The longest range in Lambastia, the Tuun Mountains cover up much of the northwest. Unlike the harsh Fe'gan Mountains, the Tuun Mountains have varying temperatures, from very mild to slightly colder depending on where you go and which sections you explore. (+3 Offense)

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Simply, No. [self]

Postby Celtic » 05/12/2020 7:58 PM


There wasn't much she was interested in seeing these days. She was winding down from the "go get 'em" phase she'd been in for the past several weeks. The highs were exhausting, and she was ready to finally sleep again. Her memory was foggy and she couldn't truly remember deciding to come here or deciding to venture as far as she had and that tended to mean trouble. Mania was a problem, but hey, at least we aren't medicated huh?

The lucain scoffed at the little thought and flicked a tail as if to dismiss it entirely. She knew that the voice wasn't her, but it wasn't bothering anyone so she was rather okay with it staying. Or did I just make you think that? Again her tail flicked and she continued padding up the incline. It was certainly getting rockier, and colder. She shook slightly, her fur puffing up to keep her warm. Those stupid earrings she insisted on wearing were cold little darts in her ears. Oh well, can't remove them now.

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Re: Simply, No. [self]

Postby Celtic » 05/12/2020 8:05 PM

This is ridiculous, she thought to herself, Why don't I just go down the hill?

Because you're curious what is up ahead

Rolling her eyes, she knew the voice was right. Curiosity was her main driving force, at least it was manic her's main driving force. Why did she come here? What in the world made her come up here just for clarity to come back? This moment, like many other moments, she wished her memory worked just a little bit better. But she knew that it wasn't her memory's fault. The mania caused lack of sleep.

It also supposedly causes extreme sociability and yet you're way the fuck up here.

"You know that it doesn't cause that all the time, just... most of the time," Funny, this time she actually answered. Clearly she needed to lie down and rest. Maybe she could, just for a moment. Surely nothing dangerous is out here.


The lucain heard, more than felt, herself lay down. The slight clacking of the wingblades, the soft crunch of twigs and leaves. Her eyes closed before another thought could even begin to come about. But that little voice wasn't gone yet,

Oh, this oughta end well.

And like a door slamming shut, they were asleep.

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Re: Simply, No. [self]

Postby Celtic » 05/12/2020 8:18 PM


"Oh you really ought not to be so grumpy," A clearly affable rathril murmured to his companion. "You know we were going to be up here and it was going to be cold. You chose this, remember? I suggested staying in town today!"

"Uh-huh you just wanted to gamble and that's really no fun for me either. You're terrible at dice and you're showing absolutely no signs of getting better!" This little snap was met with a chuckle and a slight shake of the head. The rathril turned his head slightly, so he could see the littel bugger on his back better.

"Oh hush. I won at least one more game than last time, and if that isn't a sign of improvement I don't know what is."

"Until you realize that means you won once and still lost money."

"You're just a pessimist"

"Maybe I am."

The little cat carefully turned himself around and put his chin in the air while the Rathril carried onwards.

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Re: Simply, No. [self]

Postby Celtic » 05/12/2020 8:24 PM

Several minutes passed and there was silence, but neither of these two were the silent type so of course something had to be said.

"Say, Monkey, do you see that little lump ahead? It's just over that ridge yonder?"

"Did you seriously just say yonder?"

"Answer the question will ya Monk!"

The cat rolled it's eyes but, as requested, he looked to see what his companion was pointing out. Of course he did this in the most annoying way possible, but whatever gets the job done.

And so, with two paws on the Rathrill's head, smashing down his beautiful hair, Monkey replied, "Say Bear, I do see that little lump. What d'ya suppose it is?"

"Hmmm... I don't know. Think it's feral?"

"Well it's way out here, ya gotta be."

And they sat and pondered what to do.

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Re: Simply, No. [self]

Postby Celtic » 05/12/2020 8:29 PM

Wind rustled the brown lump's fur and gently clack-clacked it's wingblades. But the two explorers or hunters or whatever they were weren't close enough to hear that just yet. It was however, getting darker and cold, meaning they should probably head home.

Bear, without consulting Monkey, began to amble towards the lump. It wasn't moving so clearly, it wasn't that much of a threat.

"Bear, please. This is no time to check out strange things we see or don't see. Best case scenario it's a mossy rock, worst case scenario it's a scary carpetfang that'll eat at least me." Monkey though, clearly wasn't too worried because he wasn't motivated enough to walk for himself and take himself home.

"Or it's a new friend." Monkey scoffed but knew better than to try harder. Bear was stubborn, but only a little bit stupid. So they probably wouldn't die today.

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Re: Simply, No. [self]

Postby Celtic » 05/12/2020 8:34 PM

"HA! Look, it's just a lucain, and a female at that. See? I win. New friend."

Sleepily, the new friend blinked her eyes, not really processing what she was hearing. Where was she? She could see rocks, fuzzy tree outlines and sky. That couldn't be right, she wouldn't have just fallen asleep outside.

Yes you would have.

She propped herself up a little bit, and tried to shake the sleepiness away. Who were these strange things talking to her. She couldn't remember, it was like grasping at straws.

"Bear she doesn't seem too great, maybe she needs help." This time it was a different voice talking, smaller somehow. How is a voice smaller? She thought to herself. That was ridiculous. Remi shook her head again. What is going on? The question kept floating round and round her head.

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Re: Simply, No. [self]

Postby Celtic » 05/12/2020 8:38 PM

Bear saw Monkey's cause of concern. This lucain girl was out of it. Like severely out of it. But they were in the middle of nowhere, and it would likely take a while to get her back into town. Once back in town... Well they were still shit out of luck because Bear and Monkey were just passing through. They had no money, they had no place to stay. The two of them just kinda barely scraped buy most times. They couldn't care for someone like this.

"Honey, please lay back down. Take a few minutes to collect yourself. It's fine, we aren't going to hurt you." Bear's deep, soothing voice seemed to have some effect. The lucain briefly looked at him before melting back into the ground. Her eyes were bloodshot, she was weak it seemed. Hopefully she isn't in any kind of trouble, he thought.

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Re: Simply, No. [self]

Postby Celtic » 05/13/2020 10:11 AM

Remi blinked, and shook her head. She stood, shakily and finally got her eyes to focus.

"Uh, um. No, I'm-I'm alright. I'm just very tired." The end of the manic episodes always ended with days on days of sleep. There was no telling how much time had actually passed. She eyed the odd pair that found her, they at least seemed nice. Yawning, Remi lifted a paw, making to shake "hands" with Bear.

"You sure? Normal tired folks don't just sleep on the side of a mountain." Monkey chimed in, eyeing this female skeptically.

"Oh yeah, right." Remi's paw fell back to the ground. "I don't sleep well sometimes and it just overtakes me eventually."

Bear felt bad, clearly this girl didn't mean anything by it. "Don't you worry about Monkey, he's always getting in other people's business. We just want to make sure you're alright lovely." Monkey rolled his eyes right on cue.

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Re: Simply, No. [self]

Postby Celtic » 05/13/2020 10:17 AM

"Right, right. Well I'm doing okay, I'll just continue going up then. Uh, thanks for checking in on me." Remi nervously pawed the ground. This was going terribly.

You sure being alone is for the best right now? It's only a matter of time before we need sleep again.

The tail flicked again in response to the guest in her head. One day she'd figure out why this was happening. She decided to pay attention to her companions again-- something she realized she shouldn't really have to remind herself to do. The Rathril was staring at her worriedly, and the little cat-- Monkey he said?-- was looking down on her with general distaste.

"Miss, all due respect. We are not about to let you climb up higher without equipment or company. You are not well." His voice was warm-- he meant well, he truly did.

"I am alright. Thank you for your concern but frankly, you don't know shit about me and you should really mind your own business." Remi cringed internally, why did she have to be such a bitch sometimes? Like seriously, he was just trying to be nice.

and fatherly....

Right. She never took well to being parented. Especially now that she could clearly (not so clearly hun) take care of herself.

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Re: Simply, No. [self]

Postby Celtic » 05/13/2020 10:22 AM

"Look, she's spoken. Let's just go on our merry way and leave this chick to die probably." Monkey, always the ray of sunshine. To be fair, she did just completely brush them off for being nice and Bear did not deserve to be treated this way. Bear was such a loving individual! He was doing his best.

"Now, now Monk. We're strangers right now, I wouldn't trust a stranger, no matter how well-intentioned either."

"That's just false. You'd trust a fox as you watched it steal from you. Hell you trust me and that should really show how bad a judge of character you are."

Bear chuckled at this and turned back to the lucain. "Now miss, I must insist we at least stick together. We can go where you go but there isn't shelter in that direction and you know what they say-- Buddy system, best system!" Bear winked and extended his hand over to her, "I am Bear, this is Monkey."

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Re: Simply, No. [self]

Postby Celtic » 05/13/2020 10:32 AM

Remi bristled at the two chatting together. Like I'm not even here! It was so rude!

Oh calm down, you're just angry because you're lacking serotonin or dopamine or whatever the heck mania uses up. Now accept their help before you kill us both. I enjoy being alive thank you. The voice only upset her more though. She knew it had reason and boy, that was never "calming."

"Thanks for your concern, but I'm fine."

Bear was quick to respond, "No worries, we have no real direction so we'll just follow you. Are you up here on a hunt or something?"

Remi suppressed the (very strong) urge to roll her eyes. But then remembered, she had no clue why she was here. Not a single thought. Shit. She was really hoping that she would have remembered after a nap.

"Uh, yeah. A hunt. I haven't been here before so I was just trying to explore the fauna around."

Bear was encouraged by this, her voice had lost it's sharp tone.

"Good! Then let's get on with it. Do you know much about different areas of this great world we live in? I'd love to hear some stories."

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Re: Simply, No. [self]

Postby Celtic » 05/14/2020 7:04 PM

Remi laughed slightly to try and avoid her discomfort. She knew the places she'd gone to but.... The memories she made? Nowhere to be found. Well not nowhere, just... not readily available.

"Uhh well, uh. I've been to uhm. Medicai city is a pretty fun place, lots of nightlife." Remi just sort of nodded awkwardly, hoping that there wouldn't be many follow-up questions. What you haven't done anything by yourself? The voice sounded so smug. Remi hard swallowed. She had, she knew she had... She just couldn't think of anything right now. The memories were on the tip of her tongue too and that was the worst thing.

Monkey's face got devilish. Chicky-chick was nervous! She was unsure! He couldn't imagine why from such an innocent question, but ohhh boy he was going to capitalize on this.

"Oh my, I looove that city! So interesting. What's your favorite club?"

Remi swallowed again, "Oh I uh, don't remember any names."

"Well just describe it. I've been lots of times, maybe I'll know where you went!"

"Um, it was, um, loud and dark. White and decorated outside..." Great, good job Remi. Way to really sell it.

"Oh, hmm, did it have a theme?"


Bear rolled his eyes "Monk, why so curious hmm? Maybe she doesn't want to party with you."

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Re: Simply, No. [self]

Postby Celtic » 05/25/2020 4:03 PM

Monk rolled his eyes. Bear was just trying to save her obvious embarrassment so he just grunted his reply and rolled over on Bear's back, pretending to find something else infinitely more interesting. Bear chuckled again and tried to change the topic to something safer.

"So Remi, are you hungry? We've brought some snacks along."

"Uh, no, I'm fine."

Remi picked this time to start moving forward up the hill and her stomach picked this time to rumble. Apparently she was hungry. How long did she sleep for? And while we're wondering... When was the last time she ate? Oh god. This was not good.

"Second thought, could I please just get something to munch on?"

Bear nodded, and fished out a bit of jerky from his pouch, offering it up. Remi nodded her thanks and grabbed the jerky. Oh god it tasted so good.

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Re: Simply, No. [self]

Postby Celtic » 05/28/2020 12:06 PM

There was an awkward silence as they walked. They were strangers after all, it's not like they could just gab and gab and gab. Remi, however, hated silence. She was wracking her brain, trying to think of ANYTHING that could get either one of her companions to talk. She nervously sneaked a peak at Monkey and Bear. Monkey was laying on his back on the back of Bear, staring at the trees. Bear, was just ambling after her, seemingly content with everything that was happening.

"So, uh, where are you guys from?" Remi held back a physical cringe from the question. Why couldn't she just be good at this? Where was outgoing Remi when she needed her. She's resting, you know that. You can't go go go all the time-- she'd kill you y'know. Great. She didn't really need confirmation that there were two Remis right now.

Bear however, was happy to answer that question. "Oh well y'see, I'm from farmlands that're pretty far from here. But it's been a long time since I was ever there. I was just a little onpatchu back then." He looked at Remi, trying to see if she'd ever heard of that. She didn't look too convinced, "Y'see my species is fairly odd. We go through stages of life and where you started out as a puppy, I started as an onpatchu and then changed all rapid-like."

"See here, I'm pretty old now. Not so much wise, but old yeah."

"Bear you're not old, you just like to tell people you are." Monkey got up and looked at Remi, "He's not even middle-aged. Don't listen to him."

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Re: Simply, No. [self]

Postby Celtic » 05/28/2020 12:10 PM

"Well from the farmlands I figured I ought to go explore this big world. I didn't ever find myself a partner, never really much into girls, so I just kinda left. Not many do leave, but I looked a bit different, see I was adopted-- brought home before I was old enough to remember though, but I was different so I figured I'd go see where I belonged. Well, I just eventually found my way to a real dry place. A desert and seems that I found my home! Oh I do miss the dry air, the oppressive heat of the sun... But I digress. Eventually I wandered around the desert long enough to find a nice town and settle down for a couple years. That's where I found good ole Monk here!"

"Yeah I don't miss the desert. If you haven't been-- don't go. It's awful. Sand gets everywhere."

Remi chuckled. It was nice to just listen to their lives. It seemed so simple, even though she knew it wasn't. It would be nice to be the only one in your head. You're so dramatic. Another tail flick.

"So then Monkey, what were you doing in the desert if you hated it so much?"

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