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Hoof Valley

Postby spinorex » 05/26/2008 9:06 PM

Here, millions of horse herds live in Hoof Valley, but today, they have a struggle. Humans are taking over their lands!! These horses  have developed to live with that and have also created a new species, the wingged horse, also know as the pegasus. Sice the humans have started their new lives here, there is no chance of them leaving. They have also captured them and has trained them to become loyal and such. Some love the new pampered life , but most don`t. So that`s the story, now it`s time to create your own.

The rules here are simple. You create your horse and play. EASY!!

So here is the form to create your own horse:

Horse Name:
Wing Color:
Coat Color:

Here is mine.

Horse Name: AshFeather
Gender: Male
Wing Color: Black
Coat Color: Brown
Description: Young male with a white strip going across his face. He also has one gold colored marking above his hoof. He is looking for a mate but no mares are intrested.
Mates: None (not yet)
Foals: None (not yet)

Speaking of foals, here are the rules. You must create a profile for your foals. Once they are grown, please post that they are fully grown. Know one will know that your foal is fully grown and your horse will never be able to mate.

Any questions, ask me.

Start posting!!
Some of 'em say, Jersey girls aint supposed to be country bred; but trust me hunny, I'm a true southern belle.
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Postby Akida » 05/27/2008 4:25 AM

(Oh my!! Aki luffs the horsey and horse-like RP's *huggles thread and owner*)

Horse Name: Haraasden
Gender: Female
Wing Color: White
Coat Color: Chestnut
Description: Lovely young mare with a bald head and a stocking on her rear left leg. She has a sweet temperament, but has the skill to protect herself if needed.
Mate: None yet
Foal(s): None yet

(I wont post just yet _-_)

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Postby SweetDisaster » 05/27/2008 5:40 PM

Horse Name: Iilaria
Gender: Mare
Wing Color: White
Coat Color: Very, very light palomino
Description: Iilaria is anything but subordinate. A flirt, Iilaria charms her way to the very top...but don't let her sweetness fool you, because she's as fierce a fighter as a mare of her meager 14.2 hands come. Not to mention that it takes very little to spark her anger. Fiery, Iilaria's always sweet around those whom she knows can overpower her, but watch out if she considers you below her!
Mate: None; not interested yet.
Foals: None; not interested yet.
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Postby spinorex » 05/27/2008 5:55 PM

The air outside was fresh. AshFeather stood at the top of the hill, absorbing the fresh sent of fresh air, but then again, the smoke from the clay houses down below blocked it out. Sooner or later they would cover the whole valley and no animal life would be here. " I need a plan." AshFeather whinnied as he made his way to the rest of the herd.
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Postby SweetDisaster » 05/27/2008 6:32 PM

Iilaria glanced around herself with an air of boredom. She'd grazed until she couldn't eat another bite. She'd kicked a young foal away from the watering-hole. Now what should she do? There was a nice breeze, but it made her feel she ought to do something, not just stand around and do nothing. Flirt with a stallion? Hmm, now, that suggestion had its merits. But then, some stupid stallion might think she was serious in her ventures. The young winged mare shook her head with a disgusted snort and glanced around anyway.
 There was only one stallion that caught her eye; the rest were unimportant and didn't attract Iilaria in any way‚Äîa young-looking (or was that the angle of sunlight?) brown stallion with black wings. Well, if he was anything like the other stallions, he'd think he was all-important, that mares came second.
 The young mare reared slightly and shook out her mane, thinking. Other mares held no interest for her, and she'd nothing else to do anyway. Iilaria cantered through the herd until she was on the outskirts, whereupon she kicked up her heels in a little frolic, flirted her thick tail and stretched her wings to the sky. Had he noticed?
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Postby spinorex » 05/27/2008 6:41 PM

AshFeather was looking up and saw Iilaria in the heart of the fields. "Was she trying to call me over?" Ashfeather thought in his head. He started doing the same thing she was doing . "Why was she doing this? Is she flirting with me?"
Many questions tumbled around in his mind as he bolted towards her. "H-Hi"
he said nervously trying not to make a fool of himself. Did she notice I was here?
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Postby SweetDisaster » 05/27/2008 6:45 PM

A smile flickered across Iilaria's mouth. This was easy...the poor stallion seemed to be quite interested. He practically ran over to her, after all. She blinked at him, tossing her mane as she rewarded him with an even, gray-eyed stare. After a while, she condescended to say, "Hi." Tossing her head slightly, the mare glanced around. "So, what do you think about the humans, eh?" She watched as a young human child, far away down in the valley, laughed as her older sibling threw something at her. "They'll destroy everything," Iilaria murmured softly, dismay in her eyes as one younger child began to rip up grass by the stalks to throw it in the river, watching it drift away.
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Postby spinorex » 05/27/2008 6:57 PM

"What do I think of them? I think they are the worst creatures!!" He said in a way that could make thunder appear. " But at least the heard is far away from them. We could not possibly.... " he paused for a moment as the skies over head turned gay. Then thunder hit. " We better get shelter before it starts to down pour! Lets meet here tomorrow cause I need to tell you something really important." AshFeather could tell her reaction. She probably thought that he was a pest. As he flew off to a part of the valley that had tall grass for shade AshFeather wondered " Does she like me? What will be my future?" These were the questions that haunted him the most.
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Postby Akida » 05/28/2008 4:18 PM

A chestnut and white figure appeared at the top of a hill. She was galloping lazily, but her hoofbeats seemed to compliment the thunder overhead. Her lovely white wings seemed to have a hint of blue, but a cloud covered the sunlight making them appear plain white. She saw the herd ahead. She was glad to be back from her short trip north. She only remembered a few of them, but noticed some new faces too. She slowed into a smooth trot then stopped a few feet from the herd. Just as she stopped the rain began to fall. She didn't attempt to find shelt for she loved the rain and it's sweet earthy smell.

"Christmas?! I'm starting preparations for the new year celebrations thank you very much!"

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Postby SweetDisaster » 05/28/2008 4:47 PM

Iilaria raised an amused eyebrow. Well, wasn't he fiery and opinionated? In a mare, that was despicable (although Iilaria herself was rather like that), but in a stallion, not so much. In fact, most mares liked fiery stallions. Iilaria had no care one way or the other. "I'll meet you," she replied agreeably. She didn't like him, per se, but he interested her. Which was more than most stallions did. The light palomino mare raised her slightly concave profile, blinking as the rain began to fall. Was that a mare she saw? She couldn't be sure, but she was quite certain she'd never seen the mare before. Ah well; she'd come just a short white before anyway.
 The palomino mare tossed her head, folding her wings about her and then galloped towards shelter. It wouldn't be any good to get her coat mangy and sopping, after all.
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Postby Akida » 05/29/2008 4:03 PM

The young mare stood tall and looked toward the sky. She greeted the raindrops on her face with a smile. Then the rain began to fall heavier. She knew her limits when it came to rain. She flapped her wings sending some of the drops back into the air and away from her body. She cantered off to a large, old tree in the distance. The thick branches overhead kept most of the water off of her. She shook her head and the "shiver" traveled down to her tail. She stood there and waited out the storm. She wondered if she could try to make new friends after the rain.

"Christmas?! I'm starting preparations for the new year celebrations thank you very much!"

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Postby spinorex » 05/29/2008 5:02 PM

As the rain drops fell from the heavens, AshFeather could not noticed, a small young foal in the center of the fields. It was pure white with pure yellow eyes. It had white wings, but some feathers were brown. She grazed on the watery fields. " I wonder where its parents are?" But as he said that, he heard a snort behind him. It was the leader of the herd, Onix!! Onix was a black male with a bad temper. " GO AWAY!!" shouted Onix. "This is my shelter and that`s my daughter!!" A look of surprise was on AshFeather`s face. Onix never told the herd that he had a daughter. Was he saving it for a rainy day like today? AshFeather rose to his hooves and galloped away.

Horse Name: Onix
Gender: Male
Wing Color: Black
Coat Color: Black
Description: Onix is a bad tempered horse. He has a black mane too. He also has a white stripe on his face, but a gold colored horn blocking most of it. He has yellow eyes, just like his daughter.
Mate: RushingWind
Foal(s): DawnCream, StormBlast, WoolyTusk

Horse Name: DawnCream
Gender: Female
Wing Color: White
Coat Color:White
Description: Has yellow eyes and brown feathers on her wings. Can usually be found grazing in a nearby meadow.

Horse Name: StormBlast
Gender: Male
Wing Color: Black
Coat Color: Brown
Description: He is very shy but is curios, wich usually leads him into trouble.

Horse Name: Wooly Tusk
Gender: Male
Wing Color: White
Coat Color: White
Description: Very furry male with a gold horn like his father, Onix. He also has Gold color hooves. Reminds horses of Musk Oxen. Or the YETTI!!!

Horse Name: RushingWind
Gender: Female
Wing Color: Gold
Coat Color: Brown
Description: Has a strong strawberry like smell to her wonderful powerful
wings. Can usually be found eating berries of all types.
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Postby _Untamed_Spirit_ » 09/27/2008 11:04 AM

Horse Name: Shiro
Gender: Mare
Wing Color: Blueish silver
Coat Color: blueish silver
Description: Young female with a black marking on the tip of her right wind. It is a perfect broken heart and she isn't sure when she got it all she knows is that she wasn't born with it and she got it sometime after her mate died. Her eyes are icy blue.
Mates: None, looking
Foals: None (not yet)

Horse Name: Spirit
Gender: Stallion
Wing Color: Silver
Coat Color: looks like a palmino appaloosa
Description: Young male with a brown marking of a bald eagle on his chest. His eyes are toxic green.
Mates: None, looking
Foals: None (not yet)

Horse Name: Random
Gender: Stallion
Wing Color: Same as his coat.
Coat Color: Strawberry roan
Description: Young male with a black stocking on his left back leg that almost covers his whole leg. His eyes are pale blue.
Mates: None, looking
Foals: None (not yet)
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Postby potterchic » 12/13/2008 7:44 PM

Horse Name: Firestar
Gender: Female
Wing Color: Brown, with white diamonds outlined in black on them.
Coat Color: Bay
Description: A young (3 years) mare, with a diamond on her forehead, and a diamond on each wing. Brown with black mane/tail. Her eyes are a chocalete brown, that at times when she's angry turn a bright green. She's looking for a mate, and sort of has her eye on Ashfeather...
Mate: None (yet).
Foals: None (yet).
Oh, what a guy, that Gaston!

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