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The Valley Under the Mountain

Postby Micah » 06/14/2008 4:51 PM


You were on your daily morning walk, When you turned the corner. As you did, the world around you dissolved, until you were standing in another world. You look down the hill you are now standing on, to see a large valley with many different terrains below a majestic mountain and pens protecting strange animals. You notice the distant shape of someone standing in the field.You walk over and he greets you...

"Hello, I am Micah! Please, take a look around. There are many things here I'd like ya to see."

Image Image

You say goodbye, and go to the first pen. You See a very bright colored animal.


.: Ōkami :.
Name Meaning: Wolf God
Origin Of Name: Okami Ameratasu
Nickname: Ammy
Gender: Male
Birthday: September 7th
Species: Kamikaze Kuhna
Pronouciation: Koo Nah
Release: none
Level: 3
Posts: 17+ (currently RPing)
Current Roleplays:
Finished Roleplays: Quest of the Cake Permit Group
Explored: Craiss Caverns
Loyalty: /40
Toughness: /100
Exploration: /100
Endurance: /40
Intelligence: /100
Righteousness: /40
Darkness: /40
Fame: /40
Personality: Ōkami is proud. That is the major, single characteristic most people see. He is strong, and passionate, and will never give in as long as he breathes. That is all he strives for, and to always protect those he cares about. He loves deep, and fights hard. He is always ready to give his life for the good of his home, and not afraid to die for anything else, either.
Lineage: Commander Anaris x Otoña (FireHeart)
Siblings: None that are known.
Mates Taken: none.
Life Mate?: none.
Offspring: none.
Close Friends:
Art: none.


Holder, and member thereof, The Official Cake Permit Group.
Status: -


.: Brielle :.
Origin Of Name: Brielle by Sky Sailing
Nickname: Bri
Gender: Female
Birthday: October 14th
Species: Berry Kuhna
Pronouciation: Koo Nah
Release: (Retired December 22nd, 2006)
Level: 1
Posts: 5+ (currently RPing)
Current Roleplays:
Finished Roleplays: tbp
Explored: Terrace Park
Loyalty: /40
Toughness: /100
Exploration: /100
Endurance: /40
Intelligence: /100
Righteousness: /40
Darkness: /40
Fame: /40
Siblings: None that are known.
Mates Taken: none.
Life Mate?: none.
Offspring: 1 Passionfruit, 2 Zookiberries [Cody]
Close Friends:
Art: none.



.: Luna :.
Name Meaning: Of the Moon
Origin Of Name: Luna Scamander (née Lovegood)
Nickname: Lune (Loon)
Pronouciation: Loo Na
Gender: Female
Birthday: August 16th
Species: Brushfire Kuhna
Level: unkown
Posts: none yet
Current Roleplays:
Finished Roleplays: none yet
Explored: ..
Loyalty: /40
Toughness: /100
Exploration: /100
Endurance: /40
Intelligence: /100
Righteousness: /40
Darkness: /40
Fame: /40
Personality: Luna is an open-minded, serene, unique girl with many beliefs & traits thought strange, which earn her the nickname "Loon". Luna is a highly unsual Kuhna, always day dreaming it seems like she could just drift away into her little magical kingdom at any moment. she has a habit of randomly spurting out bits of wisdom, though they often turn out very useful in the long run. Luna can seem naie at times. She always sees the best in people no matter how hard it is to find. She tends to trust people on sight, a trait that could lead to her getting hurt. That said theres something very... wise about this kuhna, she often seems to guess what you're thinking at times. Luna's advise is always very sound, if you can get it from her that is. More often than not she'll just tell you to follow your heart, it'll tell you the right thing to do. Luna loves Roraldi and will often dissapear for days at a time into it's green depths. No-one can tell what she does in there if asked she will say something about "visiting the trees, it takes alot of time to talk to them all individually" her favourite place, is apparently the crystaline trees. A place where she tells us she spends nearly all the time she's away. Oh, never offend this kuhna, whethers that's upsetting her dear trees or aruging in her presence. Those who offend her will have unfortunate luck for several days afterward...
Hobbies: ..
Lineage: Hartwig x Kinha
Shrewdberry / BaalsBaby.
Siblings: None that are known.
Mates Taken: none.
Life Mate?: none.
Close Friends:
Art: none.




.: Kaia :.
Origin Of Name: Similar to japanese word for 'warmth'
Pronouciation: Ky-uh
Nickname: -
Gender: Female
Birthday: June 1st
Species: Sundae Kuhna

Level: unkown
Posts: none yet
Current Roleplays:
Finished Roleplays: none yet
Explored: ..
Loyalty: /40
Toughness: /100
Exploration: /100
Endurance: /40
Intelligence: /100
Righteousness: /40
Darkness: /40
Fame: /40
Lineage: -
Siblings: None that are known.
Mates Taken: none.
Life Mate?: none.
Close Friends:
Art: none.




.: Amai :.
Name Meaning: Sweet
Origin Of Name: 甘い
Nickname: Amy
Gender: Female
Birthday: August 18th
Species: Sucrose Kuhna
Pronouciation: Soo Crow seh Koo Nah
Release: none
Current Roleplays:
Finished Roleplays:
Loyalty: /40
Toughness: /100
Exploration: /100
Endurance: /40
Intelligence: /100
Righteousness: /40
Darkness: /40
Fame: /40
Siblings: None that are known.
Mates Taken: none.
Life Mate?: none.
Offspring: none.
Close Friends:
Art: none.


Name: Emril
Gender: Male
Species: CakeKuhna
Lineage: None
Anthro?: no
Personality: Emril simply loves to be near, baking, cooking, frying, or simply eating food. As you can see he was named after Emril Lagasse, the famous chef. And for good reason. He also always has a confident air about him. Rarely anything brings him down. He's also shy. Always wary to meet new people, but is very passionate for those he loves. A great friend to have.

Name: Pastry
Gender: Female
Species: CakeKuhna
Lineage: None
Anthro?: no
Personality: Pastry is very clumsy. She can easily tip over 2 dozen chairs, tear your book, ruin dinner, and destroy your hard-earned spoon collection all in one day. Set that aside though, and you get a very-warm hearted kuhna. She always has good intensions. She has never once made an enemy, but she has mad someone mad over their 7 years worth of artwork going up in flames. Pastry is always good for a laugh, whether giving or receiving. She can also be very easily surprized, humored, and even scared.

Common Kuhna
Name: Klay
Gender: Male
Species: Common Kuhna
Lineage: None
Anthro?: Unkown. Has shown Anthro-like qualities.
Personality: Other than being irritably care-free, Klay is a cosiderate and understanding Kuhna. Especially If it involves friends or family. Has a great liking for any kind of challenge. Challeges boost his self-confidence, and motivates him. Is unbearably drawn to shiny objects. No-one understands why, including himself. Thinks he can do anything. Literally anything. Thinks he can fly, thinks he can survive a nuclear war, even thinks he can get a date to the prom. A generally lovable Kuhna,But irritating at times.

Common Kuhna
Name: Kahna
Gender: Female
Species: Common Kuhna
Lineage: None
Anthro?: No
Personality: Not as care-free as her twin brother Klay but, don't let that fool you. She often shows naughtyness and stubborness towards other animal types. (like a Fellox). She's only hard to get along with when she doesn't know you. Once She realizes your not a potential enemy, she'll power down and warm up to you very quickly. After that You can't get her off you. She loves to explore. She'll disappear from the Pen for hours through a small hole she's dug under the fence.

You see similar animals next to these two.

Name: Hera
Gender: Female
Species:  HydroKuhna
Anthro?: No
Personality: Loves being wet. She just can't resist the possiblity of being in the water. She has even been known to swim in the crater in her Pen after it rains. Speaking of wich, she's always out in the open when a rainstorm hits. And, when it's sunny, she could be found hiding in the Kuhna shelter that's meant for keeping kuhna's out of the rain, not in. She can also be a real smart-alec. She loves making herself look better, and sounding as if she knows anything.(which she definatly does not). Hydro is very stuck up, but after she realizes she likes you, she'll mostly realize and accept that you are just as smart as her.

Name: Cobalt
Gender: Male
Species: HydroKuhna
Lineage: None
Anthro?: No
Personality: Has an unusual phobia for water for a HydroKuhna. Cobalt can't understand why Hydro likes it so much. He's a very observant kuhna. He could spot an ant 5 yards away. As for being observant, he can tell how other kuhnas are feeling. And therefor, he's very understanding.
He's also very active. He loves running, jumping, and just plain moving for that matter. You can't keep him stuck cooped up for too long. (Except in a rainstorm).

Name: Picasso
Gender: Male
Species: ArKuhna
Lineage: None
Anthro?: no
Personality: Very creative and imaginative, and loves to explore different possibilities. He often sits with Emril while they think up new things to create. He loves to sit and take in all the colors that the world has to offer. However, he can be very sensitive and cautious. He never let's anyone near his creations or discoveries. or at least, not until he feels they can be trusted with them. He's also one to 'Look before he leaps'. But once you both get to know each other, and he stops being so defensive. He also prefers Females around his work,and not always for the reasons you think. He prefers Females over males, because he feels that they are easier to get along with. that they're more compatible. And also 'cause he thinks that they are more trustworthy. Once he trusts you, he's a great Kuhna to have for a friend.

Name: Kristi
Gender: Female
Species: ArKuhna
Lineage: None
Anthro?: no
Personality: Very much the same as Picasso, exept for a few key points.
She is not nearly as defensive, but you still have to prove yourself a bit. She is also not as 'exploritive of the possibilities'. But, not only does she notice colors, she notices details, too. She is very good at seeing other animals problems and quirks and excepting them. She loves brightening up another animals day, and bringing out the best in them.

You Come to the end of the Kuhna Pen.

Push play, turn out the lights,
quietly on the floor I lie,
with my foot I close the bedroom door.
I can see shadow lines,
from tree tops on the hill side,
and moonlight glows through the window sill.

Alone ~ Ruth the Band


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Postby Micah » 06/14/2008 5:51 PM

You walk on and come to a pen full of strange foxes.

You notice a sign that reads: THE FELLOX

Now, you look into the pen.



Gender: Male

Posts: 5
Level: 2
Species: Fellox (M)
Loyalty: 4
Toughness: 9
Exploration: 9
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 8
Righteousness: 2
Darkness: 4
Fame: 3
Passive Traits: Self-Sufficient
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike
Personality: tbp[/align]


Gender: Female
Species: Fellox (M)
Loyalty: 4
Toughness: 9
Exploration: 9
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 8
Righteousness: 2
Darkness: 4
Fame: 3
Passive Traits: Self-Sufficient
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike
Personality: She's very generous. She's very kind, and and loves every animal in her pen. Her family is her lifeblood, and she gives all she can for those that have shown her kindness as well. She loves mind games, and she still does those silly 'pretend' games with her brother Mako. Her greatest friend is her twin brother, and she feels she would be lost without him. They're both part of the same identity. If it werer to be the good and bad twin thing, Meredith would be considered the good twin, as Mako is a bigger trouble maker. She feels her best time well spent is at the pen, laughing with her mates.

Common Fellox

Name: Kama
Type: Common
Gender: Male
Species: Fellox (M)
Loyalty: 4
Toughness: 9
Exploration: 9
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 8
Righteousness: 2
Darkness: 4
Fame: 3
Passive Traits: Self-Sufficient
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike

Glacial Fellox

Name: Kakute
Type: Glacial
Gender: Female
Species: Fellox (M)
Loyalty: 4
Toughness: 9
Exploration: 9
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 8
Righteousness: 2
Darkness: 4
Fame: 3
Passive Traits: Self-Sufficient
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike

Venom Fellox

Name: Tanto
Type: Venom
Gender: Male
[Species: Fellox (M)
Loyalty: 4
Toughness: 9
Exploration: 9
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 8
Righteousness: 2
Darkness: 4
Fame: 3
Passive Traits: Self-Sufficient
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike

Temple Fellox

Name: Katana
Type: Temple
Gender: Male
Species: Fellox (M)
Loyalty: 4
Toughness: 9
Exploration: 9
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 8
Righteousness: 2
Darkness: 4
Fame: 3
Passive Traits: Self-Sufficient
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike

Imperial Fellox

Name: Emperor
Type: Imperial
Species: Fellox (M)
Loyalty: 4
Toughness: 9
Exploration: 9
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 8
Righteousness: 2
Darkness: 4
Fame: 3
Passive Traits: Self-Sufficient
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike

Prismatic Fellox

Name: Prisim
Type: Prisimatic
Gender: Female
Species: Fellox (M)
Loyalty: 4
Toughness: 9
Exploration: 9
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 8
Righteousness: 2
Darkness: 4
Fame: 3
Passive Traits: Self-Sufficient
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike

Battlefield Fellox

Name: Yari
Type: Battlefield
Gender: Male
Species: Fellox (M)
Loyalty: 4
Toughness: 9
Exploration: 9
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 8
Righteousness: 2
Darkness: 4
Fame: 3
Passive Traits: Self-Sufficient
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike

Void Fellox

Name: Tessen
Type: Void
Gender: Female
Species: Fellox (M)
Loyalty: 4
Toughness: 9
Exploration: 9
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 8
Righteousness: 2
Darkness: 4
Fame: 3
Passive Traits: Self-Sufficient
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike

Voltage Fellox

Name: Ashiko
Type: Voltage
Gender: Female
Species: Fellox (M)
Loyalty: 4
Toughness: 9
Exploration: 9
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 8
Righteousness: 2
Darkness: 4
Fame: 3
Passive Traits: Self-Sufficient
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike

Concept Fellox

[align=center]Name: Cloud
Type: Concept
Gender: Unknown
Species: Fellox (M)
Loyalty: 4
Toughness: 9
Exploration: 9
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 8
Righteousness: 2
Darkness: 4
Fame: 3
Passive Traits: Self-Sufficient
Battle Traits: Spectral Strike [/center]

Push play, turn out the lights,
quietly on the floor I lie,
with my foot I close the bedroom door.
I can see shadow lines,
from tree tops on the hill side,
and moonlight glows through the window sill.

Alone ~ Ruth the Band


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Postby Micah » 06/19/2008 1:48 PM

After finishing with the Fellox Pen, you come to next one. This one has elevated terrain, with three caves.

You see the sign next to this pen that reads: THE GARUDOR

You look inside to see strange, and very large, falconish birds.

This is one of my prized pets, Wallace, the Canopy Garudor. He was generously given to me as a present at Christmas one year.


Canopy Garudor
Name: Wallace
Type: Canopy
Gender: Male
Diet: Piscivore/Carnivore
Element: Air
Loyalty: 9
Toughness: 9
Exploration: 5
Endurance: 7
Intelligence: 5
Righteousness: 3
Darkness: 2
Fame: 8
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic, Altitude Adaptation
Battle Traits: Sharp Vision, Wingstorm

Image Plush Garudor

Name: Opal
Type: Plush
Gender: Female

Image Void Garudor

Name: Amon
Type: Void
Gender: Male

Image Common Garudor

Name: Nathan
Type: Common
Gender: Male

Image Jewel Garudor

Name: Kamień
Type: Jewel
Gender: Female

Saffron Garudor

Name: Sev
Type: Saffron
Gender: Male

Glacial Garudor

Name: Aisu
Type: Glacial
Gender: Female

Imperial Garudor

Name: Alex
Type: Imperial
Gender: Male

Chaos Garudor

Name: Mathew
Type: Chaos
Gender: Male

Battlefield Garudor

Name: Andria
Type: Battlefield
Gender: Female

Temple Garudor

Name: Felix
Type: Temple
Gender: Male

Wood Garudor

Name: Dřevo
Type: Wood
Gender: Male

Prismatic Garudor

Name: Ontr'yl
Type: Prismatic
Gender: Female

Clockwork Garudor

Name: ρολόι
Type: Clockwork
Gender: Female

Dreamsnare Garudor

Name: Sven
Type: Dreamsnare
Gender: Unknown

You turn your head away from the Garudor Pen, now that you are done looking.

Push play, turn out the lights,
quietly on the floor I lie,
with my foot I close the bedroom door.
I can see shadow lines,
from tree tops on the hill side,
and moonlight glows through the window sill.

Alone ~ Ruth the Band


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Postby Micah » 07/11/2008 10:29 PM

.:Under Construction:.
Fire damage repair underway

Push play, turn out the lights,
quietly on the floor I lie,
with my foot I close the bedroom door.
I can see shadow lines,
from tree tops on the hill side,
and moonlight glows through the window sill.

Alone ~ Ruth the Band


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Postby Micah » 07/22/2008 1:46 PM

The next pen has a sign that says: Others + Holding Pen 1
Name: C.J.
Gender: Male
Personality & Description: tbp

Image[br]Get your own Evelon Pet Today!

Name: Mason
Gender: Male
Description & Personality: tbp

Name: Mothra
Gender: Male
Personality & Description: Truthfully? He's afraid. After alot mental trauma he's been running away from all of his responsibilities ever since his parents died. He doesn't rely on anyone anymore except his few friends. They're all he has left and they keep him going. His parents told him to never give up, and he feels he's disrespected their memory for hiding from the world. Now he's really a good being. He's one of those you don't know is good until you spend a good while talking to them. He sticks very closely to those he loves and would travel the world for them. The only thing he lacks is self-confidence, but he tries to fill the void with friendship.

Quarry Garagnir
Name: Q. Quarterly
Gender: Male
Description&Personality: tbp

Name: Rio
Gender: Male
Description&Personality: tbp

Image Common Werecain

Image Glacial Werecain

Image Wood Werecain

Image Battlefield Werecain

Image Hollow Werecain

Image Prismatic Werecain


Name: Teb
Type: Kuni
Gender: Male


Name: Jeb
Type: Kuni
Gender: Male


Name: Manda
Type: Kuni
Gender: Female

Name: Yami
Type: Sky (Yonyuu)
Gender: Male

Name: N/A
Type: Sky (Yonyuu)
Gender: N/A

Name: N/A
Type: Sky (Yonyuu)
Gender: N/A

Name: Dar
Type: MossDog
Gender: Male

Name: Maj
Type: Albie (Graffity)
Gender: Male

Name: Angie
Type: SaHound (Angel)
Gender: Female

Name: July
Type: Kalamerie (Special)
Gender: Female

After seeing the...*Ahem*...'off-topic' creatures in the "Others" Pen, you see a pen full of other strange...things. A sign! It Reads:

Holding Pen #1

Common Draculi
Name: Ty
Type: Common
Gender: Male

Jewel Draculi

Name: Tira
Type: Jewel
Gender: Female

Cobalt Draculi

Name: Poisidon
Type: Cobalt
Gender: Male

Name: Zen
Type: Temple
Gender: Male

A Temporary sign planted into the earth of the Pen reads: More To Come Soon

Push play, turn out the lights,
quietly on the floor I lie,
with my foot I close the bedroom door.
I can see shadow lines,
from tree tops on the hill side,
and moonlight glows through the window sill.

Alone ~ Ruth the Band


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Postby Micah » 08/12/2008 7:49 PM

~*:Temple Gaurdians:*~

Sitting upon a small hill is a temple overlooking the valley. With a thriving garden, and tall pillars, It's a magnificent sight. Curious, You enter it. You hear a muffled paw-step, and ou tof the shadows of the
corners of the temple come intriguing creatures by threes.


Name: Zen (Draculi)
Type: Temple
Gender: Male

Name: N/A
Type: Temple
Gender: N/A

Name: N/A
Type: Temple
Gender: N/A

Name: Felix
Type: Temple (Garudor)
Gender: Male

Name: N/A
Type: Temple
Gender: N/A

Name: N/A
Type: Temple
Gender: N/A
Name: Katana (Fellox)
Type: Temple
Gender: Male

Name: N/A
Type: Temple
Gender: N/A

Name: N/A
Type: Temple
Gender: N/A
Name: Ky
Type: Temple (Albie)
Gender: Male

Name: N/A
Type: Temple
Gender: N/A

Name: N/A
Type: Temple
Gender: N/A
Name: Lee
Type: Temple (Yonyuu)
Gender: Male

Name: N/A
Type: Temple
Gender: N/A

Name: N/A
Type: Temple
Gender: N/A
Name: Cavi-Cuore
Type: Temple (HollowHeart)
Gender: Male

Name: N/A
Type: Temple
Gender: N/A

Name: N/A
Type: Temple
Gender: N/A
Name: Dravec (Gyrraptor)
Type: Temple
Gender: Male

Name: N/A
Type: Temple
Gender: N/A

Name: N/A
Type: Temple
Gender: N/A
Name: Terracota
Type: Temple (Terratops)
Gender: Male

Name: N/A
Type: Temple
Gender: N/A

Name: N/A
Type: Temple
Gender: N/A

Push play, turn out the lights,
quietly on the floor I lie,
with my foot I close the bedroom door.
I can see shadow lines,
from tree tops on the hill side,
and moonlight glows through the window sill.

Alone ~ Ruth the Band


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Postby Micah » 08/12/2008 9:01 PM

~*:Bleached Barn:*~
~*:Biolune Bayuo:*~

Up on the flat, grassy plains sitts a large bleached barn. Humble nd quant, it stands in the slow breeze.
You enter. Inside, the three story barn is filled with animals.
Across from the barn is a large, flat, and wet Bayuo. Housing creatures of twilight and mystery.


Image Bleached Tavil

Name: N/A
Type: Tavil (Bleached)
Gender: N/A

Image Bleached Tavil

Name: N/A
Type: Tavil (Bleached)
Gender: N/A

Image Bleached Tavil

Name: N/A
Type: Tavil (Bleached)
Gender: N/A

Name: Rexx
Type: Sheilupe (Bleached)
Gender: Male

Name: N/A
Type: Sheilupe (Bleached)
Gender: N/A

Name: N/A
Type: Sheilupe (Bleached)
Gender: N/A
Name: N/A
Type: Bleeder (Bleached)
Gender: N/A

Name: N/A
Type: Bleeder (Bleached)
Gender: N/A

Name: N/A
Type: Bleeder (Bleached)
Gender: N/A


Name: Mako
Type: Bleached (Retired)
Gender: Male
(The only one of his kind in the Barn)
Biolune Rexxel

Name: N/A
Type: Rexxel (Biolune)
Gender: N/A

Biolune Rexxel

Name: N/A
Type: Rexxel (Biolune)
Gender: N/A



Push play, turn out the lights,
quietly on the floor I lie,
with my foot I close the bedroom door.
I can see shadow lines,
from tree tops on the hill side,
and moonlight glows through the window sill.

Alone ~ Ruth the Band


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Postby Micah » 08/12/2008 9:59 PM

~*:Clockwork Haven:*~
~*:Dreamsnare Den:*~

Underneath the Bleached Barn, the is a hatch leading to a large and comfortable den. There appears to be marvelous pieces of clockwark animals that seem to actually alive.
Coming out of the Den, and around the barn, You see a large dome of glass containg, what seems to be, half-exsistent creatures.

Name: ρολόι
Type: Clockwork (Garudor)
Gender: Female


Name: Tyylik?§s
Type: Clockwork (Yonyuu)
Gender: Male


Name: Trael
Type: Clockwork (Hollowheart)
Gender: Male


Image Clockwork Choopa

Image Clockwork Choopa

Image Clockwork Choopa

Name: N/A
Type: Dreamsnare (Bleeder)
Gender: N/A


Name: Taistelu-Syd?§mess?§
Type: Dreamsnare (Battleheat)
Gender: Male






Name: Sven
Type: Dreamsnare (Garudor)
Gender: Unkown


Name: Ying
Type: Dreamsnare (Yonyuu)
Gender: Female







Push play, turn out the lights,
quietly on the floor I lie,
with my foot I close the bedroom door.
I can see shadow lines,
from tree tops on the hill side,
and moonlight glows through the window sill.

Alone ~ Ruth the Band


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Re: The Valley Under the Mountain

Postby Micah » 09/25/2018 5:29 PM

These are very curious creatures, indeed. You read the sign:
.:The Wockee :.

Name: Thomas
Gender: Male
Description: tbp

Name: Jonah
Gender: Male
Personality & Description: After alot mental trauma he's been running away from all of his responsibilities ever since his parents died. He doesn't rely on anyone anymore except his few friends. They're all he has left and they keep him going. His parents told him to never give up, and he feels he's disrespected their memory for hiding from the world. Now he's really a good being. He's one of those you don't know is good until you spend a good while talking to them. He sticks very closely to those he loves and would travel the world for them. The only thing he lacks is self-confidence, but he tries to fill the void with friendship.

Push play, turn out the lights,
quietly on the floor I lie,
with my foot I close the bedroom door.
I can see shadow lines,
from tree tops on the hill side,
and moonlight glows through the window sill.

Alone ~ Ruth the Band


Please Click Me~

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