Often called the claw of Barakka, much of Iiy'lagon is covered in dense rain forests. If you can make it to the heart of the region, easiest to reach from the southern coast, you'll find the quaint town of Nabias and the vast Sekudui farmlands. Scientists from around the world often trek the risky northern waters and rocky shores to visit the islands at the tip of the region and study the great diversity there.

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When did helping turn into a sin? (Private)

Postby Kyrit » 07/13/2008 2:06 AM

(Please do not post here unless I've invited you to join. This roleplay first takes place at the Imperial Interrogation Center, but there's no real place this would fit. Just... putting it here.)

The war had been over for a while now... All the Imperial soldiers had abandoned the Interrogation Center by now, seeing as how they had no use for it. They lost the war. But what about all the poor creatures who had been left in the cells to rot? Sure, some could find ways to get out, and many had been rescued... but who would set free a traitor? Just like quite a few that had probably already died by now without food or water, she was too weak to escape from this place. She had taken on too many soldiers for one who was already wounded as it was. All she hoped for though was that she had been able to save the child from a horrible fate...

If Rynine was safe... maybe, just maybe, she could finally let herself rest in peace.
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Postby Kyrit » 07/13/2008 2:07 AM

But what about Talbot? If she died, he died... Shouldn't she keep on living for him? Yes. That was certainly what had been driving her for the last week or so. No food... No water.... Just the thought of keeping what was dearest to her alive. Still... She was getting weaker each day. There was no way she would be able to break the chain grasping her hind leg as well as the bars that kept her cell away from the outside world.

Her cyan eyes slid shut, her breathing shallow and slow. Not even the strength to clean her own wounds, not even the strength to stand. So where were these grand Purine soldiers? Why wouldn't they free her as well? Was she dead to them? Just a bother surely.
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Postby Kyrit » 07/13/2008 2:07 AM

Her ear gave a small flick as she heard the door down at the other end of the hall squeak open. The Purines had stopped coming ere to free their people over a week ago, so why was that door opening. No bother... She didn't need to find out. Couldn't get to the end of the cell to even try to look anyways. Instead all she could do was listen as something came her way. Footsteps... No shoes to make loud noises, but there were certainly footsteps. Sounded like two creatures... Why were they coming her way? Was someone actually coming to free her? No... She must've been hearing things. And yet.... there was even the sound of distorted voices. Snap out of it Otiephu. Must've just been a dream. Dreams were hard to tell from truth these days... Neither seemed to be kind.
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Postby Kyrit » 07/13/2008 2:09 AM

The sound of the cell door opening... The sound that she hadn't heard in a month, maybe two. No. this all had to be a dream. There was nothing in her future... Just the darkness. But... what was that soft orange glow? It seemed to be rather close. Then she thought she could hear someone yelling out her name, yet it sounded so far away. Next came a wave of pain that hit her body as something rather warm pressed against her side.

Forcing her eyes open, there was quite the sight. Tal...bot...? As expected, he seemed to be in just as bad shape as she was. They shared death, they shared pain. And to think that he couldn't even see what would putting him through so much pain.

Then there was the one that had brought him here... Draiz. He must have been sitting on her shoulder or something and fallen on to her. He had probably tried to hover down, but instead fell and thus why she felt the pain of the impact.
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Postby Kyrit » 07/13/2008 2:09 AM

"Otiephu..." the vixen's soft voice came out a bit shakey. "I'm... I'm sorry it took us so long..." She bent down, setting the pink rabbit plushie down on the Khimera's front paws. It was clean now, not a drop of blood on it. "I had no clue what happened until I found this... and then it took me forever to figure out what truely happened to begin with..."

At her side was another feline, but smaller then the large, injured one. Yavena, the Ociame kuhna. It was this feline that stepped forward now, letting her tiny tongue run across Tie's cheek. She could feel the Khimera try to move her body, the bones shaking slightly, yet the body couldn't get up.
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Postby Kyrit » 07/15/2008 12:26 AM

The violet feline's eyes slide over to look at the plushie resting on her paws. Then there was the tongue that ran over her fur. Such a tiny little one compared to herself. She remembered seeing her with Draiz at Mardes, but not for long. They had all gotten split up again... Thus why Draiz hadn't known of this event.

Her eyes shifted once again to look at Talbot now, who was breathing slowly, his eyes closed. He seemed as if he hadn't slept in a while or something. He was probably far too worried to do such. Sleep... That sounded good about now, seeing as how she was safe now that they were there.
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Postby Kyrit » 07/15/2008 12:31 AM

The vixen pulled a bag off of her back, placing it down next to the Ociame. When she pulled the zipper, medical supplies spilled forth. Thanks to Rukaj, she had come here quite prepared. "I doubt you'll be able to leave here for a few days even after caring for your wounds, and there's no way I'd be able to carry you... So I think we'll spend a few days here."

First she put a bowl on the ground, then pulled out a bottle of water and poured it into the bowl. Yavena moved closer, letting her tails rest next to it so that the water could be heated. From here a rag was dipped in the water, and then transfered to be gently brushed against the Khimera's fur. "I'll probably leave from time to time, that way I can bring food back here, but I'm certainly not leaving you here alone." She could hear a small grunt of pain as the rag moved across one of the wounds, but she continued on working.
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Postby Kyrit » 07/15/2008 12:37 AM

It wasn't long before she had gone through quite a few rags, all of which were now stained with blood. Even the water she had been diping them in was now clouded with the red liquid. The wounds were all closed, but certainly not healing at a good rate. So much blood had just been caked on to her fur that Draiz couldn't know where the true wounds were. Now that she was able to spot them though, she was able to use something a bit better then water. Yes, it burned, but rags dipped in rubbing alcohol did much better to clean the wounds. It'd help keep away infection.

The only sign of Otiephu's pain was Talbot's whimpering in his sleep. Tie was obviously too tired to care about the pain anymore, and she knew what was going on. She knew that it would help in the end.
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Postby Kyrit » 07/15/2008 12:56 AM

Some wounds were bandaged, others were left uncovered. Certain wounds would need to be able to get some air to them, but some of the worse ones needed to be covered just to make sure that they didn't get infected, if they weren't already on their way to being infected. By the time Draiz had fully finished with cleaning and bandaging, both Otiephu and Talbot were out cold. They could use the rest too. Neither had really slept, what with how one had to worry about anything possibly coming after her, and the other not knowing what was causing him pain.

After gathering up all the blood covered rags and putting them in the bowl, Draiz stood and looked over at Yavena. "Watch them while I'm out. I need to throw these out as well as get food for everyone." Blankets and pillows probably too.. If they were going to be hanging around here they'd need a way to get comfortable.

After seeing the small feline nod, she was off and out of the building.
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Postby Kyrit » 07/20/2008 1:29 AM

Days had come and gone, each day Draiz leaving a few times to bring back food, fresh water, and any other small things that they needed. Her wounds were far from healed, but Otiephu was doing better each day. She was still unable to break free of the chains, but she was starting to move a bit more each day, making sure that her muscles would be able to carry her out of this place. Talbot was feeling a bit better as well, able to move about on his own since Tie's wounds weren't causing them both horrible pain.

"I think I can get the chain to break. I can't take it off... but I can at least cause it to break." the little flaming lizard spoke, eyes set on the shackle that bound the Khimera by her left ankle.
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Postby Kyrit » 09/10/2008 8:39 PM

Otiephu gave a small nod, as if telling Talbot to go ahead and do what he could to break the chains that bound her. "Alright. Well... I'll heat one of the links up and you can strike it with your tail. The heat should soften it enough for long enough that your tail can break through it." came his words after seeing that she agreed to it.

Moments later flames were falling upon the chains from the Magma Creeper's mouth. After a few minutes, when the metal was turning a bright orangish red, he pulled back and smiled at her. Then, with one swift movement of her tail, the link was severed. Metal was still attached to her leg, but this would have to do for now unless they wanted to burn her fur as well.
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Postby Kyrit » 09/10/2008 8:46 PM

It would have been odd to anyone that happened to be around, except that there was no one there but them, to hear the sound that filled the room. A Khimera.... purring? Well that was something new. But then again, most saw the Khimera as a vicious species anyways, and yet Tie was often as loveable as a kitten... even if she didn't express it. Instead she just let others love on her as they wished. But currently, the large cat was nuzzling against her lizard companion.

Talbot gave a soft smile, pressing back against her. "Looks like once Mrs. Draiz gets back we'll be ready to leave finally." Such a gloomy place... He had hated it for the few days that he was there, so he could just imagine what it was like for her to have been stuck here for so long. When had she been locked up? Oh well... at least they were still alive and together again.
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Postby Kyrit » 09/10/2008 8:53 PM

It had been a few hours before Draiz had finally come back to the cells, Yavena perched on her shoulder as if she were some sort of a bird instead of a kitten, and in these hours the two that had been left alone for a little while had fallen asleep. She didn't wake them up, seeing as how she figured the more sleep these two got the better it would be for them.

Finally, after a while it seemed like they were all ready to go. Talbot sitting on Tie's back and Yavena still on Draiz's shoulder. "Come on guys. Let's get you back home for some rest."

From desert, to war, and then to jail. Everything had happened so quickly... It was certainly time for some well needed rest.
(And they're out. Yup. 'nother plot that I butchered because I'm lazy and lame. -_-)
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