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At The Lists [WIP]

Postby Azura Rayume » 10/26/2015 4:32 PM

[Here we go again, me trying to make a pen that I find satisfactory. I wonder if it'll work this time.

I don't remember probably about 90% of the characters I had, so I guess. I'll put things here when I think of them? Or when I remember them. We'll see what happens, I guess. And we're gonna put whatever comes to mind here. I wasn't putting the cosplay pets here before, but, uh... screw it whatever, they can be here, too.

Actual description eventually maybe, who's to say.]

Adelaide Rowan
Archimedes Wright
Ulric Shields
Trey Spear
Tristan McClain
Rune Threebrook

Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see
Something Strange?

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Re: At The Lists [WIP]

Postby Azura Rayume » 09/22/2021 9:26 PM

Inspiration Kuhna

An eccentric in every sense of the word, Muse is a highly ambitious writer and a bit of a social butterfly. That is to say, he loves interacting with the world around him, but he has a tendency to be very flighty. When not at home, he can usually be found holed up in some coffee shop or wandering somewhere trying to work up the inspiration for his next character or short story. He usually keeps to himself unless prompted, but he can be an absolute chatterbox when someone asks about any of his creative endeavors. Too much exposure to people can be draining on him, though, so he definitely does better in smaller groups on one-on-one and avoids crowds where he can.

Trade? No
RP? Yes
Breeding? Maybe
Rental? No
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Re: At The Lists [WIP]

Postby Azura Rayume » 09/23/2021 10:33 AM

Adelaide Rowan
Candy witch

Bouncy, bubbly, and overly friendly, Adelaide is as outgoing as they come. She may be easily distracted, but her curiosity often overcomes that, at least enough that she remembers what she sees even if it doesn't seem to register at the time. She's a quick study on all things magic, but she only really commits spells to memory if she finds their results interesting or fun enough to try. She likes things with bright, colorful, or drastic effects, mostly lights and illusions she can use to entertain or impress.

Her favorite holiday is Halloween, and she shows it, from her candy corn covered dress to her little pumpkin charms. Partly because of the aesthetic and partly because her biggest weakness is her sweet tooth. She knows every candy store in every town in Evelon and has more than once derailed something very important to pay one a visit instead.

Familiar: Trolli, Sour Nagi

Trade? No
RP? Yes
Breeding? Yes
Rental? Maybe
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Re: At The Lists [WIP]

Postby Azura Rayume » 09/23/2021 10:35 AM

Archimedes "Archie" Wright
Common Gruss

The word most people use to describe Archie is "bookish." His favorite pasttime is studying, and the material itself barely a concern. His focus tends to mostly be archaeology, but anything that catches his attention is worthy of looking into. He has a broad range of knowledge, from ancient civilizations to rock formations to fossils to modern biology, and he will happily share what he knows with anyone who might ask over a fine cup of tea.

For someone so traditionally academic, Archie is not averse to company or more strenuous activity. If anything, he takes to it quickly. He believes in learning by doing; seeing a place is even better than reading about it, and he is more than capable of climbing mountains or hiking through jungles to get somewhere fascinating. He is kind to the point of overly generous with his time, and the only thing he truly cannot abide is those who would abuse such kindness.

Trade? No
RP? Yes
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Re: At The Lists [WIP]

Postby Azura Rayume » 09/23/2021 11:20 AM

Ulric Shields

First and foremost, Ulric is a businessman. He trades and sells anything he can get his hands on, from antiquities to information. He arranges things in the underground, too, connecting clients to less-than-savory individuals who can carry out a task he himself cannot and charging a minor finder's fee on top of it. He makes a good enough living that way.

He is often describes as a cold, "all business" kind of person, his main emotional response being biting snark covered by flippant disinterest. He does, however, have one associate he is close enough to consider a friend, the bounty hunter, Trey. He does his best to keep this affection out of his work, but he does have a clear preference for sending jobs to Trey. And he does seem to be personally effected whenever Trey comes back injured...

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RP? Yes
Breeding? Yes
Rental? Yes
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Re: At The Lists [WIP]

Postby Azura Rayume » 09/23/2021 11:29 AM

Trey Spear
Bounty hunter

Trey is a bounty hunter by trade, tracking down any target and turning them in for the price, man and beast alike. He had no qualms with using extreme force to get the job done. He considers himself one of the "good guys," but his methods say otherwise. His jobs, too, come from the underground more often than not, supplied by his business partner and close friend, Ulric. Since they began working together, the two of them have been inseparable, and both would rather spend their free time together than elsewhere by now.

In previous years, Trey was a nicer person, taking any bounty and treating those he caught with as much kindness as possible. His leniency earned him a bullet through the leg when on of his captures retaliated with more force than he expected. Since then, he has grown more and more violent with those he handles. He takes great thrill in the chase and take-down, almost as much as a predator, and his bounties often receive unneeded injuries as a result. Recently, he has found no thrill in the smaller catches and only takes the most dangerous jobs he can find; he now comes back with just as many scars and wounds as the targets he chases.

Trade? No
RP? Yes
Breeding? Yes
Rental? Yes
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Re: At The Lists [WIP]

Postby Azura Rayume » 09/23/2021 12:26 PM

Tristan McClain

Tristan has always had a love of nature, plants in particular, ever since he was very young. He has a home to himself, on the edge of Nabias, with a sprawling garden that he spends a majority of his time tending. He loves it and pours so much of himself into it. The plants reward him in return, flourishing under his attention and giving him blooms and fruit year round. He runs a small flower business that takes seasonal orders and sells produce at the farmers' market. It's a good life.

His garden thrives so much that it has attracted a few less-typical visitors along with the birds and insects. A few fae have taken up residence in his trees, their magic seeping into the surrounding plants and helping them grow even more than a gardener's touch. He isn't unaware of it, far from it. He knows how to avoid their more dangerous games and keep himself safe from any that might be more mischievous than their peers, but one in particular, Rune, has charmed her way into his home.

Trade? No
RP? Yes
Breeding? Maybe
Rental? Yes
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Re: At The Lists [WIP]

Postby Azura Rayume » 09/24/2021 5:34 PM

Rune Threebrook
Forest fae

Rune is fairly young by fae standards, only a few decades old by normal measures. She has been warned time and again to stay away from humans, of how they take and destroy, but her curiosity has long since overcome their warnings. She has mastered a minor amount of shapeshifting, allowing her to look like a human maiden instead of her typical fae self, and uses her disguise to explore the human worlds, their creations, both good and bad.

The longer she stays away from her forest home, the less likely she is to make it back, but she has long decided she is alright with that. Her wandering brought her to a wonderful garden tended by a just as wonderful gardener. Tristan is kind to her and allows her to stay in his home, the both of them growing the garden together, and her affection for him grows as quickly as the plants around them.

Trade? No
RP? Yes
Breeding? Maybe
Rental? Yes
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Re: At The Lists [WIP]

Postby Azura Rayume » 09/24/2021 8:46 PM

Deepwater Likuta

The only thing anyone knows him by is Nines, and he will not explain to anyone why. Part of the criminal underbelly of Evelon, he offers his technological services to anyone who can pay well enough to catch his attention. Otherwise, he entertains himself by hacking through firewalls and rewiring security systems for fun, just to keep his skills sharp.

Personally, he is standoffish and snappy, irritated if anyone messes with his computers and even more so if he is forced into working in person. He hates having to get his hands dirty almost as much as he hates dealing with strangers. It takes quite a bit to worm your way into his good graces, and it's rare to even have the opportunity to.

He does have a very mild water magic, but it's innate and barely enough to keep the rain off himself. He doesn't really notice it or have a way to use it.

Trade? No
RP? Yes
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