A wide open area of flat, grassy land and rocky trenches, supposedly a wide range of ancient civilizations once lived here. Species that like wide, open areas, such as Gyrophants, Serraptors, and Sahound, thrive here, though only the agile survive. (+3 Speed)

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Postby gestaltgirl8201 » 07/01/2008 2:24 PM

Hita asked Holly if she minded him sitting on the cart, to which she gave the gyropahnt version of a shrug. "I don't mind," she said. "And you don't have to get off if you don't want to; you don't look very heavy."

She then heard another rustling in the grass, this time obviously made by something much larger than a grass snake. The Noel gyrophant glanced in the direction it came from and saw a bleached penticorn watching them from the top of a small hill not too far away. A moment later, the penticorn was joined by a pair of young cobalt albies. The penticorn seemed to speak sternly to the two albies, though they were too far off to clearly hear what was said, then came trotting down to meet them.

The Penticorn introduced herself as Lynn, their healer, bowing before the young prince. Holly smiled and nodded her head in greeting when the penticorn raised her head. "My name's Holly," she said. "It's nice to meet you."

Susan likewise introduced herself. "And I'm Susan, Holly's trainer. Good to have you and your little friends," she indicated the two young albies, "along."

When Blaise suggested setting up camp, Susan nodded, and was about to go unharness Holly from the wagon so that she could walk around more freely. However, before she could do so, Blaise attempted to get one of the tents out without first removing what was on top of it, and called her over to help him as he realized his mistake when the tent caught on the sack on top of it.

Susan was was tempted to roll her eyes but resisted and simply thought 'Men', chuckling quietly to herself. "OK," she said aloud, "just a sec."

However, before she could even get there, the young magic user Belinda had climbed to the top of the pile more quickly than Susan would've thought possible and freed the tent. 'Well," Susan thought as the youngster grinned, 'that's interesting.' She suspected that she'd have to get used to unusual occourances with a magic user in the group.

Turning her attention back to Blaise, Susan said, "Well, as that problem seems to have been solved, just let me un-harness Holly, then we get started getting that tent set up."

Climbing down from the cart's driver's seat, Susan gestured for Holly to crouch so that she could more easily reach the buckles. Once Holly had obliged, Susan quickly undid Holly's harness. "There you go," Susan said when she had finished, patting Holly's flank affectionately. " Go ahead and walk around if you want, just don't go too far."

Holly stood back to her full height, and gave Susan a nod and a smile in thanks before stepping clear of the hitch in front of the cart. Now unencumbered part of her wanted to run around laughing an playing in the tall grass, but she had learned the hard way the dangers of straying too far from the group, and besides, Susan had told her not to go far.

Given that there wasn't much she could do to help with setting up the camp either, Holly decided to go talk to the young Prince. If he was going to be leading this group, it would be a good idea to get to know him. She walked over to where the Prince was waiting for Belinda. "Hello, Prince," she said. "What are you and Belinda doing? And can I help?"


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Postby Yomegami » 07/01/2008 3:05 PM

Aerika didn't move all that much as she listened to the various conversations. And yet, the Noel Gyrophant she happened to be near somehow heard her rustling and went on the alert.

Barely breathing, and not moving an inch, the harbringer hoped that her presence went un-noticed.

Thankfully, it did. Once the gyrophant calmed down, Aerika decided to get a little closer to the one she suspected was the prince.

Suddenly, a bigger rustling was heard, and Aerika had to suddenly move quickly to avoid being squashed by a penticorn. Fuming, she was almost about to show the thing who's boss with a quick bite to the ankle, but wisely decided against it.

Slithering off, she got close enough to the "prince" to catch him saying that he was going off on a Wombear hunt, and if someone else she didn't catch would like to come along.

She thought for a moment. She couldn't see what a tiny wombear would do to help the cause of Evil, but if she followed this kid, she might pick up some vital information, and see if this was the place to be.

A quick smile flickered across her face. Deciding at last on a plan of action, she waited patiently for the prince and his friend to take off.
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Postby Azura Rayume » 07/02/2008 2:38 PM

Drake leaned back on his heels, trying to get a good look at the Gyrophant's face. He'd never seen a creature that big before. For a moment, he forgot that she'd said anything, simply staring in amazement. He nearly fell flat on his back trying to see that high.

"Oh!" he said, suddenly remembering her question. "We're gonna go on a Wombear hunt. You can come too, if ya like." He smiled, then added, "Nula said I could if I took my sword and didn't go alone." He patted the sheath dangeling from his waist.

((Bleh. Who shot my muse??))

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Postby Yomegami » 07/05/2008 4:22 PM

((I'm going to be double-posting some, as this seems to be dying and I want to get the heck out of here.))

Well, nothing much had happened since Aerika had first heard of the Wombear hunt. About the only thing that did happen was that the gyrophant was also considering coming along. Well, that may cause a few complications, but she doubted it. The questions the gyrophant asked, along with the ones the other person might ask, might lead her to find out just what Zephyra was longing for here.

Well, nothing was going on now, and nothing was going to get revealed if nobody went anywhere. Softly sighing, she continued to wait.
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Postby Krystalolive » 07/05/2008 5:40 PM

(It's not dying... I don't think it is. *Pokes*)

Belinda watched the people walk around from the top of the pile, then climbed down and walked over to the prince. She looked at Holly, trying to see her head. "Hi, I'm Belinda. I'll be coming too!" She smiled at the gyrophant, covering her eyes from the sun. She turned to the prince, looking at the blade. "You have a sword too?" She grabbed her two shortswords, the sheath as black as night. They blended in with her pants so well, that most wouldn't see them. She pulled one out part way, smiling.

Phobos looked at Belinda, then turned back to the group. He turned to the healer. "Hello, I'm Phobos the Navigator fro the trip. And she," he pointed to Belinda, "is Belinda, the magic user."
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Postby gestaltgirl8201 » 07/07/2008 7:21 PM

Holly smiled in amusement as both the Prince and Belinda craned their necks, attempting to see her face. While the two youngsters compared swords, Holly took a step back, making it easier for them to see all of her.

"If we're looking for a wombear," Holly put in, getting back to the subject at hand, "then we should look for a tree. Wombears like to stay near trees, if they can. It gives them somewhere to hide from predators."


Meanwhile, not too far off, Susan and Blaise were busy setting up the recently freed tent. "OK...", Susan said half to herself, glancing at the instruction sheet. "This pole goes through here, and gets attached to this other pole by this connector thing..." Susan turned her gaze back to the pile of blue and yellow canvas and slender aluminum rods that would hopefully eventually be the tent and sighed, wishing she'd done more camping as a kid.

~GG- Has no idea how to put up a tent in real life...   :P

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Postby Yomegami » 07/07/2008 11:13 PM

Well, maybe something was happening after all.

At long last, the group seemed to be getting prepared to leave. Sick of just lying around, listening to everything, Aerika was more than eager to go out and join in the hunt. Silently and unseen, of course.

She took the time to judge each creature joining. The prince (it was hard to guess exactly what he was, seeing as he was currently in a human form, but Aerika guessed that he was a skwyrm), and his companion who made herself visible (also in a human form, but probably a nagi), were innocent children, who would probably not notice her presence, or if they did, not care about it. However, those swords, even in the hands of the inexperienced, would still be deadly lest they hit her.

However, her biggest worry lie with the Gyrophant. This creature was big, and Aerika would meet a quick end to her life if she was stepped on. And further adding to that, the gyrophant was the only one who noticed her rustling earlier. One false move, and the alarm was bound to go off.

And then, Zephyra certainly wouldn't be happy with her. Aerika would rather get squashed by the gyrophant rather than deal with what the dark angel considered a decent punishment.

However, there was no need to worry about anything until the wombear hunt actually started. So, to curb her impatientness, the Harbringer turned her attentions to the other members of the trip, casting her eyes on each one of them in turn.
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Postby Azura Rayume » 07/08/2008 3:56 PM

Nula glanced up from Phobos's map, a look of concern on her face. There was something nearby. She felt as if she, no, everyone, was being watched. She float-walked over to Blaise, translucant cape fluttering slightly as she moved, and placed a pale hand on his shoulder.

Blaise turned, a thin pipe in one hand and a rope in the other. "What is it?" he asked, glanceing between Nula and Susan with a confounded look.

"There's something here," Nula muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "Normally, I would assume it was nothing more than a wild animal. But, with Drake nearby, I can't assume anything."

"Do you know of anyone who might try and hurt him?" He now wore an experession similar to his companion's.

"Not specifically, no. But there are, more than likely, groups out there that would benifit from capturing a young prince with untold abilities."


"Blaise, the boy has been living under our tutoring since he was two. He can already fight well enough, and he must have picked up on some sort of magic by now. And if he is captured, everything we've done in the last nine years will have been for nothing."


"Alright!" Drake said, pounding a fist into the open palm of the opposite hand. He scanned the area in an attempt to spot a clump of flora other than this endless grass. There! On the horizon, a solitary stand of trees punctured the unending line of blue on green.

He started off, head held high in the dignified manor Blaise had always insisted on. He really looked like a prince in his castle, only, without the castle. A grin spread across his face, then laughed out loud. This was going to be fun.

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Postby Krystalolive » 07/08/2008 6:41 PM

Belinda started to followed the prince, then got a bad vibe. She looked around, then laughed to herself. 'It's nothing, stop being jumpy.' She followed the prince, then waved bye to Phobos. "I'm going with the prince to go Wombear hunting!" She smiled, then turned around to catch up to the others.

Phobos looked at Nula whe she moved, then tried to listen to what they were saying. All he heard was something about the prince, and captured. He looked calm, but in he's head he was worried. 'Someone's looking for the prince? And worse, Belinda went with him. But she can take care of herself, that sword isn't just for show.' He smiled, then looked back at the map.
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Postby gestaltgirl8201 » 07/09/2008 1:45 PM

Holly followed the Prince's gaze and spotted the stand of trees as well. 'Not too far off,' she thought, mentaly guaging the distance, 'and well within sight of camp, for me, at least. Good.'

Belinda and the Prince started off, the Prince laughing aloud as they did. Holly smiled. I was good to hear the Prince laugh. In her opinion, it just wasn't natural for someone as young as he obviously was to be too serious. His guardians, while friendly enough, also seemed to be, to use a gryophant phrase, quite 'stiff walkers', adults who were overly insistent on rules, and believed that things should always be just so. Perhaps getting away from them for a bit would be good for him.

Holly started off as well, walking slowly beside the two children. She had to walk slowly, or Belinda and the Prince, with their much shorter legs, would quickly be left behind. Still, it was a lovely day; the sun was shining, the breeze was pleasant, and the grass felt good under her hooves. It seemed a shame to waste time by walking so slowly...

After a few minutes of this, Holly spoke up, "Why don't we run for a bit?," she suggested. "It's a perfect day for a run, and it would get us there faster."


Susan, still trying to figure out the tent, glaced up when Nula came over to talk to Blaise. They spoke quietly to each other, and as the conversation was obviously meant to be private, Susan tried not to overhear, out of politeness. However, she did catch something about them being watched.

"Hmmm... I wonder...", she said quietly to herself, considering whether she should tell them what she was thinking of or not. Finally with a small nod, she decided to do so. Turning to the two of them once they had finished talking, Susan said, "I didn't mean to eavedrop, but when you said something about us being watched... well, a few minutes ago, Holly seemed to have heard something. She was born wild, so looking out for predators and things is second-nature to her. She obviously dismissed whatever she heard, and it might not have anything to do with anything, but well... I just thought I should tell you."


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Postby Yomegami » 07/11/2008 8:22 PM

Aerika noticed the prince go running off, followed by the other girl and the gyrophant.

Finally, we're off!

Just as she was about to slither off after them, she caught sight of Nula and Blaise, talking about something in whispers. She didn't catch most of it, except for that it was about the prince and the word "captured" was uttered.

Now, there's an idea. Orignally, Zephyra's plan wasn't to actually interfere with the group's quest until its end, only having her servants track them, and when it was confirmed that this prince actually had a kingdom, she would swoop in to seize it and to deliver the final blow.

However, if they captured the prince, Zephyra might be able to extract some information from him. And, if nothing else, threatening him and his friends with death might be enough to get him to hand over the kingdom without a fight.

She grinned wickedly. She was going to have to pitch that idea to Zephyra once she got back.

Now, back to the task at hand. The harbringer, finally relieved she was getting somewhere, chased off after the prince. Maybe, if they found the wombear they sought, she could bite it and put an end to their fun. At the thought, she couldn't help but let out a little, insane cackle.
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Postby Azura Rayume » 07/20/2008 1:37 PM

Run? Now there was an idea. Drake wasn't in a hurry to get anywhere but away from Blaise. That guy could be so stubborn sometimes, and tried to make him act perfect.

He grinned up at Holly and nodded.


Blaise glanced at Susan. "That prooves it! Someone's been spying on us."

"And that someone is after the prince."

"Exactly." Blaise abandoned the tent pole and began searching for the boy. "Where could he have run off to?"

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Postby Polaris » 07/23/2008 2:02 PM

Hitarena, snapped out of his cooking fantasies by some ludicous cackling sound, let his aura-sense slide over his vision, once again outlining the other's figures in fuzzy to solid shimmering colors. Putting a hand to his head, he dispelled the sight. "Did anyone else hear that?" he asked, flicking his blonde bangs out of his eyes, "That laughing?"  Then realizing Blaise had asked a question, answered it. "Didn't the kid run off with that other girl and Holly?" he waved a hand towards the figures moving away from them at a brisk pace, "Is that them?"

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Postby gestaltgirl8201 » 07/23/2008 2:25 PM

Holly smiled when the Prince agreed with her. Of course, the most she would be able to do would be a good trot, if she didn't want to leave the children in the dust but still, it would be far more natural to her than her current pace.

But just as they were about to take off, Holly caught a sound that made her stop short and look around again. She was sure she'd heard something this time, something that couldn't be just the wind in the grass. At least, she'd never heard the wind *laugh* before. And it wasn't a pleasant, happy sort of laugh, as the Prince's had been. It was the laugh of someone planning a mean trick, and laughing about the trouble their trick would make for others.

But still, she couldn't see anything... Turning back to Belinda and the Prince, she asked, "Did either of you just hear someone laugh?"


As Blaise abandoned the tent and went in search of his young charge, Susan spoke up again. "I think he and Belinda went off to start looking for a wombear,"  she said, "and I'm pretty sure Holly went with them."


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Postby Krystalolive » 07/28/2008 9:05 PM

Phobos sighed, then walked over. "Sorry for easedropping but I heard you guys talking about someone coming for the prince. He, Belinda and Holly went to go look for Wombears or whatever they're called. See, you can still see Holly." He pointed over to where they left, seeing Holly. "And I'm sure as long as they don't go to far they'll be ok. The prince had he's sword, Belinda has her daggers, and I'm sure nothing would come near them when Holly's there, she could step on just about anyting." He smiled, looking calm on the outside while he was starting to freak out on the inside. 'I hope they stay ok.'

Belinda looked up at Holly and nodded, then started running. She stopped when she heard a laugh. She looked over at Drake, then shook her head. It didn't sound like he's, it sounded like a... Snakes. She looked up at Holly again when she asked. "You heard it too? It sounds like a snakes, I should know." She chuckled, rolling her eyes. She looked at the ground, starting to notice that it could be just about anywhere in the grass.
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