Variety seems to be the style of the western region of Desuna. Much of the south is exceptionally flat and has aptly been named the Vast Plains, as the land seems to roll out endlessly. If you reach the northern ends of the plains though, trees begin to appear, growing larger and thicker until you're surrounded by the Roraldi forest. Trees get more sparse toward the north, unable to grow in the surrounding permafrost.

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Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/18/2021 3:23 AM

"Nero," the eldest of the group called out as he ascended the final of the stone stairs that lead into the mouth of the cavern shrine that made up the primary housing and resting area of the entire sect. The area outside was vast and forested, but here, they were secluded.

The red furred, lion-like creature whom sat at the base of the shrine, itself, first looked over her shoulder, her vibrant green gaze meeting with his muted orange one.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/18/2021 3:27 AM

"What is it, Aggoth?" Nero inquired, before hauling herself back up into a standing position and turning away from the shrine so that she could entirely face the male that approached her.

"I just heard that the war finally broke out," Aggoth informed the sect's leader, in turn, as he stepped closer, the tip of his own tail flicking once behind him. "Although, it could be said that is more of an ambush or slaughter than a war."

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/18/2021 3:31 AM

"Between those clans to the north?" The king presumed as much, but needed to be certain, so she asked.

"Yes," the male confirmed, nodding his head once. "We saw it coming, but now..." He was afraid that it would be too late to act.

"It's not too late to do anything," Nero boldly stated, seeming to perfectly understand where the male's thoughts had lead him. "We can't do anything to prevent the war now, which is... just as well."

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/18/2021 3:34 AM

"Officially, it is none of our business, as neither clan had or has any allegiances to us," Nero continued.

That was the political way of thinking about it, most definitely, but that was the reality of it.

It was not her job to save everyone, though she would do whatever she could, when she could. Even trying to mediate had not be of any use. Regardless of what happened, fighting would still occur when those that wanted to fight refused to see any other option.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/18/2021 3:39 AM

"Then what do you propose that we do, Leader?" Aggoth asked, wanting to know what she was thinking.

"I'll go," Nero, whom also came to be known as the Demon King in her past life, one with typically unparalleled fighting prowess, asserted. It made the most sense for her to go.

"I mean no disrespect, but even if it is you that goes, it is dangerous to go alone," the male warned. He had no other choice but to do so, even though he knew that would not at all faze her.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/18/2021 3:42 AM

"I will be fine," the Demon King reassured him, just as he expected her to do. When she decided to take action, no possibility of danger or harm to her reputation could ever stop her.

"Though, if you must insist, then send Vayde to shadow me. You, watch over things here." It was not a suggestion, but her given instruction that could not be refused. The command of the leader. "Besides, I do not plan to fight, if I don't have to."

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/18/2021 3:46 AM

Aggoth understood, then. The leader only intended to lend aide to the survivors, if there were any that needed it. That, she could do, without any allegiances, and without putting herself in too much danger. Hopefully.

Nero didn't wait for the other to say anything else, brushing past him with fearless steps, before launching into a full sprint down the stone steps and carrying herself to the north, toward the territory across the burnt, dead earth of the empty lands.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/18/2021 3:52 AM

Even as fast as her paws would carry her, aided by her demonic and divine cultivation leading her to move at an inhuman pace, Nero knew well enough that she would not make it time to save many. But even if there was just one, just one single soul, than Nero would do whatever she could.

The metallic scent of blood filled the air, and the stronger the scent became, the more it urged her to move faster. So many scents all mingled together. So much tragedy.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/18/2021 3:55 AM


"Vayde," Aggoth called out the name of another once more, this time approaching the cave which the other male had claimed as his own private quarters in a hurry, announcing his own presence before even having made it into the entrance.

The dark one, whom was using his strange powers over shadows and darkness to traverse, unseen, through the shadows, heard his name being called out. Within moments, he stepped out of the shadows of his own cave, as though he appeared from thin air, itself, slowing fading into existence before the elder's eyes.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/18/2021 3:58 AM

The older male had stepped in just then to witness him appear, and the dark one tilted his head slightly. "What is it?" He asked, seeming to have the desire to get right to the point without any extra formalities.

For the most part, Vayde wasn't one for small talk. Though, of course, there were some exceptions to this. With that being as it was, it wasn't all that often that someone sought him out first in such a hurried fashion, unless it was a matter of importance.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/18/2021 4:01 AM

Aggoth did not take any extra time before stating his reason for coming, "Nero is heading out toward the north, across the empty lands, as the relationship between the two clans on the other side has completely broken down."

Vayde listened to him, remaining silent throughout the explanation.

"I've heard that war has broke out between them, and you know our leader," Aggoth carried on. "She has set out to see if there is anyone that needs her help out there."

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/18/2021 4:04 AM

From Aggoth's words of explanation, it was obvious that this was not an official task of the sect. At least, there was no political motive in it. Her setting out was just what Nero wanted to do, herself, and wasn't all too interested in involving anyone else in the matter.

Vayde nodded his head in understanding, but still didn't see what the older lion was getting at, aside from reporting the situation to him so that he was simply aware of it.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/18/2021 4:13 AM

"I understand," Vayde said. "But, what else is there?" There had to be more to it than just a report, surely. It was doubtful that the other male would hurry over just for that.

"I advised that she not go entirely alone, as it can be dangerous, even for her," Aggoth continued when prompted. "In response, she told me to seek you out so you could trail her from the shadows in the event that she does need your assistance. It's just assurance, really."

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/18/2021 4:16 AM

Nero was known for her incredible fighting prowess, so it was very unlikely that she would be in need of help, but going alone was still ill advised for anyone. Situations could change without any warning at all, within only a moment.

"She's gone on ahead, but I have no doubt that you will be able to catch up to her," the elder said. "Just look after our leader, okay?" The last of his words came out more as a personal request, as her worried friend rather than an advisor.

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Re: Lost and Found [Event]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/18/2021 4:22 AM

While Aggoth was not Nero, thus this was technically not a direct command, the dark one nodded his head once, sharply. "Of course. I'll watch over her from the shadows."

Vayde held a great respect for their founder and leader, and was even indebted to her for taking him into the group without any hesitation, so there was no way he would deny the opportunity to be of some assistance to her.

Without any other words exchanged, he soon vanished, throwing himself back into the shadows.

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