricksters. They’re known for hiding in trees when the leaves are changing color and dropping onto the heads of passersby. Their vocal cords and trilling make them sound like they’re laughing. They are sometimes called ‘tree imps’.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Leucrotta Leumoo
Description: _ There is a vague smell of coffee, and pumpkin spice. The Leucrotta Leumoo is a product of very specific husbandry to make it the perfect helper on coffee farms. They are docile and obedient creatures that make very little noise.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Lycan Werecain
Description: _ Old wives tales warn of the Lycain Werecain as an omen of violence. A pawprint after heavy rain should be avoided. Drink the water, or stare too long at the reflection with a full moon overhead and a person might find themselves cursed.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Nessie Choshi
Description: _ These Choshi travel in large schools in frigid coastal waters. They are docile for the most part and skittish. When they are grouped up, they appear like one massive serpent. In this way they are able to stave off predators.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Unicorn Cavallion
Description: _ This species is found almost exclusively in blurry pictures taken in the whisper forest. Travelers swear by their existence, but most found Unicorn Cavallion are modified in some way or fake. If a Unicorn Cavallion were to exist they would surely be a magical and serene creature.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Ambient Electrowockee
Description: _ The Ambient Electrowockee emits a constant song. The song itself does not come from the vocal cords of the creature but seems to be emitted magically. The tune is from no known piece of music and has an ethereal and relaxing quality.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Harvest Lunafly
Description: _ This species of Lunafly is the largest of the Lunafly family. Their coloring tends to associate them with autumn, but the species persist equally throughout the year. A swarm of these can be deadly for whatever foliage they decide to alight upon.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Industrial Electrowockee
Description: _ This colorful species is hard not to notice. They can be found especially in the worst seats at concerts and the loudest clubs. This is because they are completely deaf. Their connection with music comes from the vibrations they can feel physically.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Phantom Fenling
Description: _ This species of Fenling can be found mostly in abandoned buildings. They don’t have a particular propensity for abandoned places but have been forced there in order to survive. Many superstitions surround this species, and none are kind.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Soulless Likuta
Description: _ Also known at the Nightmare Likuta. This spirit is known to haunt the dreams of the restless. They are not innately malicious creatures, but they are not easily understood. Scientists are yet to discover why the restless draw them in.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Specter Zipala
Description: _ Another native of the Whisper Forest. This species is more ethereal when wrapped in the fog of the forest. For some reason they are cold and slightly wet to the touch whether they’re in their native habitat or not.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Swampgas Werecain
Description: _ This species was bred during a great war. The Swampgas Werecain is known more for its kill count than its lifespan. What few breeders have remained outside of the war claim this Werecain is really no different to any other.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Synth Electrowockee
Description: _ The Synth Electrowockee gets its name because it is Synthetically made. The artificial intelligence installed can be as complex or basic as the owner would like, and after market modifications are heavily supported. The Synth Electrowockee is any musicians dream companion.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Veiled Fenref
Description: _ Few dare to breed this species anymore. They’ve fallen out of favor in direct relation to the fall in cheesy horror films. The Veiled Fenref has a protective and loyal nature. They make for great pets and even better security.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Veiled Mr. Wilson
Description: _ This small bird is as much a pest as any other. They’re strange appearance doesn’t stop them from pooping on people’s heads or stealing food out of people’s hands. Just because their wing to body ratio looks uneven doesn’t mean they can’t fly.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Veiled Myu Reaper
Description: _ With the rise in Kuhna popularity breeders began to scramble to remain in competition. This Myu Reaper has the markings and colorations of the Common Kuhna but with the temperament known to the My Reaper species. Their smaller size could make them the perfect companion for someone in a smaller living situation.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Widow Chimerantula
Description: _ Chimerantula get a bad rap. The Widow Chimerantula even more so. Despite what their coloration might suggest the Widow Chimerantula is not poisonous or venomous in any way. They’re a bit skittish, but warm up easily with kindness and patience.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Counting Yingshee
Description: _ This species was created from a thought-form. As people imagined sheep to try and cure insomnia this Yingshee came into Evelon’s physical plane. Their wool is softer but grows far more slowly. They are also purely nocturnal.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Dreaming Sleepyheart
Description: _ This colorful Sleepyheart can sleep up to twenty hours a day. Scientists are sure there is no reason for this. They do not receive any benefit for sleeping so long. In fact, it could be posited that sleeping this long is detrimental to their health.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Dreaming Sleepyheart
Description: _ This is the only of its species with the ability to dream. Other Sleepyheart may have brain processing at night which would lead to ‘dreams’ but they are not the creative dreams that intelligent sentient species are known for. The Dreaming Sleepyheart however does dream more vividly and abstractly than any other Sleepyheart.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Dreamy Sparquill
Description: _ Legends place the Dreamy Sparquill among the stars. Although their fur looks to be star speckled the species itself is not so magical. They are found in the wilds of the Fe’gan Mountains. Their a nocturnal species and their thick fur protects them from the cold.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Nightmare Sleepyheart
Description: _ The Nightmare Sleepyheart is disputed among the breeding community as to whether or not it is its own species or a rare coloration of the Dreaming Sleepyheart. There are few notable differences in behavior or biological tissue. They have no ability to influence the dreams of another creature.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Shedding Evergreen
Description: _ The Shedding Evergreen can, in the changing of the seasons, shed profusely enough to bald in patches. Their warm weather and cold weather coats are so vastly different in texture and growth rate that they cannot exist simultaneously. To avoid having to clean up after them constantly breeders recommend keeping them in all warm or all cold environments.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Silenced Shartile
Description: _ This species is found near exclusively in the wild. What few have found their way into captivity are often rescued and rehabilitated to return to the wild or kept in rehabilitation centers that can care for their special needs. The Silenced Shartile is known best for its shrill ‘screams’. The screams have been known to shatter glass and the species seems unaware of their own voices.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Veiled Bleeder
Description: _ A rather… disturbing thought-form come to life. Any time an artist has scribbled over their writing or drawing the ill intent has been known to manifest itself. The Veiled Bleeder is a frightening nuisance and artists are strongly cautioned to find a different but equally cathartic way of venting their frustrations.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Veiled Nyghtmare
Description: _ It is unusual to see one species emulate another so well. Most times these markings and colorations have to be specially bred, but in the case of the Veiled Nyghtmare they just appeared one day. A herd in the vast plains found a niche so closely resembling that of another species they began to look like that species too.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Veiled Xing Yun
Description: _ They came from space. Their dull grey bodies and colorful orbs descended one day and haven’t left. The orbs hold the lifeforce of the Xing Yun, and to take or destroy one would warrant a grave sentence.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Watching Nonaga
Description: _ The creatures named after nightmares wish they could look like this. The eyes are not merely markings, but fully functioning and full of evil intent. If you’ve caught sight of this creature its already to late. You should run. Run as fast and far as you can.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Widow Chimantula
Description: _ A sting from this species is both painful and dangerous. The Widow Chimantula are native to the Wilt’no Desert, but that doesn’t stop them from hitching a ride and spreading their native habitat to include most of Evelon. They are highly adaptable and well feared.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Blooming Kasuga
Description: _ The Blooming Kasuga is a gentle giant. They are known to rarely spook and are mindful of their feet and bodies. They make excellent companions and can mellow out even the most aggressive Kasuga. They smell faintly of flowers and their vibrant pink color does not dull no matter the time of year.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Bumble Lilisyte
Description: _ Famed for being cute the Bubmle Lilisyte is a welcome sight indeed. Their existence is the backbone of most species, plant and animal alike. Countless organizations exist to protect and support their populations. Every summer, at the height of blooming plants there is a festival held in their honor.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Clover Sabbit
Description: _ This species fur is actually white. The Clover Sabbit gets its name because the first person to learn of the porous fur follicles in this species painted theirs mint. The mint coloration was an inverse art project where the white pattern appeared to be painted on where, in fact, the reverse was true.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Creamsicle Langerine
Description: _ This species of Langerine is quite common. The bright color is very attractive and the species itself has a very wide gene pool making them safe to breed even with unknown lineages. One should still look for a reputable breeder or rescue before going to find one in a shop.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Dyebones
Description: _ Who let this trouble maker into the paints? Weren’t you watching them? Is that paint even pet-safe? Gods I can’t even leave the room for one minute!

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Eggsnatcher Shartile
Description: _ This pastel colored Shartile wouldn’t last a day in the wild. They make for pretty pets though. They aren’t as aggressive or territorial as others of their species can be. They will do absolutely anything for an egg though.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Fowl Skyllard
Description: _ Its always a little strange to come upon a farm that doesn’t have at least one Fowl Skyllard wandering around. Some farmers find they have one even without searching one out. The little guys were just made for farm life.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Spring Snowball
Description: _ The eye burn a person could get from these colors is lessened only by how fast the Spring Snowball is. They are hyper and easily excitable and nosey. The Spring Snowball is as much a menace in the wild as they are in captivity, but they are easily distracted.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Truffle Myu Reaper
Description: _ This species of Myu Reaper smells faintly of chocolate. The kind of stale sweet smell that comes off assorted chocolate boxes. They are not naturally sticky to the touch they, like most felines, like to get up to no good. Like jumping on one’s desk when one is away and pushing off every pen, paper, and hairclip onto the floor.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Caustic Hydrolisk
Description: _ The Caustic Hydrolisk is commonly found among the large coral reefs that populate Evelon’s oceans. Their bright colors allow them to blend into the surrounding aquatic life. They have been known to be territorial and even aggressive to foreign bodies and objects.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Crystal Fenling
Description: _ Little is known about the psionic powers of the Crystal Fenling. What is known about them is their cuteness. They are also known for their ability to receive many pets.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Dreamer Serraptor
Description: _ The Dreamer Serraptor is not naturally found in Evelon. People and other intelligent species with exceptional control over their dreams can find this species on the plane of dreamers. They are ethereal Sherpas to the pinnacle of the dreamscape.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Pastel Sahound
Description: _ This brightly colored Sahound makes the perfect pet for a runner, avid jogger, or speed walker. They are active and have a high endurance. It is inadvisable to keep more than one Pastel Sahound around.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Desolation Icthysaur
Description: _ Something about this Icthysaur is familiar. Perhaps it is in the old fossils scattered around Nori Volcano. This species is one of very few than can produce and expel fire without harming itself.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Phage Hydrolisk
Description: _ Scientists are uncertain that categorizing this species as Hydrolisk is accurate. The Phage Hydrolisk can turn into an amorphous blob, and it seems to be the creatures favored state of being. The blob itself is cold to the touch and is neither sticky nor wet.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Papillon Fenling
Description: _ This Fenling is a popular one to keep as a pet. They are easily kept in any environment and flourish as well with a lot of space as they do with a limited amount of space. They also come in many colors natural and spot patterns.

Entering For: _ Lot #4 - Umbra Strain
Pet Species: _ Observe Sabbit
Description: _ The Observe Sabbit is well known scientifically for its exceptional ocular powers. Among the occult communities it is known for its ability to enhance prophetic powers. Whether or not the creature itself can see prophecy is up for debate.

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Well-Traveled Specialist
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Joined: 11/25/2010 4:37 AM
Location: Easy there, little one.
Status: Mine might be the last you hear.

Re: .: Mega Pet Description Raffle! :. [Breedables, Rare Ite

Postby ToxicShadow » 03/30/2020 10:35 PM

Entering For: Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Timeless Nyghtmare
Historical records seem to indicate that the Timeless Nyghtmare has existed since ancient times. There are many myths and legends surrounding them, the most prominent being that they are capable of not only stopping and bending time, but traveling through it, protecting the world all throughout the past and present. Whether this is true or not, it is still considered to be good fortune to see a Timeless Nyghtmare, although it is unfortunate, should you offend one.


Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Nessie Choshi
A rare breed of Choshi that most commonly dwells in freshwater rivers and lakes. Nessie Choshi can survive in both clear and very murky, muddy water with ease. As rather shy creatures, they prefer environments with low visibility or many places to hide.


Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Unicorn Cavallion
A recently discovered breed of Cavallion, they are well sought after by collectors and small children. They are said to posses magic, but all accounts of such are from small children, so it has usually been written off as their vivid imagination. As they lack the square patterns common to Cavallions which indicate their age, some believe that Unicorn Cavallions are incapable of growing old.


Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Spring Snowball
As their name may suggest, Spring Snowballs are most commonly found once all the snow has melted away as winter turns to spring. While capable of hunting down prey with their electric shocks, this Snowball has a tendency to go after and eat the unhatched eggs of unsuspecting Matches. While curled up, Spring Snowballs that are found sleeping are occasionally mistaken for brightly painted eggs that have been left behind from spring festivities.


Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Oni Insonia
Older stories depicted Oni Insonia as mischievous, wicked creatures, but this was due to their tendencies to shy away and hide from strangers. They were rarely seen and, when they were, they commonly ran away. More recent tales say that they actually dispel bad luck, since it's rare, thus, fortunate, to actually see one in the wild. Overall, while they are commonly shy creatures, they are actually very kind and protective companions, if one can gain their trust.


Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Wraith Tatterdem
Similar to the Common variation, the Wraith Tatterdem's body consists of various objects, no two of them being alike. The Wraith Tatterdem, however, is much more terrifying than its counterpart. The objects are said to be possessed by malevolent, evil energy, making them much more unpredictable and dangerous. They are not recommended for the faint hearted.


Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Mango Mahool
Mango Mahool's prefer warm, tropical climates, and seem to have a fondness for colorful tropical flowers. Their namesake not only comes from their coloration, but their sweet, fruity smelling fur. They are often found napping for long hours, basking in the sun.


Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Passion Honeydew
The Passion Honeydew's coat and coloration was genetically engineered, with its appearance specifically created to mimic the popular toy, the Lovestruck Honeydew Plush. It has especially soft fur and a very sweet demeanor. They are popular pets for young women and children.


Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Royal Draculi
Weighing up to 18 lbs (8.1 kgs), the Royal Draculi are among the largest of their kind, matched only by the Industrial Draculi, which they appear to be closely related to. While these Draculi feed on blood, as is common to their kind, they are known to play with their prey and recklessly behead their prey at the end of their game of cat and mouse, though scientists have found no particular reason for this behavior. Some speculate that it is just to further assert their dominance.


Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Royal Draculi
Weighing up to 18 lbs (8.1 kgs), the Royal Draculi are among the largest of their kind, matched only by the Industrial Draculi, which they appear to be closely related to. These Draculi have an especially loud, shrill cry that is said to temporarily daze their prey before they attack. They have a strong preference for Cuniflares and Rattegans, which they can only hunt due to their body and fur's resistance to their heat and flames.


Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Industrial Draculi
Weighing up to 18 lbs (8.1 kgs), the Industrial Draculi are among the largest of their kind, matched only by the Royal Draculi, which they appear to be closely related to. Unlike others of their kind, they continue to lose and regrow new teeth for their entire lives, ensuring that their bite will always take down their prey. They appear to have a very high pain threshold, not even realizing they have been injured until they smell or see their own blood.


Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Present Baby Doom Kitty
Known to make their way into homes of unsuspecting persons while they are out, the Present Baby Doom Kitty choose their homes, their owners, rather than being chosen. Though, in the Old Days, Baby Doom Kitties were used to hunt vermin, the Present variation is just as contented to chase after shiny, colorful ribbons or toys the majority of the time. They are fond of fish, more than any other prey, so it not recommended to keep them in homes with pet fish.


Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Sled Shielupe
The Sled Shielupes were bred specifically as working dogs with thick coats and cold resistant flesh, making them the ideal companion in cold, harsh environments. Their internal temperature is naturally higher than others of its kind, leading owners to cuddle up with them for warmth when chilled, which they are more than happy to do. Unfortunately, the breeding process for such lead to the loss of their ability to produce ribbons of plasma, meaning they must use their bite and brute strength as their means of defense, though they don't attack unless commanded to or if they are protecting something.


Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: White Silkie Piyo
The Silkie Piyo was created as fancy variation of Piyo, which are easily trained and are popular as show pets. The White Silkie Piyo is incredibly loyal to its owners as well as its other companions, able to befriend not just other Piyos easily, but entirely different species, as well. When they are especially happy, they are known to shuffle their feet back and forth, in their own version of a dance. They are most commonly male.


Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Black Silkie Piyo
The Silkie Piyo was created as fancy variation of Piyo, which are easily trained and are popular as show pets.  The Black Silkie Piyo is the slightly rarer, thus, more expensive, variation of Silkie Piyo. They are a little more aloof than others of their kind, but once their trust is earned, they are equally as loyal and very protective of those it has befriended. They are most commonly female.

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Re: .: Mega Pet Description Raffle! :. [Breedables, Rare Ite

Postby Kylo » 04/08/2020 8:27 PM

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: White Silkie Piyo
Description: White silkie piyos were bred to be the perfect starter piyo for any farmer. Their even keel temperament makes them easy to handle. They are docile by nature and are often given to children to raise due to this.

Entering For: Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Sled Shielupe
Description: Sled Sheiplupe are sheilupes bred to help transport goods across the snowy mountains by pulling sleds. They have thick fur coats that keep them warm as well as large powerful paws that keep them above the snow.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Veiled Bleeder
Description: Veiled bleeders are malevolent sketches come to life. They feed on artists' depression and often cause the dreaded art blocks. These bleeders love to whisper doubts into artist's ears.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: .: Mega Pet Description Raffle! :. [Breedables, Rare Ite

Postby Adelie » 04/13/2020 10:19 PM

Entering For: Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Crested Pingune/Alluria
Description: Loud, brash, and obnoxious, these Pingunes are often affectionately called the musicians of the sea. They possess an impressive range of vocalizations that run the gamut from hoarse braying to bright trumpeting; unfortunately, their predilection to exercise their entire repertoire at any hour of the day has rendered them rather unpopular with their neighbors.

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Crested Pingune/Alluria
Description: The defining features of the Crested Pingune are, of course, their quirky crest and their near-fluorescent orange bills, but anyone who's been near one can name another - their unique citrus-y scent. Individuals of the species identify each other primarily by minute differences in smell. Scent also plays a major role in mating rituals - it is common for matched pairs to conclude their courtships by rubbing the scent glands on their necks against each other, thereby mixing scents and marking each other as partners.

Entering For:  
Pet Species: Crested Pingune/Alluria
Description: Of the different subspecies of Pingune and Alluria, it is perhaps the Crested subspecies that exhibits the least amount of sexual dimorphism. Both the Pingune and Alluria variants share the same distinctive crest and and dusky grey coloration. In fact, scientists previously categorized them as the same species before DNA testing showed significant differences. It is suspected that these two species display similar traits because of convergent evolution, but another popular theory is that it is the result of sexual selection and individuals preferring mates who look more like their own in-group.

Entering For: Umbral Strain
Pet Species: Crested Pingune/Alluria
Description: Gregarious and rowdy, Crested Pingunes live in colonies tens of thousands strong in the far reaches of northern Lambastia and Barakka. They spend the majority of their time at sea, fishing for krill and other small fish, but they always come back to the rocky islands where they were born. Although the places they call home are remote, you can hear them - and smell them - from miles away. The species is markedly social; it's not uncommon to see groups of them gathered around, piling on top of each other for a little 'fun' while calling loudly to each other.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Humble Pingune
Description: Highly affectionate and loyal, Humble Pingunes are known for their tendency to fall in love at first sight - and to mate for life. They usually initiate courtship through mating dance and song, and once their Alluria partner accepts their relationship, they rarely leave their partner's side. If separated, they often display despondent behavior, refusing meals and staring longingly in their mate's direction.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Humble Pingune
Description: Humble Pingunes certainly live up to their name; they keep a low profile and rarely get in the way of others. The actual reason for this is quite surprising, though - they're all closet otakus! They're far more interested in the affairs of the 2D world than those of the 3D world, and rarely venture outside of their nests of manga and anime recordings. In particular, they seem to have a penchant for idols...

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Humble Alluria
Description: Humble Allurias are famed for their musical prowess - their subspecies is sometimes referred to as the idols of the sea. Although all their calls are bright and beautiful, their best songs are reserved for serenading their mates. Known for attracting the attentions of the easily lovestruck Humble Pingunes, Humble Allurias always respond in kind with unconditional love and devotion.
and if you ask how i regret that parting:
it is like the flowers falling at spring's end
confused, whirled in a tangle.

what is the use of talking, and there is no end of talking,
there is no end of things in the heart.

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Re: .: Mega Pet Description Raffle! :. [Breedables, Rare Ite

Postby FrostWynd » 04/17/2020 1:16 PM

Entering For:  Bumblebee
Pet Species: Bumble Lilisyte
Description: The tiniest of all their cousins, the Bumble Lilisyte is known having developed a harmonious relationship that is rather unusual to their species. Instead of relying on acting as a parasite to achieve sustenance, these creatures will come together in small groups to integrate themselves among colonies of bees. They'll work alongside these bees to receive the benefits of protection and a source of highly nutritious food, in exchange for access to their incredible knowledge of the best locations to gather nectar for the hive.

Entering For:  Bumblebee
Pet Species: Eggsnatcher Shartile
Description: The Easter tradition's greatest nightmare, or wonderfully convenient boon depending on who you ask. These reptiles with their strikingly soft colored hides are notorious for taking eggs wherever they may find them, hence the name. Sightings of Eggsnatchers always rise right around when Easter eggs are about to be put out for the day's hunt, where they're then taken almost as soon as they're hidden. For some reason, they are most fond of the painted ones. The more intricate the design on the egg, the more likely it is to be taken and fought over between Shartiles.

Entering For:  Bumblebee
Pet Species: Truffle Myu Reaper
Description: This cat is absolutely not made of chocolate by any means, and would become very angry if you tried to eat it, but... it does adore everything having to do with chocolate! Some have theorized that this love for this particular item could have something to do with their lovely brown appearance and deceptively sweet demeanor, where they loved chocolate so much that they've almost turned into it themselves. Regardless of whether or not that may be true, these cats are very popular among chefs looking to perfect their craft in the world of sugary delights, as they have a keen sense for determining the best kinds of chocolate from just a single sniff. Some of these Myu Reapers become so obsessed however that they'll turn into picky eaters, and become very demanding for only the best kinds of chocolate. When this change occurs, they often will make their owner's life hell if served anything it deems unfit for its refined tastes.

Entering For:  Bumblebee
Pet Species: Caustic Hydrolisk
Description: Found almost exclusively in warmer tropical waters, the Caustic Hydrolisk should be handled with the most extreme caution. The bright, almost trippy looking appearance they possess being one of the clearest indicators of a more deadly nature that is most certainly not a secret. For in places hidden along their bodies, they have small spines ready to inject a powerful neurotoxin into anything that comes into contact with them. This same toxin can be found in their sharp fangs, as they are one of the more aggressive among their kind that despise others encroaching on their space. Rumor has it that for those who somehow manage to survive an injection from this unpleasant beast, they do experience some wicked hallucinations, leading to subsequent encounters becoming highly questionable.

Entering For:  Bumblebee
Pet Species: Twilight Jirbii
Description: A highly coveted animal that is often sought out by collectors for their fairy-like appearance, the Twilight Jirbii used to be regarded as a legend in the days that they were rarely seen. Once believed to be the result of breeding a Dawn and Dusk Jirbii together under extremely specific conditions, breeders of this species went to great lengths to try out the many theories for decades, treating all Jirbii practically like royalty in the hopes of producing the rare purple color that would mark them as a Twilight. Such attempts would fail, of course, but their cousins got to enjoy the best treatments that were humanly possible because of these stories.

Entering For: Umbra Strain + Specimen OR Egg
Pet Species: Tempest Kasuga
Description: A sight heralding the arrival of winter and its bitter snowstorms. These peaceful creatures are reclusive in nature that generally shy away from human contact, and follow the paths of the seasonal wind currents wherever they may lead. Whenever they are seen, it is taken as a warning that death may soon approach, and all life in the area should seek out shelter to take cover, lest they be unfortunate enough to become lost forever within the powerful blizzard that soon follows their wake.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: .: Mega Pet Description Raffle! :. [Breedables, Rare Ite

Postby Silver » 04/20/2020 1:32 AM

Entering For: Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Leviathan Xing Yun
Description: This rare aquatic species of Xing Yun exists in many myths and legends, but few people have ever actually seen one. Despite their large size and nasty reputation, they are actually gentle and friendly. They often try to help lost ships, but are often mistakenly blamed for trying to capsize them instead.

Entering For:  Spring Flower
Pet Species: Oni Insonia
Description: There are two distinct sides to the Oni Insonia. Depending on who is asked, they can be tricky monsters or benevolent guardians. Whatever happens, their striking colors, dramatic horns, and menacing two headed grin are not soon forgotten.

Entering For: Umbral Strain
Pet Species: Qilin Frightmare
Description: The Qilin Frightmare are shrouded in mystery. Legends say that they appear right before something terrible is about to happen. Because of this, they are often hunted down, making them exceptionally rare. Their powers of premonition would certainly come in handy to anyone who manages to befriend one.

Entering For:  Umbral Strain
Pet Species: Everhaunt
Description: Everhaunts appear at the beginning of autumn and immediately start decorating for the season. Intricately carved pumpkins and gourds are their favorite decorations to display. Each Everhaunt has a gourd on the end of their tail that makes a cackling sound unique to that individual. It is said that two Everhaunt with the same cackle are destined to be soul mates.

Entering For:  Umbral Strain
Pet Species: Wraith Tatterdem
Description: Wraith Tatterdem is an especially malevolent, cursed twist on the Tatterdem species. It hides in the darkness on cold nights waiting for the chance to sap all of the happiness and energy out of its prey. Once it is done, it travels effortlessly among the shadows to find another victim.

Entering For:  Umbral Strain
Pet Species: Deep Sea Likuta (Red and Blue)
Description: Prized for their sleek black fur and striking markings, the Deep Sea Likuta are highly sought after as exotic pets. As their name would suggest, they come from a very deep part of the ocean, so they are difficult to find and catch. In their natural habitat, the bioluminescent markings help them to find prey, but it has also led to their extensive trade in the pet market.

Entering For:  Umbral Strain
Pet Species:  Solar Matches
Description:  A Solar Matches is said to come from a Common Matches reborn under a solar eclipse. In their new form, the fire within them burns so hot that they can hardly control it. They don’t need to eat or sleep, but they are entirely dependent on sunlight to thrive. A Solar Matches deprived of sunshine for too long will wither away into ash.

Entering For: Umbral Strain
Pet Species: Lunar Matches
Description: Lunar Matches are born from a Common Matches being reborn during a lunar eclipse. Their once hot flames now burn cold, like a soft breeze on a cool night. With feathers sparkling like stars in the darkness, they are able to help lost travelers navigate through the night, only to disappear just before sunrise. Where they go during the day is a complete mystery that has baffled travelers and scientists alike.

Entering For: Umbral Strain
Pet Species: Snowlight Matches
Description: The Snowlight Matches are heavily adapted to life in their frigid homes. With short beaks, feathered legs, and an extra layer of warm down feathers, they can survive even the most freezing temperatures. Light blue flames and intricate markings make them hard to spot from the ground against the clear blue sky.

Entering For:  Umbral Strain
Pet Species: Regal Draculi
Description: A Regal Draculi’s beautiful coat is the result of many years of selective breeding. They are highly praised on the show circuit for their unique coats and thick, luxurious  fur. It takes many hours of grooming each day to keep them looking their best. Only the most dedicated owners raise and show them.

Entering For:  Umbral Strain
Pet Species: Nightblood Draculi
Description: Nightblood Draculi are closely related to the Regal breed, but they are banned from shows because their coloration is considered a genetic flaw. Nonetheless, many breeders market and sell them as high priced pets. They are every bit as high maintenance as Regals, which can be tough for the unprepared owners to keep up with.

Entering For:  Umbral Strain
Pet Species: Present Doom Kitty (Not on the list, but I assume it should be?)
Description: Present Doom Kitties got their name by randomly appearing in piles of presents during the holidays. Strangely, nobody seems to recall buying one, but many well behaved children have received them as gifts. They love shiny ribbons and bows, which might (sort of) explain their sudden appearance in present filled homes. Luckily, they are easy to care for and make excellent pets.

I'm just here flying off the deep end.
I'm just here to become the best yet.
I'm just here for the psych assessment.
I'm just here for the, for the...

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Re: .: Mega Pet Description Raffle! :. [Breedables, Rare Ite

Postby crow » 04/20/2020 1:49 AM

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Papillon Fenling
Description: Papillon Fenlings are small creatures with big personalities. While most are kept as companion animals, they are highly intelligent and can be trained to perform a wide variety of tricks. Their long, plumed coats are surprisingly easy to maintain as they lack a thicker undercoat. Due to this, however, care should be taken to keep them warm in colder climates.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Dove Lubshi
Description: The Dove Lubshi is a shy breed with a mild temperament. At one time they were widespread, living in large colonies that migrated frequently. Their numbers declined sharply once they were popularized as a delicacy, and overhunting has since rendered them exceedingly rare. Conservation efforts are in place to promote the gradual reintroduction of Dove Lubshis back into the wild, though many Dove Lubshis in captivity today are also owned by hobbyists who value them for their beautiful singing and mild temperament.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Annotated Barghest
Description: Annotated Barghests love nothing more than to plague those burdened with deadlines. They are most frequently sighted at educational institutions, although offices also frequently report infestations. Some particularly masochistic individuals specifically foster a relationship with Annotated Barghests, claiming that the creature’s presence helps them focus and do better work. However, it should be noted that these individuals tend to have shorter lifespans, and this method of drawing inspiration is not recommended by experts.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Nova Ipinox
Description: A rival to the Stellar Ipinox, it is said that the Nova Ipinox has the ability to travel through time. They are reclusive, and prefer to act as safeguards for knowledge. The feud between Nova and Stellar Ipinoxes is long-standing, and the subject of a great deal of mystery.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Stellar Ipinox
Description: A rival to the Nova Ipinox, the Stellar Ipinox has the ability to travel through space. It has a specialized body capable of withstanding the harsh conditions of outer space in particular, and there are rumors that it may have originated from elsewhere in the galaxy. Generally calm, they become standoffish when confronted with members of the Nova breed.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Festive Battleheart
Description: Festive Battlehearts are much friendlier and more sociable than their brethren, and have a well-earned reputation as excellent pets. They are especially fond of children, though care should be taken with leaving infants around them due to their massive size. They shed once a year, and the resulting wool can be used to make clothing. Festive-wool garments are highly insulating, though also notoriously itchy.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Ethair Rabbot
Description: The Ethair Rabbot is a hardy breed, well known within certain circles for their fighting prowess. The breed is popular with law enforcement as well as soldiers, though it also has a less savory history in underground fighting rings. Their origins remain a mystery to researchers, with widely varying accounts of how they were first established.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Powder Snowball
Description: The Powder Snowball is a popular pet for children, especially in colder climates where they thrive. Despite their appearance, they are not actually made of snow. Their fur is so well insulating that in the winter, they can be cold to the touch. Coupled with their appearance, this quirk is what earned the Powder Snowball their name.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Psychedelic Fenref
Description: The wild colors of this Fenref's coat are a result of chemical waste in its diet, synthesized through its specialized digestive tract. The colors play a vital role in attracting a mate, with more vibrant colors indicating a hardier individual. Breeders replicate the effect by feeding their animals a chemically fortified diet.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Albino Baby Doom Kitty
Description: Although the Albino's temperament is no better than that of other breeds, its light coloring makes it a more popular pet choice. The breed suffers from an increased likelihood of vision problems, but with proper care, they can live happy, healthy lives. Care should be taken not to expose the Albino Baby Doom Kitty to strong sunlight, as the exposed skin of their inner ears easily burns.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Tempest Kasuga
Description: Once thought to be ghosts, the elusive Tempest Kasuga is in fact a highly specialized breed native to the Tuun Mountains, where their pale coloration helps them blend in against rock and snow alike. They are solitary creatures, generally congregating only for the autumn rut. Among certain groups, it is considered good luck to spot one.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Choirwockee
Description: Choirwockees are unique among Wockees for being accomplished singers themselves. Groups of Choirwockees can often be found harmonizing together, a ritual that helps foster bonds within their communities. They're popular due to their angelic appearance, but it's generally best to keep at least two, as they do poorly in isolation.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Blizzard Garudor
Description: Found only in remote mountaintops, the Blizzard Garudor is a hardy predator that can go weeks without food. They are generally scavengers, though some have been known to hunt when the opportunity arises. Their beaks are sharp and strong enough to break down frozen meat into chunks small enough for them to swallow.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Voltaic Tundragoon
Description: For a long time, it was debated as to whether Voltaic Tundragoons were heralds of lightning storms or merely attracted by them. Recent studies have found that these Tundragoons have the ability to control the air pressure around them. Territorial disputes often lead to atmospheric disturbances, which then produce the thunderstorms that they are associated with.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: White Silkie Piyo
Description: The White Silkie is a specialized breed originally bred for fancy Piyo shows, only to face a change in their fortunes when it was discovered that they were delicious. They grow more slowly than other Piyo breeds, but have a gentle temperament that make them easy to raise and care for. Despite their feather fringe, most individuals can see just fine.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Borealis Cavallion
Description: Closely related to the Dreamer Cavallion, the Borealis was bred with the intent of creating a cold-hardy variety of Cavallion capable of handling campaigns in harsher weather conditions. Don't be fooled by their delicate looks, Borealis Cavallion are a spirited breed that need a firm handler. Many a rich hobbyist has found this out the hard way.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Snow Snicky
Description: The Snow Snicky has a unique evolutionary quirk in which they spend the summer months hibernating beneath the ground. They emerge in late fall to forage and breed, when their coloration helps keep them camouflaged in the snow. Their blood and mucus contains a special chemical compound that prevents them from freezing even in extremely low temperatures.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Snow Snicky
Description: The Snow Snicky originally evolved to blend into the rocks of the Tuun Mountain range. In modern times, their distinctive appearance has made them popular with hobbyists. They are also sometimes given away as gifts at Christmas as a prank, due to their resemblance to a lump of coal when retracted into their shells.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Albino Mahool
Description: The Albino Mahool is a controversial pet. Its detractors generally cite health complications common in the breed, though some also find its red eyes unsettling. Its advocates find it to be a calm, affectionate companion, though special care must be taken to shield it from exposure to direct sunlight.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Astronomer Malphas
Description: The white chest tuft of the Astronomer Malphas superficially resembles a cravat, making them popular in well-to-do circles. They are often erroneously thought to be uncommonly intelligent, but in reality they are simple creatures. The star charms they shed are a product of their digestive process.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Astronomer Malphas
Description: Highly intelligent and patient, the Astronomer Malphas makes an excellent tutor for adults and children alike. However, their true passion lies in studying the stars. Their 'eyes' are not true eyes, but gems through which they can perceive even the dimmest light.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Miserly Rengosett
Description: Miserly Rengosett are notorious for their hoarding habits. They are most common in cities, and an infestation generally becomes apparent when an unfortunately located stash grows too big and begins causing problems. Most stick to abandoned things and trash heaps, but particularly brazen individuals are known to steal things from people outright.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Sled Shielupe
Description: The thick coat of the Sled Shielupe keeps them well insulated against the cold. They were bred first and foremost for endurance, and are used extensively as a means of transportation in areas rendered inaccessible to vehicles by snow. There is even a popular folk take about how a team of Sled Shielupe once delivered critical vaccines during a disease outbreak in a village that had been snowed in for the winter.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Marghest
Description: Marghests are said to be the souls of those who died with intense regrets. Whether this is true is debatable, but they tend to take up residence in abandoned places. Many ghost sightings are ultimately revealed to be the work of one of these individuals.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Humble Pingune
Description: The Humble Pingune's name comes from its penchant for living underground. These Pingunes will stake out a den or tunnel abandoned by other creatures, improving upon them by digging with their clawed feet. Competition for dens can be surprisingly fierce within a colony, and a pecking order of dominance establishes who has access to the best homes.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Humble Alluria
Description: Because they live in shallow dens dug into the soil, the Humble Alluria is often covered with dirt. This 'muddy' appearance is what earned them their name. They choose mates based on the location and comfort of the Pingune's tunnel, in which they will lay their eggs.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Black Silkie Piyo
Description: A dramatic Piyo breed developed for the show ring by hobbyist breeders, the Black Silkie boasts a calm, even temperament when socialized properly. Left to their own devices, Black Silkies can become shy and skittish. Their vision, compromised by the dramatic feather fringe, is generally poor.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Arctic Fenling
Description: The Arctic and Polar Fenlings were once thought to be the same breed, but have recently been found to be distinct from one another. Characterized by their red-orange gems, the Arctic Fenling stores energy from the sun inside these crystals, which it uses to warm itself at night. Because of this heat-storing habit, their summer coats are quite short to prevent them from overheating.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Snow Nonaga
Description: A particularly detailed snow sculpture was brought to life by the whims of a passing deity. So goes the myth of how the first Snow Nonaga was made. Amazingly, they do seem to be made of snow. In the wild, they migrate high into the mountains in the spring, but in urban areas, a freezer will also suffice.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Candycane Snowball
Description: The Candycane Snowball's fur carries a faint peppermint smell, which makes them a popular pet with people who are fussy about the cleanliness of their home. They also shed less than other breeds of Snowball, and are hypoallergenic to boot. There's a rumor that their tail orbs are made of candy, but... that's probably just a rumor, right?

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Albino Langerine
Description: A rare recessive coloration of the normal Langerine, the Albino is highly prized within breeder circles. Individuals sell for very high prices, though aside from their coloring, they are indistinguishable from their plainer brethren. Easy to care for, they make good beginner pets, but you'd probably be better off with a less expensive animal for your kid's Christmas gift...

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Timeless Rollaby
Description: Do you ever feel as though time just... got away from you? Maybe you were just spacing out, but maybe you were a victim of theft perpetrated by a Timeless Rollaby. These extraordinary creatures have the ability to steal time right out of someone else's life! What do they do with all that extra time? Maybe you should ask them, though you'll have to catch one first.

Entering For:  Sol Strain
Pet Species: Timeless Rollaby
Description: Timeless Rollabies are quirky creatures who spend most of their time lazing about. They're named for the slow pace of their lives, carrying on 'as if they had all the time in the world'. In the winter, they're sometimes beset by a manic burst of energy, but heat in particular seems to exacerbate their lethargy. In the summer, they sometimes enter a semi-catatonic state, not unlike a light hibernation.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Solar Eclipse Ipinox
Description: Often mistaken for the Lunar Eclipse Ipinox due to misconceptions about the colors of their respective eclipses, the Solar Eclipse Ipinox is rarely seen. Nocturnal and shy by nature, they prefer quiet places where they can hide and ambush prey. They can become tame over time, though it takes a great deal of patience to socialize one properly.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Lunar Eclipse Ipinox
Description: People who hear of the Lunar Eclipse Ipinox before seeing one in person are often surprised by the vividness of their coat. An active breed with seemingly boundless energy, they excel at chasing down prey in open areas. Due to their high exercise requirements and high intelligence, they are not recommended for first time Ipinox owners.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Rising Suncheeka
Description: Scientists theorize that the unusual colors of the Rising Suncheeka are a result of their adapting to city pollution. Only found in densely populated areas, Rising Suncheekas are very comfortable around people, and even feral individuals tame down relatively easily. They display the orange spots on their wings as a warning when threatened.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Rising Suncheeka
Description: Using their tails as paintbrushes. Rising Suncheekas are capable of creating incredibly detailed works of art. Skills and techniques are passed down from parent to child, and guarded jealously from other families. A Rising Suncheeka is not considered an adult until they have produced a satisfactory debut piece to display to the community.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Nouveau Tali
Description: The first Nouveau Tali was produced by a chancel mutation, but they have since become highly popular among fashion-forward owners looking for a pet that stands out from the crowd. They are fastidious about their own cleanliness, and known for being easy to house-train. No two individuals have exactly the same fur pattern.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Noir Draculi
Description: Possessed of unique magical powers, Noir Draculi are popular companions for witches. Their distinctive red haloes become more intricate with age, and are a good indicator of an individual’s magical prowess. They are nocturnal by nature, and have been known to enjoy spooking people by suddenly running across their paths in the dark.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Mondrakel
Description: Interestingly enough, Mondrakels get their unusual and distinctive coloring from the work of Paint Drakels. Born white, their coats are painted with a special dye that changes the chemical composition of their fur, rendering the markings permanent. They are very proud of their pelts, and always eager for an opportunity to show them off.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Goghoyle
Description: When they were first discovered, it was thought that the Goghoyle’s markings were painted on, but they have since been found to be naturally occurring. Living in caves in the wild, they make use of their bioluminescence to communicate with one another. As pets, they are sometimes given to children in place of a nightlight.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Albino Reindoe
Description: A popular feature at petting zoos, the Albino Reindoe is a favorite of children. There is even a popular tale in which an Albino Reindoe saves Christmas through creative use of his glowing red nose. The noses of real Albino Reindoes don’t glow, but their brilliant white coats do help them stand out among their darker-colored brethren.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Woolly Torken
Description: The only Torken breed to make their homes in the harsh taiga biome, the Woolly Torken survives the harsh winter months with the help of their heavy fur coat. They use their horns to strip the bark from trees to eat when there is no other edible vegetation. The flames of their tails are cold to the touch, and used for warding off insects in the summer.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Alien Quiksylph
Description: So named due to their unusual appearance, the Alien Quiksylph is actually an amphibious variety of Quiksylph. Their claws are capable of administering a venomous sting, which they use to immobilize prey. They sing to communicate to one another, with some songs being exclusive to certain geographic regions, in a manner similar to dialects in spoken languages.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Snow Bleeder
Description: Though not actually made of snow, the Snow Bleeder’s skin is cold to the touch. When threatened, they dispense a watery substance from their tear ducts, warding off potential threats with a strong and unpleasant scent. Their metabolisms are remarkably slow, and an individual Snow Bleeder may live up to a hundred years.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Scancia Sygriff
Description: A highly elusive variety of Sygriff that lives high up in the mountains, the Scancia Sygriff was once hunted to near extinction for their pelts. Their lungs are specially adapted to deal with the lack of oxygen at high altitudes. They hunt by ambush, making use of their ability to fly in complete silence to drop down on their unsuspecting prey.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Melted Insonia
Description: The Melted Insonia is a particularly vivid subspecies, most commonly found on volcanic islands. They are able to tolerate extremes of both hot and cold, though prolonged exposure to either has negative consequences for their health. Their colorful feathers make for popular tourist souvenirs.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Flare Shimin
Description: Small mischief-makers with a penchant for arson, Flare Shimin are the bane of fire departments the world over. Others have found gainful employ in restaurants, where they can channel their innate talents in a more productive manner. They prefer to sleep in a bed of ashes and embers, though a heating pad will also suffice in a pinch.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Draught Trumpetter
Description: True to their name, Draught Trumpetters can go for long periods without water. They perform different songs to honor the sun or to call for rain. In periods of rainfall, their usually dull colors give way to brighter markings, but persistent damp conditions are bad for their health.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Burnt Scribblen
Description: Burnt Scribblens are rife with secrets, arising from a surfeit of burned correspondence. Many of them are spiteful in nature, though their temperament seems to vary with the nature of the letters that spawned them, and on occasion some can be quite benign. They are generally considered pests, but can be difficult to dispose of, due to their ability to breathe small flames of their own.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Ash Garudor
Description: Ash Garudors can often be found hunting at the edges of forest fires, swooping in on prey as they flee from the flames. Some will even carry burning sticks to start or spread fires to new areas. They reproduce slowly, with females laying eggs once every four years on average.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Albino Snowball
Description: Albino Snowballs are a favorite of children, especially young girls. Their fur is especially soft to the touch, though they are also prolific shedders, and require daily brushing. When feeling affectionate, they will gently headbutt their companions to mark them as members of their family.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Amber Stargoyle
Description: Amber Stargoyles are known for their high energy levels. When they become sufficiently restless, some may even give off light static shocks. They have a particular appetite for insects of all types, and sometimes traces of their food can be seen through their transparent bodies. Some individuals are believed to contain insects dating back millions of years.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Black Opal Stargoyle
Description: Black Opal Stargoyles are fiercely protective of their family groups. They bond easily with members of other species, making them popular choices for guarding properties and watching over children. Exceptionally calm even in the face of danger, they complement more nervous personalities, and in recent times, have seen use as therapy animals.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Jade Stargoyle
Description: Jade Stargoyles have been highly valued since ancient times. Graded by clarity, Jade Stargoyles of the highest quality have been recorded as part of the dowries of noblewomen in historical documents, and some families still invest their wealth by purchasing these Stargoyles today. The practice was so prevalent that the idiom of  having ‘sold one’s jade’ existed to describe someone who had fallen on hard times, whereupon someone who owned a Jade Stargoyle would then pawn them off as a last resort.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Moonstone Grondalith
Description: Only active at night, the Moonstone Grondalith is widely believed to attract good fortune to households where one resides. Along with practical protection, Moonstone Grondaliths will also guard against supernatural threats, and are especially adept among Grondalith breeds at sensing ghosts. Perhaps for this reason, they have a peculiar dislike for cameras, and will refuse to work if they are being filmed.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Sunstone Grondalith
Description: Active only during the day, the Sunstone Grondalith is a vigilant guardian with a high drive to work. They are independent creatures who prefer to work alone, and are most commonly used to patrol large parks and other such properties where they have sufficient room to roam. If given too little freedom, Sunstone Grondaliths are prone to escaping and trying their luck elsewhere.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Fairy Piyo
Description: Fairy Piyos are possessed of incredible magical power, but also very little intelligence. As such, they prefer to form symbiotic pacts with smarter species, imbuing their partners with magic in exchange for practical care. Many historical figures, revered and reviled alike, have had Fairy Piyo companions. Fortunately for the fabric of society, they are a relatively rare breed, and reproduce incredibly slowly, at least in part due to the fact that few individuals have even managed to figure out how.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Leviathan Xing Yun
Description: Living deep in the waters of the Nodia Sea, the Leviathan Xing Yun can reach massive lengths. They lack the more arcane abilities of other Xing Yun breeds, trading these for brute strength, which they use  to constrict and subdue their prey. Their long whiskers help them navigate at depths where little light penetrates, while their orbs provide an additional source of oxygen that allow them to stay submerged for days without surfacing for air.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Oni Insonia
Description: While most Insonia establish head dominance early in life, the heads of Oni Insonia are known to challenge and re-challenge for dominance throughout their lifetime. They are proud fighters who will seek out strong opponents to challenge to duels or contests of strength. They are relentless when provoked or insulted, but can otherwise be bribed with gifts of alcohol.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Qilin Frightmare
Description: Previously thought to be a chimera, extensive anatomical studies have revealed the Qilin Frightmare to be a distant cousin of the other Frightmare breeds. Their whiskers are exceptionally sensitive, able to detect slight shifts in air currents to predict oncoming storms. While most have scales in vibrant jewel tones, on occasion a Qilin Frightmare can be born with dull colors. Such individuals are shunned by the rest of the herd, and those who survive wander as exiles, unable to hold their own territory.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Branta Tali
Description: The Branta Tali is notorious for its poor temper. Migratory creatures who favor waterside habitats, these Tali are quick to anger, and will fearlessly charge at anything they perceive to be a threat to themselves or their young. Those who frequent urban areas have learned a nasty trick of charging people to steal food. It is advised to give them a wide berth if possible; if threats don’t work, they are perfectly willing to wallop their victims with their powerful wings.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Polar Fenling
Description: The thick, silky fur of the Polar Fenling is sought after both for its beauty and its insulating properties. Their gems store cold energy, which they use to keep cool during the warmer summer months, as well as to stun prey. Underneath their fur, the Polar Fenling’s skin is a solid black.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Mango Mahool
Description: The vibrant colors of the Mango Mahool make it a popular pet. Pairs mate for life and are highly affectionate with one another, singing to their partners and grooming them to strengthen their bond. Those raised in captivity with no other Mahools generally attach to their handlers instead, and can become territorial over them, so it is advised to keep them in pairs.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Fowlbine
Description: Fowlbines have the dubious reputation for being the least intelligent Corbine breed. It is unclear whether their behavioral… quirks are a result of faulty wiring, poor programming, or a genetic issue arising from their organic parts, but they can often be observed running into walls or screaming for no apparent reason. Still, some enjoy observing their strange antics, and there are several popular online feeds dedicated to humorous compilations of Fowlbines in action.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Mossy Snowball
Description: Mossy Snowballs are the easiest to care for of all Snowball breeds. They are content so long as they have clean water to soak in and sufficient sunlight. Though they aren’t very active, their low maintenance and easygoing nature make them popular pets for busy people as well as offices and business establishments looking to incorporate some life into their environment.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Twilight Jirbii
Description: The Twilight Jirbii is a domesticated variety of Jirbii produced by crossbreeding the wild Dawn and Dusk varieties. Like their wild counterparts, they are crepuscular, but much less shy around people. They especially love sugary fruits, though overindulgence can lead to unhealthy weight gain.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Pastel Sahound
Description: The Pastel Sahound has a strong association with pediatricians, where the combination of their patient tempers and their extraordinary hearing helps them identify illnesses in children. Closely attuned to the rhythms of the body, they have saved many lives by detecting early signs of disease. For many of the same reasons, they are also a popular choice for therapy and service animals.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Dreamer Serraptor

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Crystal Fenling
Description: Crystal Fenlings are said to be able to see glimpses of future events using their gemstone orbs. These orbs were once highly sought after by human fortune tellers, though there are laws in place that prohibit their sale. Still, they can sometimes be found on the black market for exorbitant prices, and to this day there are back alley practitioners who make use of them, swearing by their magical properties.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Caustic Hydrolisk
Description: In the wild, the Caustic Hydrolisk is capable of secreting a highly potent toxin through their skin. However, they are only capable of producing those toxins by absorbing them from their diet. Captive-bred individuals are completely harmless, and their vivid scales make them popular display animals for hobbyists and aquariums alike.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Bubblewockee
Description: Bubblewockees love bright, cheerful, upbeat music, and are popular companions for girls and young women. Some say there is a sinister air about them, possibly a reflection of darker messages hidden within music marketed at youth. However, those are just rumors… You trust them, don’t you? Would that smile lie to you…?

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Truffle Myu Reaper
Description: Truffle Myu Reapers love two things: eating sweets and making a mess. They will lick themselves clean after a snacking frenzy, but the same won’t be true for your kitchen! Nevertheless, their cute appearance makes them popular pets, and most owners learn to live with their sloppy habits.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Spring Snowball
Description: The vibrant colors of the Spring Snowball help it to confuse and intimidate larger animals in the wild. However, they make poor hunters because of this. One or two Spring Snowballs are generally found in the company of a larger colony, where they act as defenders for the group.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Fowl Skyllard
Description: A domesticated breed, the Fowl Skyllard’s eggs are a widely enjoyed delicacy. They are voracious eaters, but their digestive system is finicky, and if care is not taken to provide a proper diet, Fowl Skyllards are prone to intense bouts of flatulence. Gassy individuals are otherwise in good health, but the smell is extremely unpleasant. Luckily, specialty diets formulated for Fowl Skyllards are now common on the market.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Eggsnatcher Shartile
Description: Unsurprising based on their names, eggs are the favorite treat of Eggsnatcher Shartiles. In the wild, they frequent beaches and bird colonies, though they can also be found on the outskirts of poultry farms. Some have even been used by conservation scientists to track down the nests of endangered birds, though on the other hand, poachers have also made use of their nose for eggs.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Dyebones
Description: Dyebones have a compulsion to mark surfaces with paint. This makes them a nuisance in urban environments, where their work often resembles petty vandalism. They are a common sight at fairs and festivals, where specially trained Dyebones are employed as face painters.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Creamsicle Langerine
Description: The Creamsicle Langerine originates from a remote tropical archipelago, where the absence of predators has allowed them to develop their vivid coloring. They give off a sweet scent to attract insects, though fruit also comprises a significant portion of their diet. Their scent will change depending on the fruits they eat.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Clover Sabbit
Description: Thought to impart good fortune to anyone who can catch it, the Clover Sabbit is a legendarily elusive breed. Their distinctively pale coloration makes them easy to spot, but their unrivaled agility makes them difficult prey. Their favorite food is clovers, and among some circles, it is traditional to bless a new house by sowing clover seed, to attract one of these Sabbits into imparting good fortune on the home.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Bumble Lilisyte
Description: Bumble Lilisytes love nothing more than to sip nectar from flowers. They are less choosy about their nectar sources than other Lilisytes, and are prolific pollinators. It is not uncommon for farmers to set up shelters near their orchards in hopes of attracting one of these creatures.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Blooming Kasuga
Description: The sighting of a Blooming Kasuga is said to be one of the first signs of spring. The flowers on their horns bloom year round, and each individual has a unique scent that they use to communicate breeding status and overall health. A tea made from these blossoms is also used as an aphrodisiac.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Watching Nonaga
Description: The origin of the Watching Nonaga’s name should be easy to ‘see’... Get it? See? … Anyway, their additional ‘eyes’ are markings rather than true eyes, meant to unsettle and confuse potential threats. Ironically enough, their vision is quite poor, and they rely much more heavily on their keen sense of smell.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Veiled Xing Yun
Description: The Veiled Xing Yun have turned to mimicry to attempt to uncover the secrets of Fellox magic. Felloxes find their appearance deeply unsettling, and prefer to avoid them when possible. It is best not to ask about the source of their masks...

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Veiled Nyghtmare
Description: Veiled Nyghtmares are a tricky breed, who lure riders onto their backs by taking on the appearance of a harmless Cavallion.  Once the unsuspecting victim has gotten on, the Nyghtmare sucks out their soul and consumes it, leaving behind a lifeless husk. The resemblance is such that only an expert on differences between the two would be able to tell them apart.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Veiled Bleeder
Description: The Veiled Bleeder is named because of their superficial resemblance to Scribblens, but are in fact a result of convergent evolution. Born from the anxieties of particularly distressed individuals, these Bleeders haunt the ones who spawned them, sowing and feeding on fear. Fortunately, exorcisms are highly effective at ousting these creatures once they have been identified.

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Silenced Shartile
Description: Silenced Shartiles are the result of a secret underground military experiment that was operating during the second Imperial-Purine war. The true purpose of the experiments are unknown, though rumors suggest that the researchers were investigating new forms of torture. Unable to feed through natural means, these Shartiles require specialized care and regular use of IVs to maintain their health.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Shedding Evergreen
Description: Shedding Evergreens might look as though they’re sick, but their bare patches are a part of their healthy natural state. Their dry, loose needles are unpalatable for herbivores, and make them difficult to grip onto should they find themselves in a fight. The shed needles also make for great kindling, and are often gathered by campers in autumn.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Nightmare Sleepyheart
Description: Nightmare Sleepyhearts are born performers with a passion for dark subject matter. They have the ability to see into the dreams of others, which they use to study nightmares to provide material for their routines. In a pinch, they will also settle for horror movies, though they’re much more interested in the reactions of the viewers than the films themselves.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Dreamy Sparquill
Description: The Dreamy Sparquill was named for their dazed, sleepy appearance, but their quills are also capable of injecting a tranquilizing venom. Being stung isn’t deadly, but the venom is potent enough to knock out a Bruma in minutes. It’s such an effective deterrent that these Sparquill have no natural predators. The only drawback is that they themselves aren’t immune, and spend roughly 20 hours a day dozing off.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Dreaming Sleepyheart
Description: Dreaming Sleepyhearts consider themselves curators of desire. They have the ability to grant wishes, but their fickle nature means their favor is difficult to court. Some demand detailed petitions, while others seek out individuals they deem ‘worthy’ of their boon. However, be wary of lying to a Dreaming Sleepyheart, as they are able to see into the hearts of those they deal with. Dishonesty is the surest way to earn their ire.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Counting Yingshee
Description: Counting Yingshee are exceedingly placid, and are often used as companions for more high-strung animals such as racing Cavallion. Their wool gives off a soothing scent, and is a popular material for baby clothing. Pillows stuffed with their wool are said to make it easier to fall asleep at night.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Widow Chimerantula
Description: Female Widow Chimerantulas have an undeserved reputation for eating the males that court them. While this gruesome phenomenon has been documented, it is much less common in the wild. In captivity, however, stressed females are more likely to lash out in response to unwanted advances or overcrowding, leading to the popular myth that they are habitual man-eaters.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Veiled Myu Reaper
Description: Kuhnas have been getting all the attention, and Veiled Myu Reapers want in on the action! These very needy Myu Reapers have gone so far as to dye their fur to resemble their more widespread Kuhna cousins. They make excellent companions for the elderly, but don't do well in households where their owners cannot offer them constant companionship.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Veiled Mr. Wilson
Description: Mr. Wilsons are well known as the least respected of all birds, common to the point of eliciting contempt. Well, these Mr. Wilsons have just about had it! Seeking to be appreciated--- no, to be feared, Veiled Mr. Wilsons have modeled themselves after the imposing Malphas, decorating themselves with painstakingly crafted accessories. Despite their best efforts, however, they simply lack the size to make a convincing performance, and are seen more as cute and quirky than intimidating.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Veiled Fenref
Description: Boasting the strongest bite of any Fenref, the Veiled Fenref would make excellent guards if not for their capricious nature. Unlike other Fenref breeds, Veiled Fenrefs prefer to march to the beat of their own drum, and avoid anything they feel they’re being coerced into. A clever trainer can work around this, but they remain relatively uncommon due to their difficult personalities.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Swampgas Werecain
Description: The Swampgas Werecain gets their unflattering name from the green mist they produce. Despite its appearance, the mist is odorless, and traditionally used to confuse and evade intruders who wander into their territory. Swampgas Werecains are practitioners of ancient traditions of witchcraft, which remain a closely guarded secret to this day, shared only with kin and, on occasion, close friends of a tribe.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Specter Zipala
Description: Spectre Zipalas are guardians of forests, said to appear to guide lost hikers and children back to safety. Conversely, they are also known to terrorize poachers and other individuals who might try to harm the woods under their protection. Though they aren’t afraid of humans, it is rare to see one outside of when they are performing their duties as guides or guardians.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Soulless Likuta
Description: Not truly a ‘breed’, Soulless Likuta are a result of regular Likuta falling prey to a rare disease. Afflicted individuals initially become lethargic, with their fur becoming grey as the illness works its way through their system. Eventually, they begin to develop lesions in the skin that ooze a dark ichor through which the disease is transferred to new individuals. While they do not ‘die’, they lose most of their higher cognitive functions, and become fixated only on feeding and attacking any other living thing they come into contact with. Approach any such Likuta with caution.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Phantom Fenling
Description: Phantom Fenlings are ghostly entities tethered to the material plane through their gems. They are generally benign, being mostly curious about the world around them, though extended periods without contact with others will sometimes drive an individual to neurosis. Many sets of Phantom Fenling jewels are passed down through families as heirlooms.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Harvest Lunafly
Description: The Harvest Lunafly emerges from their cocoons in October, coinciding with the harvest season in many regions, earning them their name. While their caterpillar form is considered a pest, the spectacle of Lunafly congregations in the autumn is treated as an attraction. A popular model of kite, also flown during harvest festivals, is patterned after their wings.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Unicorn Cavallion
Description: The Unicorn Cavallion is famed for its ability to cure any known poison with the touch of its horn. The horn itself was once thought to hold those curative properties, and these Cavallion were nearly hunted to extinction for their horns, which were ground up for use in black market medicines. However, more recent observations have revealed that the ability is innate to the Cavallions themselves, and they have since been placed under protection to prevent further decimation of their numbers.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Nessie Choshi
Description: Nessie Choshi are amphibious, and prefer to make their homes in muddy ponds and deltas. They hunt by burying themselves in the mud with only their crests visible, using these to sense the movement of approaching prey. In the winter, they burrow deep into the ground to hibernate, emerging in the spring once the water warms above a certain temperature threshold. A frozen Nessie Choshi can remain dormant and unharmed in this way for over three years.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Lycan Werecain
Description: The first Lycan Werecain were cursed into their wolflike forms by a shaman, but all currently living Lycan Werecain were born this way. They maintained the complex culture of their original civilization, in particular a strong tradition of oral storytelling. It is the aspiration of all Lycan Werecain to perform a deed so great that their exploits are immortalized into a story of their own, to be passed down as part of the tribe’s collective history.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Leucrotta Leumoo
Description: Don’t be fooled by their mundane appearance; Leucrotta Leumoo are vicious hunters, who delight in tormenting their prey for extended periods before eating them alive. They have the uncanny ability to mimic both animal cries and human voices, which they use to lure in unsuspecting victims. Fortunately, they are solitary creatures by nature and dislike being outnumbered, so it is advised to travel in groups through areas where they are known to lurk.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Everdrys
Description: Everdrys are born wanderers, never content to stay in any place for too long. Their diet is primarily composed of seeds, which they will also collect and carry with them as rations for longer journeys. Scientists believe they play a vital role in preserving the biodiversity of plant life in a wide variety of biomes, and that many old growth forests owed their establishment at least in part to Everdrys activity.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: CuSith Fenref
Description: Old folktales paint the Cu Sith Fenref as harbingers of death, though some stories depict them as psychopomps who were tasked with guiding the souls of the recently deceased. They have the uncanny ability to escape from any attempt to bind them, and once they have detected the trail of their target, they cannot be shaken off. In modern times, a few have been convinced to lend their skills to morgues and detectives, though most still work independent of outside interference.

Entering For: Umbra Strain
Pet Species: Anubis Baskerville
Description: The Anubis Baskerville is one of the oldest known breeds of Baskerville. In ancient times, they were originally used as guardians for grave sites and tombs. There are legends that they are capable of cursing those who trespass on the properties they protect.
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Re: .: Mega Pet Description Raffle! :. [Breedables, Rare Ite

Postby Indigo » 04/20/2020 10:54 PM

Entering For: Sol Strain
Pet Species: Shedding Evergreen
Description: There is considerable disagreement about the origin of these creatures; some say they're a rare subspecies of Evergreen and others claim they just have some sort of tree-mange. Less scientific, but much more popular, is the rumor that these are not true Evergreens at all, but are the unfortunate consequence of trying to play fetch with a Lycan Werecain. Whether a stick bitten by cursed jaws will actually transform into such a being remains to be seen. Probably not.

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Branta Tali
Description: Unlike the most famous breeds of their kind, the Branta Tali was never domesticated, and to attempt to change this would be a fool's errand. Though small, stocky, and not particularly intimidating to look at, they will not hesitate to chase you down and publicly humiliate you should you displease your local flock, probably by honking at you and slapping you in the face with their wings. Fortunately they are mostly a coastal species and easy to avoid.

Entering For: Spring Flower
Pet Species: Mango Mahool
Description: Scientific inquiry into these creatures has been temporarily set back by an unforeseeable event: one lonely night in the depths of a message board, someone started a conspiracy theory that they are actually just giant fruit snacks. The story goes that the Mango Mahool--a suspiciously alliterative name--was originally one of several flavorful friends, available in a normal-sized multipack at your local supermarket, but there was some sort of horrific accident involving radioactivity; details vary, but the end result is a vaguely sapient, supersized fruity treat. Incredible though it may seem, this theory has gained enough traction that there's massive backlash against real research on the subject. We may never know their fruity secrets, or at least not for several more years.
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Re: .: Mega Pet Description Raffle! :. [Breedables, Rare Ite

Postby Jaykobell » 04/20/2020 11:22 PM

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Evren Discovery
The Evren Discovery are among the wisest of the Evren known to Evelon. They form groups who aim to teach others everything they know, whether it be basic knowledge such as the name of a plant, or more philosophical topics like the meaning of life. They taking teaching seriously and cannot tolerate those who do not pursue higher knowledge.

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Memento Hunter
The Memento Hunters are creatures stuck in the past. Many roam the graveyards of Evelon, walking among the spirits of the deceased. Said to be void of their own soul, they become vessels for those who have passed on and who are left tormented by unfinished business. While mostly a fairy tale, many displaying their own personality, many take to their age-old duty.

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Memorinessi
"The memory of a goldfish" is a popular statement that is sure to ruffle the scales of the Memorinessi. The species possesses an incredible memory that rivals that of the Gyrophant, being capable of remembering faces after one meeting, and remembering events with eerie detail. Some circles consider them to be precious creatures, and many efforts are carried out to educate people on how to care for these underrated creatures.

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Iridescent Kuhna
This Kuhna's fur shines with all the colors of the rainbow, including a few others. They are extremely popular in the showing field, where many breeders compare the radiance of their specimen. However, the double-edged sword of this is the high amount of backyard breeding this species goes through, done in the hopes of landing a quick buck from winning a competition or two.

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Lucha Mocha Picchu
These hyperactive, coffee-addicted night owls live for wrestling: all sorts of wrestling. Whether it be humans or other pets, they love to consume all media involving wrestling. Many follow the sport as an official career, but few reach fame. Those who find no luck in the ring find ways to help in the field by being a coach or an announcer.

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Leviathan Xing Yun
A creature of the deep sea, accounts on sightings of the Leviathan Xing Yun vary between people. Some recall a ferocious beast out for blood; others swear they were met with a powerful, wise creature. The truth mingles both extremes: a Leviathan Xing Yun takes it upon itself to judge those it comes across. Their perception of the person determines their justice.

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Oni Insonia
An Insonia rumored to have come from an alternate demonic universe. Their two heads couldn't be more different. One head is generally calm and collected, while the other is explosive and unpredictable. Their personality is managed by one single brain despite the two separate heads and brain-like organs. Evelonian scientists study them in the hope of understanding the inexplicable connectivity between their separate brains.

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Qilin Frightmare
A Frightmare of olde that was said to have been but a myth many moons ago. With the rise of dedicated hunters, and even poachers, their existence was finally confirmed by the Evelonian Conversation Zoo. They are, however, a vengeful and aggressive species, and it is recommended not to approach them. Those who manage to come out unscathed from their encounter can be considered as lucky as a four-leaf clover.

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Everhaunt
Tricksters by nature, the Everhaunts are most active during Hallow's Eve for an exciting and thrilling night of fun, treats and tricks. They are elegant in their pranks, however: a certain level of care and effort goes into their tricks, and they avoid targeting those who do not enjoy the holiday. Some see it as the spirits being respectful, but they simply judge that those individuals cannot appreciate their art, the truth painting them more snobbish than gentlemanly.

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Wraith Tatterdem
Vengeful spirits who many confuse with the more common Bleeders. Wraith Tatterdems are created from the tormented souls of the dead who, in addition to having unfinished business, have evil and malicious intentions. Their desire for revenge and anger alone allow them to rise from their tombs. Forgiveness is near impossible with these creatures: few have managed to heal their damaged hearts.

Entering For: Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Red Deep Sea Likuta
The opposite of the Blue Deep Sea Likuta, this deep-sea hunter prefers the warm waters of the southern areas of Evelon. The warm temperatures keep them alert and active, sporting lean bodies that travel very quickly through the waters. They are skilled hunters and dislike human contact, preferring their wild independence. Those who accept help from humans are generally disowned by their breathren.

Entering For: Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Blue Deep Sea Likuta
The opposite of the Red Deep Sea Likuta, this species makes its home within the harsh cold waters of the northern areas of Evelon. They are lethargic creatures by nature due to the cold temperatures of their environment. They are slow and plump, their hunting techniques involving stealth and calculated strikes, unlike their southern cousins. They welcome human companionship more readily, enjoying the free food they receive from humans.

Entering For: Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Solar Matches
This species of Matches is revered by the tribes living within the vast sands of the Wilt'no Desert. They are seen as good omens by the people, and those Matches that decide to live among the people are spoiled beyond one's wildest dreams. Rumors passed down from generations say that being in the good graces of these birds will bring great happiness and fortune. Despite being the other half to the Lunar Matches, the people refuse to acknowledge the other bird.

Entering For: Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Lunar Matches
A species of Matches that is worshipped by the tribes living in the Tuun Mountains. Although they are the other half of the Solar Matches, the people refuse to acknowledge the other bird. Unlike its counterpart, the Lunar Matches are said to be a bit more elusive, and more prone to aggressive behaviors. They are posh creatures who expect the best, and only the best. They are, arguably, more feared than they are worshipped.

Entering For: Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Snowlight Matches
A species of Matches that is feared by those who worship its counterparts, the Solar and Lunar Matches. They are seen as omens and are avoided at all costs. Those who come across humans are often hunted due to the rumor that their hunting would void whatever unfortunate event is incoming onto the people. As a result, they are rarely seen by humans any more, and they are aggressive when found.
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Re: .: Mega Pet Description Raffle! :. [Breedables, Rare Ite

Postby zapdragon555 » 04/20/2020 11:54 PM

Entering For: Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Festive Battleheart
Description: An intelligent breed of Battleheart less suited for war and more suited for their skill in crafting, the Festive Battleheart is well known for its ability to carve wood with ease using their sharp, curved claws. In the wild, they use this to carve unique designs into trees to speak with others of their kind or mark territory. Festive Battlehearts in society are often employed as toymakers or furniture makers, and take pride in their craft.

Entering For: Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Psychedelic Fenref
Description: A wild and unpredictable creature, you would not want to meet the Psychedelic Fenref in a back alleyway. Their markings glow with a natural bioluminescence, a flickering display that they use to communicate with others in their pack. They're hunters by nature, but have taken more to scavenging the cityscapes they find themselves inhabiting. Sometimes they work together to use their glowing markings to disorient and confuse prey.

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Albino Baby Doom Kitty
Description: A breed of Baby Doom Kitty with a more fragile health than its other counterparts, the Albino Baby Doom Kitty is usually kept indoors and away from direct sunlight. They're sensitive to it, and actively avoid sunbathing in windows, instead preferring to snuggle up in blankets with their doting owners. Some find their pink eyes unsettling, especially when twisted into a permanently grumpy expression.

Entering For: Bumblebee
Pet Species: Choirwockee
Description: An odd breed of Wockee that foregoes most of the species' typically characteristic dance habits, instead electing to gather in groups to sing while sitting perfectly still. It's a rather ominous ritual to observe, but no one can doubt the Choirwockee's beautiful singing voice. Their wings are too small to be functional, but flapping them causes the Choirwockee's voice to reverberate in an almost ethereal warble. It's not uncommon for artisans to create "singing statues" of the Choirwockee, stone or clay effigies full of holes that convert wind into song.

Entering For: Umbra Strain + Specimen OR Egg
Pet Species: Tempest Kasuga
Description: Once thought to be nothing more than visions created by sea-mad sailors, the Tempest Kasuga is a mysterious creature that often can be found lurking near or among shipwrecks and debris where lives were lost. Their presence doesn't appear to be negative or aggressive, but rather they seem to be passive observers of what once was.

Entering For: Umbra Strain + Specimen OR Egg
Pet Species: Snow Snicky
Description: A particularly slow-moving Snicky with a chilly body and simple disposition, the Snow Snicky is a common gag gift around the winter holidays, much to many Snow Snicky breeders' chagrin and disaproval. They hide inside their coal-colored shells when placed near warmth, so placing them inside stockings over the hearth is a common, if not old-fashioned practice. The right thing to do is then throw them back out into the snow where they belong, but some keep them around as well-loved pets.

Entering For: Umbra Strain + Specimen OR Egg
Pet Species: Marghest
Description: A creature commonly associated with revenge, the Marghest is said to haunt those who are most plagued by guilt and greed. They feed on this strong negative emotion, siphoning it from the very air around their target. The Marghest wears Keystones over its eyes, for reasons unknown--any who try to take the Keystones for themselves will find themselves eternally cursed with madness from gazing into the Marghest's eyes.

Entering For:  Umbra Strain + Specimen OR Egg
Pet Species: Miserly Rengosett
Description: The Miserly Rengosett holds a very structured society in the wild, where resource hoarding is common and even encouraged between alphas of the species. They make difficult pets, as they are quite prone to stealing their owners belongings. They're particularly attracted to shiny objects, and especially currency. Scientists believe that biting the currency is likely an attempt to get Iron-based nutrients, but many just find it rather humorous to see.

Entering For: Sol Strain + Specimen OR Egg
Pet Species: Goghoyle
Description: A species of Stargoyle commonly observed to be quite sullen and gentle in its mannerisms, the Goghoyle seems to be afflicted with a permanent sense of ennui that refuses to dispel. They can often be found gazing up at the night sky in deep contemplation, speaking very little. If they choose to keep a hoard, it is not uncommon for them to collect yellow objects.

Entering For: Sol Strain + Specimen OR Egg
Pet Species: Bubblewockee
Description: Bubblewockees start their lives with a unique song and dance all their own that slowly fades out and assimilates with other Bubblewockees as they age past adolescence. No one knows why this happens, or where the common song and dance comes from, or if it's voluntary or not. Bubblewockees have a tendency to hide their true feelings behind a veneer of cheerful pep and a canned go-getter attitude. Other breeds of Wockee find them off-putting and lacking in identity.

Entering For: Sol Strain + Specimen OR Egg
Pet Species: Blooming Kasuga
Description: Atypical for a creature usually so associated with death, the Blooming Kasuga is a universal symbol for new life and celebration of such. Their antlers naturally sprout a unique kind of bloom that butterflies and bees are extremely attracted to. It's a sure sign that Spring has sprung when you find pink petals on the forest floor next to the hoof tracks of a Blooming Kasuga. As Autumn turns into Winter, the dark markings on their legs grow to engulf more and more of their bodies until they're completely black. When Spring rolls back around, their pink color returns.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: .: Mega Pet Description Raffle! :. [Breedables, Rare Ite

Postby Jaden Wolf » 04/20/2020 11:59 PM

Entering For: Lunar Moth
Pet Species: Dreamer Serraptor
Description: The existence of these creatures was unknown until a group of cave explorers encountered them in a crystal cave deep in the Craiss Caverns. Scientists, geneticists, and palaeontologists alike believed these creatures to have descended from a small group of ancient Serraptor who had wandered into the depths of the Craiss Caverns thousands of years ago and became trapped by geological shifting. How they survived is unclear, but over time it appears they biologically adapted to the chemical makeup of the crystal caves, creating an entirely new species of Serraptor resembling the caves themselves.
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: .: Mega Pet Description Raffle! :. [Breedables, Rare Ite

Postby Redd » 04/21/2020 1:01 AM

Alright! Let's kick this off.

Here's the given numbers for each entrant!

Here's the record of the rolls, I'll be posting a summary below.

Lot #1 - Lunar Moth
DeddRedd rolls d19 = 17
Congrats zapdragon555!

Lot #2 - Bumblebee
DeddRedd rolls d23 = 23
Congrats Jaykobell!

Lot #3 - Spring Flower
DeddRedd rolls d12 = 8
Congrats GrayGriffin!

Lot #4 - Umbra Strain + Specimen OR Egg
DeddRedd rolls d99 = 98
Congrats crow!

Lot #5 - Sol Strain + Specimen OR Egg
DeddRedd rolls d152 = 52
Congrats Sarah!

Runner Up Prizes

Lot #6 - Breedable Custom Token
DeddRedd rolls d27 = 26
Congrats Sarah!

Lot #7- Breedable Custom Token
DeddRedd rolls d27 = 13
Congrats Silver!

Lot #8 - Lost Ipinox OR Wanderer Kuhna
DeddRedd rolls d27 = 21
Congrats Freezair!

Lot #9 - 5 GT OR 300 KS
DeddRedd rolls d27 = 3
Congrats FrostWynd!

Lot #10 - Mysterious Egg + Solar-X OR +Lunar-X
DeddRedd rolls d27 = 2
Congrats crow!

Lot #11 - Pet Strain Kit
DeddRedd rolls d27 = 24
Congrats Jaykobell!

Surprise Lot #12 Pet Strain Kit
DeddRedd rolls d27 = 12
Congrats Adelie!

I'll also be giving out 150KS to people who entered and didn't win, as a thank you for entering!

If your prize has a choice, please comment here! Otherwise I'd like to thank you all for participating!

It's now or never
Don't surrender
We came too far to die
So claim your weapons
This ain't heaven
We came here now to fight

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