Be it to the north or south, Basantha is characterized by harsh climates most Lambastians prefer not to trek. To the north are the frigid Fe'gan Mountains, Lambastia's highest and coldest peaks. Further south you'll encounter the arid expanse of the Wilt'no Desert, where most life only comes out during the night. Travelers find little escape to the west, even though the Tuun Mountains aren't quite as harsh.

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Keeping Pace Part 1[closed]

Postby ShukakuOnetail » 04/17/2008 9:49 PM

A tall teenager walked along a street in Lambastia, a glowing toxic winged demon walked lext to him giveing him glares as they walked.The demon's name is Hakkouoni, Hakkou for short, and the human was Koru.They had met a moon or so ago and Hakkou couldn't seem to leave the teenager no matter how much he seemed to dislike him.
The two turned down an ally way that faced the woods near by.Kuro sat down on an old tree stump, Hakkouoni sat under a tree branch that was from a tree three or so feet away.They did this often, just sit down and stare out into the forest questioning themselves on if they should try to enter the forest, only to leave and come back the next day.
Hakkouoni gave a bored yawn that spit tiny acid into the air that soon hit the ground making tiny holes in the gound where it landed.Looking around he thought he spotted something moving in the forest.

(Anyone can post what happens next and I'll reply to it.)


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Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 04/18/2008 5:07 PM

((OOc: I'll join!))

A teenage girl was jumping from tree to tree in the forest, and was being chased by her arch nemesiss.  Sheik was jumping and dodging every single shot her enemy shooted.  Sheik tripped up on a branched and fell down onto the floor, where a boy was laying down.  "Look out," screamed Sheik with her bandages around her mouth.  Sheik landed on the man and covered his mouth as soon as her enemy was gone.
"Sorry for the fall, I was being chased by my enemy," Sheik said to the boy. "So.  What's your name, anyways?  My name is Sheik." At least he doesn't know I'm a girl, Sheik thought to herself.

{Sheik: 22}
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Postby ShukakuOnetail » 04/18/2008 5:11 PM

"I'm Koru.Who are you enemies anyways?"Koru ask.
Hakkouoni gave a small snicker when Sheik landed on him.He then turned his head back to the forest, still laughing inside.


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Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 04/18/2008 5:26 PM

"There's at least three that are chasing me.  Wario, Ganondorf, and I don't know where Tabuu is, but he's the the worst.  Me, on the other hand.  I'm royal blood,"Sheik said and got off of Koru.  " Anyways.  Sorry for landing on you.  What I was doing was jumping on the tree branches, when I tripped and fell onto you."  She looked at the Chernobyl laughing.  "And what might be so funny?  Wait a minute.  Ar eyou a Chernobyl, by any chance?
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Postby ShukakuOnetail » 04/18/2008 5:49 PM

Hakkouoni looked at the human before himself.."Yeah, what does it mean to you?".Hakkouoni said without using his lips.He didn't like using telepathy because sometimes it made his head ack.
"Its alright.So where were you going?"Koru spoke to Sheik, plainly not hearing Hakkouoni's rude words.


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Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 04/18/2008 6:03 PM

"The castle in Aldrect, when Wario started chasing me.  The next thing I knew, I goy lost.  Bu tat least I found you guys," said Sheik.  "Ahah!  I knew you would be here Sheik," said Wario.  "We gotta get going!  If you get hit by that gun Wario has, you'll become a trophie," said Sheik, and Wario shot the gun, and a black arrow came after them.  Sheik grabbed Koru and the Chernobyl to dodge the black arrow, and jumped up into the trees.  "Got a way to the bridge of Lambistia, by any chance Koru," Sheik asked Koru.

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Postby ShukakuOnetail » 04/18/2008 6:12 PM

"Quit touching me!"Hakkouoni screamed at Sheik without using his lips.
Koru ran on the other side of Hakkou."Yeah we aren't very far.Here turn here into the ally its a short cut!"Koru said as he turned into the shaded ally.
Hakkouoni flapped his powerful wings as he took to the air so he didn't have to run anymore, his long purple snake tail hissed several times not liking the sky's winds.


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Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 04/18/2008 7:51 PM

Sheik looked down as Wario was catching up to them.  "No problem with that. Wings of the three angels.  Sheik sprouted three colorful wings.  One pair was blue, one pair was orange, and one pair was green.  Sheik jumped down and flew right next to Koru.  "Impressed by my wings," she asked.  "Not so fast, your royal highness," said Wario and shot.  Sheik grabbed Koru's hand and flew higher.   "Hold on tight, Koru," said Sheik and twirled and missed every shot Wario fired.

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Postby ShukakuOnetail » 04/18/2008 8:25 PM

Hakkouoni watched Koru with another smerk, his other head gave a loud hissed and Hakkouoni dodged the arrow.He begain to fly ahead of the two humans."Ha.Your wings are to slow.!"Hakkouoni thought sending his thoughts to Sheik.
Koru held Sheik's hand making sure to not let go, knowing if he fell Hakkouoni wouldn't save him, he would watch and probably laugh at Koru's stupidity.


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Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 04/18/2008 8:32 PM

Sheik kept on dodging the arrows, but Koru's hands slipped out of her grisp.  Sheik flew underneath and Koru landed on her back.  "Gotcha now, Girlie," said Wario.  But sheik dodged, and they were out of Wario's sight.  

When they were away from Wario, Sheik landed and was out of breath.   "Grr.  I'm tired of people calling me girlie!  I'm a tom-boy," said Sheik.  She pulled off her bandages that were around her hair and mouth.
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Postby ShukakuOnetail » 04/18/2008 8:42 PM

Hakkouoni glided in the sky above the two humans.He was watching Koru as he held a black box that had fallen out of his pocket.

"Well, thanks for getting me away from Wario."Koru said after picking the box up quickly and putting it back in his pocket.

Hakkouoni dove to the gound and sat down under a large cherry tree, sending a large blanket of dust and dirt into the air.


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Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 04/18/2008 8:49 PM

"No problem.  Hey, wait a minute.  Aren't you shocked?  And what's in the box," Sheik asked as her long flowing blond hair blew in the wind, and her voice was a girls voice. She reverted her wings back to normal.  
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Postby ShukakuOnetail » 04/18/2008 8:56 PM

"Yeah, I was at first."Koru said as he took the black box out of his pocket."Its a box that holds a rare radioactive shell that I found a few years ago."Koru said opening the box slightly so Sheik could only see part of the glowing black and green shell.
Hakkouoni was starring at the box with curiousity, quietly murmering thing to himself.


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Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 04/18/2008 9:08 PM

"It...  It's so pretty.  just like the Forest medallion."  Sheik's red eyes glowed into green.  "Oh yeah.  Have you seen any medallions anywhere by the way?  And, er, to tell you the truth.  If I'm in bandages, I look like a boy, but I'm a girl.  A tom-boy girl."  Sheik pulled out her light medallion to show what it looked like.
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Postby ShukakuOnetail » 04/19/2008 1:39 PM

"No, not that I know of.Hakkouoni probably knows sence he has lived for atlest 100,000 years."Koru said as he put the box away."I nodiced that you used the bandages to hide your gender."

Hakkouoni lost his interest in the shell as soon as he couldn't see it anymore.


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