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Re: Giveaway? Who-whut?

Postby Redd » 03/14/2010 12:50 AM

Like everyone else, I'll be sad to see you go~ Dx
Okies~ Gonna try for these guys~ These are essentially the skeletons of personalities I've planned, they just need pets to fill them~

Tyro is, in simple terms, a Vampire, but he's not really your average vampire. He's completely blind, and he lacks the sense of smell a Vampire would normally have. For others, perhaps that's actually a good thing, for him, it's basically a disaster. He'd be normally incapable of feeding, as he cannot see nor smell out his victims, but luckily for him, he runs a small blood bank, collecting blood from donors and selling them off to hospitals and any other 'establishment' that may require it, while keeping a portion for himself.
And how can he do that when he's blind? Quite simply actually. He has a life-bond with Karsma, which allows him to invoke his unique ability to be able to see through Karsma's eyes, which allows the Kuhna to do perform the required procedures.

Tyro's generally good-mannered and civil, a perfect gentleman. He has an 'eye' for rich colors and beauty and he styles his home according to that taste. He loves anything that's old, expensive and antique and through his business, and the fact that he does not need to pay for simple necessities, he does not have any issues forking out the money.

However, Karsma is actually mute and unable to speak verbally. She is able to communicate through telepathy, but she only talks to Tyro if she has to. She's inexpressive and dull, and appears to be without personality. Truth is, this bond that the two share, basically makes her Tyro's blood slave, although he's not that aware of it. She can see extremely well, and this use of sight is used by Tyro to allow him to live.
(Karsma can be any one of these? o3o;; It doesn't really matter)

I've already got this character in my pen, but... A drakelph is probably more suitable than a Saffron Yonyuu
Xali'an has been an exile all her life, forced to live in the forest away from everyone.
Never has she been bothered by her social exile, as it has allowed her to try and develop new 'recipes'. Xali'an is a practicing witch, using herbs and other natural matter to brew potions. Never without her mini cauldron, tripod and 'magic' flame, she is always striving to find cures for just about anything.
She has a knack for fixing drug dependencies, healing wounds, and burning fragrant plants for aromatherapy.
Xali'an is not shy at all, but rather brusque, 'tricking' unwary people to try her new recipes and see their effect, as she would rather not try them out on herself.
Xali'an also constantly strives to fix strange abnormalities people, often staying up all night, pouring over ancient texts and studying how to cure the issue.

Anem is essentially a divine guardian, who spent millennia guarding the the Tomb of the Pharaoh in Wilt'no Desert, until one day a group of thieves broke into the tomb and got past him, stealing the treasure that lay within. As Anem chased them out, the thieves planted explosives in the tomb and brought the whole thing crashing down upon his head.
It perhaps took Anem a week to dig himself up out of the rubble, but once he did, he was devastated. There was no sign of the splendid tomb anymore, it was buried under rubble and sand, and there was essentially nothing left to guard.

Anem now roams the land, in the hope he will one day find the thieves who destroyed what he held so dear, so that he may extract his revenge on them. He harbours a deep hatred for those who steal, even going so far to punish (or kill) them for their crimes. He's not the most charming fellow you've ever met, but those who have met him, would describe him as impulsive, focused and fierce. He perhaps has a poetic sense of justice and won't hesitate to deal out punishment to those he feel deserves it. He is after all, a divine being.

I've always been interested in getting one of these as a character. One of Yorutanekke's children, Aranxsis was just a normal kid, until he became possessed by a darker spirit, that utterly consumed his soul, turned it black and trapped the child in a Lucain body, although the Lucain can take the form of the dark soul (That is, the Pot of Darkness). Now, Anxsis roams this world, trapped and completely twisted. The dark spirit has an affinity for violence, drugs and is sadistic. I have heaps more planned for this child, but that's going into the Lucain's personality, not the Pot of Darknesses personality. He's essentially a Yorutanekke child?

For the next one, I'm looking for someone to fit this personality and there are a few critters you have there that fit the bill?

Kaurna is one two-faced villain, that's for sure. Generally by day she's tempered, civil and won't really bother you at all. She has a desk job as an accountant, but it's just to pull in the cash so she can go about her 'evil deeds' at night. Every villain needs an income, right?
By night she's a trained killer and marksman. She doesn't quite have any emotional attachment to her victims, and in a way, her victims aren't the people she actually kills either. She likes to study the lives of others, almost to the point of stalking them, then she decides what they hold most dear to them, and take it away, just so they can live the rest of their lives in pain and agony. She even keeps tabs on her victims, should they ever again find something worth living for in their lives.
She's the woman who killed off Temellin's family and sent the other Lucain spiraling out of control and made him insane. At the moment, he's her favourite victim, if only due to the fact that he's actively trying to hunt her down and kill her. To her, it's a cold game. She'll deliberately lead him on somewhere, only for it to come to a dead end.

I'd like it if I could either get the Sauria Battleheart, the Dire/Polar Fenref or the Barghest with her, as her friend or accomplice. I don't think I'd be able to write out a complete personality for them, as which one I get depends on their personality, but essentially, one of them is going to be her partner in crime and they kind of... help her plan things out and watch her back?

Also interested in the LB Doll~

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: Giveaway? Who-whut?

Postby Knightdaniru » 03/14/2010 2:02 AM

Aw. Sad to see you go :( But I must admit there are a fair number of pets on this list that I've been staring at jeliously since I've seen them. And a few were practically made for a few plots I'm building.

Name: Ia (Might change it if I get 'er, but I kinda like it)
Gender: Female
Bio: Its a way of life not taking any true friends. For some, its the way of life they call theirs'. Ia is one of these. Her current allegience is toward Nafarious. His side seems like the winning one, and if that proves true, the reward for her is worth having in her concern.
While not too much is known of her past, more than enough that she doesn't even bother retaining in her memory, she only hides what she needs to about her present. One knows who she is loyal to, who she'll call friend, and who should be wary of her. She is bold and outspoken, fighting feirsly for her current side or opinion when she has one, yet easily swayed by the hit of something of value to her. During a bad time, a small scrap of meat may bring her to your side. During a good time, you may have to promice her gems and rarities.
This outspokeness, however, allows others to be more outspoken to her in some ways. She always knows exactly how trusted she is, exactly how much people want to trust her, and exactly what side is after her work and what they are thinking about paying. Not to mention who calls her friend, or her is on the same side as she is regardless of what side it is.
But all that is, of course, expecting she has a side. She doesn't always, and normally prefurs to work alone on her own side, when the best reward is in that. She never works well with people. Sometimes her catch for food is best in the concentration of loneliness.
Her current work is as a Spy and Scout for Nafarious. He doesn't trust her to keep her word, but uses her skills for what work she'll do that doesn't require trust. She currently calls Evie friend. The opposing side has no interest in members that take bribes. ((Whoa, my muse liked her. XD))

Name: Evie
Bio: Submissive would not be the word for Evie, though some would dissagree. She grew up in the underground mostly, thrown into whatever crew would take her. She was often taught her place there, as a young hatchling she was kept as the lowest ranking no matter where she was, and those above her made sure she understood with all forse they wanted to use.
Rescued from the streets by a now dead friend, she has grown elegant and graceful, yet still hardened and doubtlessly deadly. She had been trained to fight, and, while she doesn't like to kill, knows that its a skill she'll have if she ever needs to use it.
However, she seems sentamental about her time on the streets. Though it was harsh, cold, and life-threatening toward her, it was the first home she knew and will always hold it with a special place in her dark set of memories. Perhaps it is because of this that she always gets wrapped up with the wrong people and on the wrong side of things. She doesn't like being the 'bad guy' but thats the side of things she knows. Those are the people she trusts, even when she knows she shouldn't. Like her friend, Ia, she has claimed loyalty to Nafarious, though her loyalty is teetering and she almost wants to be a neutral on this whole unfolding battle.

Name: Jocund
Gender: Female
Bio: Ok. Don't have as much for her as I did for the 'gon and 'cain, but I do know she will have a role in my caravan. She will be a close friend of Optic, the sightless kuhna, and Plan, the destructo velix. Her personality will be partly based off of the despair kuhna description but with some real tweeks, and her history will be written out, expecially to do with the caravan as my plot for that unfolds (I'm still working out a few tweeks)

Name: Surreptitious
Gender: Female
Bio: Pack sister of my polar Fenref, the two travel the forests around the Meadow, but never seem to enter the plains within it. They are both cunning hunters. The kind who parent's in the Meadow warn children about to get them to obey.
Yet... They aren't quite as evil as most make them out to be. After all, the leader of the Meadow (at least those who are trustworthy and kind of spirits) seems to trust them. They mustn't be too bad are they?

Gender: Male
Bio:((Doubtlessly will become a cyber, though would be roleplayed as a Peacer for a time as the plot progresses.)) Anthracite came to the Meadow with an unknown past, he was instantly accepted as a brother to Ash and Coal. They were his connection to Nafarious, whom he now claims loyalty to along with the other felloxes he claims as family. The three are in close contact with the fenling, and know much about his plans.
Anthracite is not as cold and distant as Coal, and he is slow to anger. Its rare when he shows much emotion at all. But he also proves quite kindly compaired to most of Nafarious army.
As a cyber, he is one of Nafarious's top hackers, working with Troglodyte. However, he doesn't approve of the Khalimar's no rules 'cept don't get caught philosophy and habit of taking on work they weren't supposed to do just for the heck of it. The fellox seems to know that some of what Nafarious does or asks be done isn't quite right. Yet he remains loyal anyways. We wonder why...

Name: Endrit
Gender: Male
Bio: It was always his family that acted like he was just a normal child, just another one of them. His early life was average for a khimera. Learning to hunt and fight and playing with his siblings.
But those days, with his family, are now gone. He is almost a mature adolt, and living a life that in those normal days he never thought he'd be living.
He doesn't remember what led to the death of his family. They were killed by an enimy. He's hidden it away somewhere in his head. Without that to haunt him, he's able to be happy sometimes.
In truth, Endrit is quite smart, to put it as an understatement. It hardly shows in the way he talks, but he can solve any problem, any scenerio you give him, with what ever you give him, no matter what you think is possible.
Because of this, most people see him as someone to give honor to, someone to respect. He hates it. He's still a juvanile and wants to be treated as such. He wants to laugh and play and just live normally.
His friends understand this. They know a side of him far different from the cold and even violent one strangers know. He is care free, playful, and even quite the joker at times. He'll flirt lighly with girls, if they've made it into his close knit group to see this side. He also is prideful. Asking for the respect all others give him, yet in an immature way. Not looking to be the next great leader, just a friend trying to tease his friends that he may be better than them. ((Friends would consist of my starry larvie, my emowockee, my morning and dusky kitrells, and possibly a few others))
Its these friends who know they could trust him with their life. Most of them, do at least. But out siders are convinced that he will betray them at some point, as they no only the cold, dark side of him. A few of his friends are conviced that they are right. Only they don't beleive he would betray them on purpose. Just maybe on accident. Trying to do something good that goes bad. And because these friends fear he will do so, He fears it as well.
Name Meaning: Light
Name Origin: Albanian
Name: Autumn
Gender: Female
Bio: A long time friend of Limmes, she's a kind of small-town country girl. While she is blunt and out-going, her mood changes vastly with who she's with.
She'll be immature while around family and close friends. She's the kind who'll run through sprinklers in summer and jump in piles of leaves in autumn. She loves the outdoors, fresh air, and the wheat smell on the air in harvest time.
However, around stranges she knows how to act mature. And especially around guys, she's quite the flirt. As a feline, she takes her grace into use when she can, helped by the natural country swing of her walk.
But she also has a temper. Easily sparked, her bark is far worse than her bite. Till it reaches a cirtain level, so just be careful. For the most part she'll just yell real loud and angry. But if it gets bad enough, she doesn't mind her teeth and claws doin' the talkin'.
She talks with you basic country accent. While not heavy, its obvious. Though the exact dialect seems odd. Speach impediments mixing with it a tad? Hm. I coulda sworn she sounded like she foreign.

Any of these bios are likely to be extended on as I come up with more for them before the end date, unless thats not aloud?

Also- I am quite interested in the chaos kitty plush. It would make a perfect toy for my Flutter Kuhna, Somnia.
You may call, you may call
But the little black cats won't hear you.
The little black cats are maddened
By the bright green light of the moon;
They are whirling and running and hiding,
They are wild who were once so confiding,
They are crazed when the moon is riding
You will not catch the kittens soon.
They care not for saucers of milk,
They think not of pillows of silk;
Your softest, crooningest call
Is less than the buzzing of flies.
They are seeing more than you see,
They are hearing more than you hear,
And out of the darkness they peer.
With a goblin light in their eyes!

The Bad Kitties
By Elizabeth Coatsworth

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Re: Giveaway? Who-whut?

Postby Ander » 03/14/2010 4:21 AM

Like I said, you better lurk around. >:
Forgive me my attempts.

His name would be Tor'meti. Falsely believing himself an outcast of Wilt'no's nomadic tribes, he will try and repetitively fail to return to the desert he loves so much. As his failures mount, Tor becomes more and more convinced that it is his own fault that the sands are refusing him; that Zu'hai (under a different name) is somehow rejecting his unworthy body from the desert - it is around this point that he begins to realize that parts of his body are made of metal, instead of wholly organic. As Tor tries again and again to re-enter Wilt'no, he begins familiarizing himself with the world and creatures outside of the desert; the Imeut in particular, as he is absolutely convinced that they are Zu'hai's divine emissaries. Whether he will or will not return to his "home" in the desert is a cliffhanger; however, either way he will discover that he was never an outcast, and never lived in the desert at all, but that he was only programmed that way to fit some lucky Evelonians desires.

The reason that Tor'meti is so very obsessed with regaining his place in Wilt'no is that he believes himself one of the priests of Zu'hai, the Evelonian God of Creation and Life. As such, he attempts to be upstanding and mostly nonviolent, despite having a body built for the contrary. He prides himself on the teachings of his god, and his piety causes a strange oddity in an otherwise textbook Khimera: the floating blue speck of light that hovers constantly around his body. Tor is adept at manipulating this oddity, which all science and programming says that he should not have. At his command, Tor's blue speck (his Banafrit, as he'll call it, meaning "beautiful soul") can divulge enough water to keep plants from withering or soothe a wound. But Tor can also use certain words of power to enlarge his Banafrit, causing it to shoot an immense ball of blue energy at whatever he chooses.

**Just about everything about him will be based off of Egyptian and Evelonian concepts.
And "KAMEHAMEHA", regrettably, is not one of those power words.
Originally, Tor'meti was a Lucain; but that form would, unfortunately, be stylistically impossible to get and I think that this Khimera will fit him much better. His Egyptian influence comes from the Followers of the Cult of Anubis; his name means "righteous king", and comes from the fact that I didn't want to name him Anubis outright.

His name would be Helian or Helyan, and Ein would never touch him.
The role I have planned for him as a Peacer just doesn't fit a Cyber Fellox, and won't at any point.

Hel*an will be greatly distressed about the numbers of his brethren falling, to the point where he might seek out other Fellox to help him maintain order in the Lands. He is a firm Fellox, who is not nearly so proud as he should be in his heritage. He would like nothing more than to forget that the Purine-Imperial war ever happened; but since he cannot do that, he will do everything in his Peacer power to make sure that no war like it ever happens again. Including, ironically, fighting to stop it.

Hel*an is certainly not a bad creature, just a little misguided in his beliefs. When "off-duty", dealing with young ones or chatting with the common creature, he is as kind and friendly as ever an Evelonian you'll meet. It's only when he's concentrated on his work - his true purpose, as he would say - of stopping the war that he becomes a little over the top, a little colder than he needs to be with the typical bullies and criminals. He can't help himself, however: Hel*an needs to constantly be vigilant and always on top of the riff-raff of the Lands. One never knows who might be the one to start the next war.

He would also be the counterpart to Elin, another Fellox who is not quite so well in word and deed as he is. Their roleplays and stories would involve him always finding and corralling her, because she is more than happy to undo his efforts by whispering war and plagues in the ears of any soul willing to listen. She will, of course, find more imaginative ways to hide from him every time he goes to look - think of the relationship between Hannibal (Elin) and Clarice (Hel*an). More Chianti, my dear?

He's also a vegetarian.

He would call himself Mainyu, and be closely paired with my Lucain, Jar'ahban. The first thing I'd write with these two would be some flashback stories, since Jara would find the Pot o' Darkness in her puphood. Upon finding the Pot, she would not suspect what it was as Mainyu remained dormant inside.

Jara was raised around legends, fairy tales and stories. With these in mind, the young Lucain would keep the Pot with her at all times, talking to it and cooing at it in the hopes that it was secretly a genie or something. Within the Pot, Jara's constant chatter would partially awaken Mainyu, and in a state between sleeping and waking he would speak with her as she confided in him about her hopes and dreams. As Jar'ahban ages, the bond she creates between herself and Mainyu deepens, and from it Mainyu awakens further, fed by the power between them. And in return for this, Mainyu freely gives Jar'ahban more of his power. Unknowingly, his influence changes her mind, her heart, and her growth.

By the time she is a full adult, Jara and Mainyu will be inseparable. Mainyu is fully awake and restored to his full strength, and though he cares for Jara it doesn't change the fact that he pollutes her mind and feeds off of her spirit. In turn, Jara believes that Mainyu is her spirit - the "real her", without the confines of her body, fur or flesh. At some point, Jara will bind Mainyu to her forever by breaking his Pot and having the pieces bound to her upper arm in an armband - this will be fixed so tightly against her skin that it cannot be cut off without cutting her as well. When this happens, Mainyu will most likely appear as a shadow fallen over Jara's right arm, although he can move about on his own. When he does this, it tires Jar'ahban considerably.

And now we come to Brachenhum. She never meant to hurt anybody, really. It's just that no one else had ever realized that the open sea was just a marvelous place to collect souls. All those shipwrecks, tidal waves, natural disasters, and no other Bandols around for miles? It was... why, it was a regular smorgasbord!

Unfortunately, it was a bit too much of a feast for one little lady. She gorged herself on the souls of the fallen, the drowned. She grew thick with them, and they weighed her down. She collected too many too quickly; and since many weren't alive when she found them, there was no one around to rescue her poor unfortunate souls. When that tidal wave came up - she was asleep, she'll insist, never saw it comin' - she just couldn't move fast enough for her to dodge it. And not only was she a lost soul, but poof! Her entire collection, gone in the wind. Now that she's undead, Brachen's had quite a lot of time to think about what she did in her life, and plenty of time to feel contrite. Now she crosses the Lands, urging other Bandol to give up their souls, or let them rest, or anything - as long as they're not making the same mistakes that she made.
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Re: Giveaway? Who-whut?

Postby Mojave » 03/14/2010 6:47 AM

D'8 Leaving??? I thought this was just you cleaning out your pen... sad Zein is sad. I'll miss you!

I don't know if you ever read the breeding between Brigade and Noir, but in that breeding, Brigade was captured by Einsor as well and was pretty much viewed as a free body to toy with. During his time unconscious in that lab, Ein not only took DNA from both males to create their offspring, he also did some tests to see what he could do to Brigade one, out of curiosity and two, as a punishment for trying to interfere with Noir. Anyway, the end result was a 'mini pot o' darkness' attached to Brigade's left arm that had to be encased in a golden arm of sorts. Well... for one, the demon could unlock the arm casing on it's own, and another, Brigade often needed the demon's help- attaching said demon weakened him considerably so he's not so bad-news anymore- and every time the demon pops out, it sucks away more of Brigade's vitality, strength, and sanity. So, I've been thinking of roleplaying the demon being exercised, and this would be perfect. Since.. mini pot o' darkness add-on could be skipped (due to the demon being exercised) and just have his main body waiting for when I get that roleplay finished.

Well, you know I died of sexy-overload when I saw him. xD However, I would be able to use him in the plot Draiz and I are working the kinks out of in Wilt'No as the dormant demi-god that resurrects Tokimai into the dragon he later becomes. Of course, after Toki returns home as a dragon, the khimera would show up in the Manor and take charge of the Egyptian/Aztec pets being collected in my pen at the moment and would actually be the creator/head/voice of the council I've always wanted for Zein. Seeing as how she's the daughter of a Priestess of Anubis and a Warrior of Quetzalcoatl, and she herself worships those two plus Ptah and Xochiquetzal, I've always wanted her to have a 'council' of sorts to keep her in line cuz.. yeah. xD She's a promiscuous wild child. And I'd have some real fun getting that khimera involved with that plot and getting the whole thing organized.
Figured in a plot twist for him. I used to have a character named Mictlantechutli, who was the mastermind behind Zein's creation who was evil. If I get this boy, he'll end up taking Mictlan's place, only a lot less evil. As to why he would orchestrate Zein's creation and try to remain in a position to control her has yet to be revealed.
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Re: Giveaway? Who-whut?

Postby clackno1 » 03/14/2010 2:04 PM

I have to admit that with these two I have been all stalkstalk~ Sad to here you leaving, though.

Current Name: La
To be Changed to: Nastasia SnowIvy

Well, I've been trying to think up a design for the cousin of my Prince o' Darkness Aleksandr and she just screamed at me. Seriously, my ears are still ringing. She'll be the beautiful and enchanting elf queen that banished her dear cousin from their realm of snow.

As a young child, Nastasia was always bringing home sick or wounded animals that she had found out in the forest. She was always forced to put them back in the forest, however. She was smothered with love from her parents which gave her more love to give out to others. She was always giving coins and candy out to children in the market. When her father was killed by traders and her mother and sister, Alisia, died of sickness she was moved to live with her uncle and cousin. Her cousin, Aleksandr, helped her cope by becoming her best friend as well as a brother. When he became sick she feared the worst, that he would suffer the same fate as her family. He started to get better, but he was not himself. He was harder, crueler, nothing like the cousin she had come to love. He became greedy and started courting her and Nastasia was forced to avoid him. Aleksandr was the heir to the throne and when her uncle became sick he expected to rule. But Aleksandr had become exactly who his father did not want to be king and crowned Nastasia instead. Nastasia's uncle lived long enough to see his own son banished to Relahur forest.

(I'll make it more in-depth if I get her)

Current Name: Rasmus
To be Changed to: Kaleb Sorbet

The name really has nothing to do with the personality. Kaleb, in Hebrew, means dog or rabid, which I found funny because this boy is going to be the lost puppy type, and sorbet is just because of his fur which reminds me of black raspberry ice cream.

Kaleb was born color blind and sees everything in black and white and a terrible car accident left him with short term memory loss or amnesia (Dory from Finding Nemo). He forgets things easily as well as having small bouts of not knowing anything like where he is or even his name. He still enjoys making friends even though he often doesn't remember their names or even who they are and he enjoys being by himself since he might start talking to himself sometimes. He's so sweet and innocent it's hard not to love him, especially when he has this lost puppy look in his eyes when he having one of those bouts of forgetfulness. He gets confused easily and is a slow learner. He needs to hear things a few times before he remembers them. He doesn't understand most of the bad stuff in the world like drugs, alcohol, and violence. he always sees the bright side, always the optimist, and never worries about his own problems, only about the problems of others.

He's just so cute I think he'll be sooo much fun to roleplay.

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Re: Giveaway? Who-whut?

Postby Jessari » 03/14/2010 4:10 PM

Great entries so far, peoples. Keep 'em coming! <3

To answer a previous question, you are allowed to edit your posts as many times as you need to up until I post saying 'STOP!' That'll be happening the evening of St. Patrick's Day, so you have until then to get your entries up and polished. I'll judge the entries, send out the first wave of pets, then edit my first post so y'all know which pets are still up for grabs. :)
Feed me chicky nuggies and chokky milk.


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Re: Giveaway? Who-whut?

Postby Freezair » 03/14/2010 4:19 PM

By the way, Jess: You will be most sorely missed. :( See you on the flipside, girl.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: Giveaway? Who-whut?

Postby kabuto_rocks » 03/14/2010 4:35 PM

I know we haven't really talked, but it's always sad when a member leaves. I wish you luck with wherever you go next~

Autumn Kuhna

Well, I've wanted one of these babies for a while now. I had a small character idea for one, but then I realized their design actually fits a really old character of mine pretty well. This character would be Giraffe, and here's what her profile would basically be:

Name: Giraffe
Gender: Female
Personality: Shy, Awkward, Sweet, Appreciative, Kindly
History/Info: Giraffe was abadoned by her parents from a very young age, so spent most of her childhood growing up in an orphanage. Though it was pleasant, she always dreamed of having something more. However, she learnt to let her silly fantasies go and accepted the idea taught to her by the orphanage-that she was nothing special and should accept what life laid out for her.

She was quite content to do this until one day she met Euphoria. Accidentally being dragged into the middle of an alien invasion, she managed to help the Timelord save the world. As a result, Euphoria begrudgingly let her come along with her on her travels, much to Giraffe's delight.

The pair of them have a rather love/hate relationship. Euphoria constantly puts Giraffe down, complaining about her and generally insulting her. However, she only does this because she is cares a great deal about her safety and wouldn't be able to live with herself if she got hurt. Likewise, Giraffe doesn't care about the insults because she is just so thrilled that she is allowed to come along and share all these fantastic adventures.

{There's a bit more to her story, but I'll just leave it there for now since it doesn't really add much to her personality-wise. You can kinda guess the rest from what I write about the next character}
Ankeis Kuhna

This lovely Kuhna would also be a big part of the plot. She'd be the third form of Euphoria which is also one of her main forms since it's the one where she falls in love. It's a little complicated but I'll try and explain it clearly.

Name: Euphoria (3rd form)
Gender: Female
Personality: Caring, Happy, Lively, Sweet, Somewhat Cautious
History/Info: Because her last body died in sacrifice for her companion Giraffe, the personality of this regeneration is almost the complete opposite to the previous. All the angst from the stress of her task has gone, replaced completely with love and the urge to explore. She is a much kinder friend to Giraffe in this form and tends to be a lot more outgoing.

Unfortunately, this new found kindness may be more of a curse than anything else. It's in this form that she meets Ben, and later falls in love with him. Though she tries to distract him by taking on another female companion (after Giraffe leaves her) it doesn't work, and eventually she gives in to her feelings. For a short while they are happy together, but then Euphoria has another dream telling her she has let her race down {She has a prophecy saying she is not allowed to fall in love} Filled with guilt, she leaves Ben on Earth and tries to get on with her life, alone.

Heartbroken, Ben joins the new Torchwood in the hopes of seeing Euphoria again. However, their story doesn't end there, and a few months later a mysterious bundle arrives on his doorstep. A bundle containing a kit...
Hopefully that's not too confusing. You should get the basic gist anyway ^_^ Thanks for taking the time to read it
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Re: Giveaway? Who-whut?

Postby Silversky » 03/14/2010 5:01 PM

Thank you for taking the time to do this! I'm sorry you're leaving, even though I didn't really know you that well~
I have a few ideas, I'll start with the Peacer Fellox and edit some more entries later. I'll only be posting ones I actually would have a muse for.

Here's my entry for the Peacer Fellox. I've had a character idea for a Peacer for a long time, so I'm really happy I can get this chance. If I win him, he might someday be sent to Einsor, but even if he does it won't be for a very long time and it would only be because it would be necessary for his plot.

Quick Personality description:
Name: Drail
Gender: male
Personality/ History:
Drail’s whole purpose is to help others. He trained in Medicai City and he is, and thinks he will always be, a healer at heart. He completely immerses himself in his work as a doctor or healer, always fighting the injustice and fear in the world. Obsession, unfortunately, has come as part of the job description for him. He’ll do anything to save someone. He usually has little time for a personal life, preferring to travel around at night in the Slums, looking for anyone who would need his help. He’s not afraid of the darkness in people; he tries to help those who are the victims of thieves or murderers. He’s one of the only people he knows who will venture alone into the darkest parts of Evelon.
However, Drail himself is hiding a dark secret.
Though he has the form of a Peacer Fellox, he knows that something just doesn’t add up about his origins—and he’s beginning to suspect that he isn’t who he seems to be at all. He can’t remember the first seven years of his life, and he doesn’t think that he ever met his parents. He just woke up one night in the Slums, all alone. Now he chalks it up to amnesia, after some childhood trauma; but that doesn’t explain his blackouts. Sometimes, at night, he’ll suddenly appear somewhere else he’s never even seen before, with no idea how he even got there. Once he opened his eyes and all he could hear were the screams of some creature, fleeing into the distance. He looked down, and his fur was changing color, from black to his natural light blue.
He doesn’t know what keeps happening to him, but he hides it as best he can. He tries to act normal during the day, and he redoubles his efforts to save people, as if to make up for whatever deaths he may have caused. He’s worried he has some sort of multiple-personality disorder, but what he doesn’t know is that it’s even worse than that.

Probable Plot Progression:
I’ll roleplay him for a while the way he is, and then if I ever get a pet that fits the right character, he’s going to meet someone who tries to help him figure out what’s happening to him. She’ll have a kind of... healing effect on him, so that he doesn’t black out anymore when she’s around. But then something will happen to him, and the only way she’ll be able to save him is to take him to Einsor to be turned into a Cyber Fellox, changing him forever into the image of his inner demons.

First Edit:
Omgosh. I'd, like, kill for this guy. I just realized who Rhylos would be. He’s perfect for one of my planned characters, Sageeth.
Sageeth is... sort of a cosplay lucain? For Lex, from Smallville. He’s not really Lex himself, but his personality, history, and stuff are similar.
Originally, Sageeth was going to be shades of gray, but the blue actually fits his character much better. And the markings are perfect. Celestial, Ancient, and Eclipse! =DDD
I know I might not get him but... I seriously have to try.
And I promise you he would not rot.

Name: Sageeth
Abbreviated Personality/history:
Sageeth has been fighting his inner darkness all his life- though he wants the ideals he’s seen others represent, his destiny has taken a much different path.
Born into a very wealthy family, he was set in a conflict against his father from early in his life. He learned to be secretive, manipulative, and he was very, very smart. He learned how to control other people, how to get them to do what he wanted, how to find their darkest secret and turn it against them.  He had more than his fair share of tragedies, too—his brother was accidentally killed by his mom when he was very young, and he took the blame for it, knowing his father wouldn’t hurt him but he might hurt his mom if he knew the truth. His mother later died too—leaving him to inherit his father’s legacy. He’s had... mental problems, shall we say.
He is very intelligent. He knows a lot about many things, including strategy and how to exploit the darker side of people. He’s sometimes in over his head, but he always manages to escape anyway. He can figure out things very quickly, and it’s hard to trick him.
Sageeth can get extremely obsessive. He’s been so close to death so many times, and he will stop at nothing to find the answer to what brings him back from the edge. He’s destroyed the few friendships he had because of this; looking too far into their private lives and going way past the acceptable boundaries in his investigations.
He has few qualms about killing people, also.
As for his love life, he’s had some bad experiences. Anyone who wants to be with him has generally been either interested in his money only, or was trying to kill him. Or both.
He’s learned not to get too attached.
He usually tried to do the right thing, despite influences from his father and others around him. But he couldn’t help getting closer to slipping over the edge, by betraying, hurting, and alienating the few people he cared about. In the end, he couldn’t fight who he was—he was always destined to succumb to the dark shadow of his ambition.

Song Lyrics to possibly go in signature (yes, I’ve actually thought of this XD):
“All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises,
‘Cause all I see,
Is a shattered conscience
Staring right back at me”
-Tidal Wave, by Owl City

“When the bombs go off,
The sun will still be shining.
‘Cause I’ve heard it said,
That every mushroom cloud
Has a silver lining.”
-Cave In, by Owl City

Uh, yeah. Sort of two different routes to go with the songs there. But that’s kind of who he is, he has the part of him who regrets what he’s becoming, and the part of him that embraces his ambition and doesn’t really care what happens to anyone else.

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: Giveaway? Who-whut?

Postby Thunder » 03/14/2010 6:08 PM

I haven't talked to you much at all, but I'm gonna miss you! D:

I'm really only interested in the Lykuhna; he'd be part of my School for Spooks group. Some of those breedables are gorgeous, but I'd have no idea what to do with them...but if I think of something, I'll be sure to post it :3


Name: To be determined
Gender: Male

____ was found in a dirty alleyway in the Slums by Headmaster Sulliman, abandoned by his parents after getting cursed as a werewolf. Pitying the young Lykuhna, and seeing the inner strength that ____ possessed, Sulliman took him in and raised him like a son. When Sulliman started the School for Subpar Spooks, ____ helped to recruit new students, as well as act as a bodyguard to Sulliman. Although ____ does not actually participate in the school's activities, he is the closest person to Sulliman. If he is hurt, then the Headmaster would surely come after your...well, head. Due to his childhood trauma, ____ is pessimistic and introverted, not speaking much and always a bit grumpy. He has a rivalry with Claywick, who really annoys him, but it seems that he has a soft spot for Sherry. He and Claywick are often seen competing against each other.

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Re: Giveaway? Who-whut?

Postby AnimeTheia » 03/14/2010 9:28 PM

Oh wow! I didn't expect you to be leaving us Jess :( It's a real shame to see a member leave.
EDIT: Just found the post you made saying that you'll still be lurking, yays  ^_^

In order of most wanted to least... although I want them all almost equally  :oops:

I have always loved these two and they look so much like twins that I would RP them as such (I have no idea if they are actually related or not?). They would be somewhat naughty twins, by naughty I mean they enjoy pulling mean tricks on others and confusing them by pretending they don't have a twin or pretending to be each other. I love the name Morrigan and would most likely keep it! As for Whimsey i'm thinking either Morwena or Morgana... they would have an ability to meld into shadows and would mostly use this to further confuse and tease others, but it would also give them a way of sustaining themselves as they could hire themselves out as spies. Whimsey and Morrigan would join Rhylos' pack as information gatherers using their unique shadow abilities to infiltrate an opposing pack. They would pretend to join the opposing pack and constantly switch places with each other (the opposing pack would not know they are twins/there are two of them) so that one can gather info whilst the other reports on what info she has gathered and in a bit of double bluff they would pretend to gather info on Rhylos' pack but in truth they would give false information or delay the real information just long enough that it becomes useless but still appears as though they have done their job.

Peacer Fellox:
I really want one to eventually turn into a Cyber Fellox (I can understand of course if you don't want to give him to me because you want him to remain a Peacer). The peacer will probably be hired by another Lucain of mine, who is currently residing in Whisper forest with his army/pack, as the Peacer being a Fellox will know all about the forest and it's mysteries and dangers. The lucain will probably be the one to put the Peacer through the transformation after hearing about Einsor and his experiments and thinking that it would be interesting to see how the Peacer turns out as he may become a useful fighter who can join his ranks rather than simply an informant about the area (by the time he would hear of Einsor / afford it, the Peacer would have become of little use to him anyway as he would have learnt all he could about Whisper Forest and the surrounding area from him). I plan to RP him before and after the change to get the difference in personality as a result and he would join my Bleached Fellox Aspros who is also going to eventually be turned into a Clockwork once he is turned as lifemates - after thinking more on this I have decided that to add an extra twist to events the Peacer will start off male but once he is turned by Einsor will inexplicably be female! It'll be a lot of fun!

He strikes me as a native indian kind of guy, if you get me? Someone who was brought up with nature and believes in spirits and such. He would live somewhere around the desert and hates towns and cities, only going into them if the need is dire. As for a name he would be called something along Indian styles like 'Running Wolf' or something... I don't have much of a plan for him right now :oops: but he is gorgeous and I also think he would make a lovely lifemate for my Roma (the girl in my sig).
Idea time: Roma is a wanderer and an apprentice fortune teller to her mother, they travel both the lands together joined sporadically by her brother Gamble. Upon their journeys they will come across a tribe of Lucain, these lucain are highly spiritual and are greatly interested in Roma and her mother because they too have a seer amongst their midst, Roma and Gypsy(her mother) will be welcomed into the group to stay for a while. Whilst there Roma will meet Rasmus, Rasmus is the son of the Chief Lucain (this pack has a heirarchy like native indians rather than like wolves). Roma and Rasmus fall deeply in love, but Rasmus as future chief already has a bride picked out for him and whilst the tribe have welcomed Roma and Gypsy they do not agree to marriage / lifebonding with non tribe Lucain. The match that Rasmus' father has set up for him is to be an auspicious one to the daughter of a neighbouring tribe with which they regularly have boundary and hunting ground problems, it is hoped the marriage would unite their two tribes and stop the fights. Long story short, eventually Rasmus will run away with Roma and her mother though it pains him to do so, and the trio (until Roma is able to work on her own without her mothers help and can leave to wander the lands by herself with Rasmus) are constantly on edge watching out for the Lucain from Rasmus' tribe that he is certain will have been sent out to bring him home.
Other notes: Rasmus' tribe although composed entirely of Lucain, is a tribe of shapeshifters, they all have the ability to take on one other form of any kind of land or sky animal. Rasmus himself can turn into a Slynx (specifically a Jewel slynx as this most closely matches his colours, and will also give me a use for my Jewel Slynx that I have yet to come up with an idea for  :D ).

I have yet to come up with an idea for him, but he is sooo beautiful..er.. I mean handsome!
I have a pack of Lucain from another land called Risoukyou, which he would most likely join as either a Risoukyouan or a native Evelonian. I would likely give him some sort of magical abilities which is why the pack Alpha would have chosen him to join his pack (side note: the pack alpha is trying to take over Lambastia).
New Idea for Rhylos which I will more likely go with:
On thinking about this guy some more I have realised that I could do with an opposing faction that will protect Lambastia (or namely my Zoo which the Risoukyouans happen to have set up their war camp next to) from the Risoukyouans, this guy would become the first of that opposing pack and be the Alpha, he would have magical powers. (I do already have a couple of zoo lucains not in either pack but they are not fighters which is why Rhylos would start his own pack and most likely Whimsey and Morrigan would join him as his spies/information gatherers, they would be able to infiltrate the Risoukyouans pretending that they want to join them and gain wealth and land from the Risoukyou Alpha and even if they are discovered they can continue to glean information by becoming shadows).

I really don't know which ones I want most any more :/ I love all the ideas I have come up with and all the lucain fit so perfectly for them... but for your sake I will leave them in this order in case it helps you to decide who goes to who.

Come down from the mountain, you have been gone too long

The world is alive now, in and outside our home

You run through the forest, settle before the sun

Darling, I can barely remember you beside me

You should come back home, back on your own now

Song: Fleet Foxes - Ragged Wood
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Re: Giveaway? Who-whut?

Postby Tsukiya » 03/16/2010 10:11 AM

Sad to see you go. D8; It's sad to see anyone go. But, eh, life beckons~
So... Yah. Gonna try for some.

Will change his name.
I plan on using him in my pen's plot, which is the ongoing conflict between the Miahome clan, and insane scientist. I have two possible plans for him. One, he could be a part of the Miahome clan as the leader's betrothed, or as a criminal part of the other faction. Both ways, I plan on tying him in with Kuroshizu Saiga. Possibly as an apprentice, or an adopted member of the family. Or something worse, I haven't decided yet.
When I see him, I see someone playful, mischevious, with a devilish streak.
Either way, I guarentee he will be used as soon as I get free from a roleplay, I'd be very anxious to play either one.

Name will change.
For this guy, I plan on definitely making him a member of the Rebellion faction as a magic user, and possibly a strategist. I would most likely use him some time later, for the sake of keeping things organized. When I look at him, I see a suave, arrogant character who doesn't know how to handle people.

Icicle Quickslyph
I plan on using her with my Festive Quickslyph as a part of Korumari's, my villainous character, dolls. She would definitely be the more mature of the bunch, and I see her as kind of condesending towards Nanashi, my festive. I'll probably write a lot of stories for her and Nanashi first, then roleplay them at some point. Definitely will roleplay them, though.

I know exactly what I want to do with this one. D8;; I want this one to be a male character and to have been a runaway from Korumari. Plot wise, he would end up in the Miahome group as a servant, although very loved by the whole castle. I fancy him as being quiet and reserved, nervous, too.
If I don't just roleplay him all the time, I guarentee, I'll be writing about him for weeks!

...My Festive Quickslyph collects dolls and these are the only two she needs to get left. D8;
I'm going in for the kill. I'm doing it for the thrill. I'm hoping you'll understand and not let go of my hand.

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Re: Giveaway? Who-whut?

Postby Remedy » 03/16/2010 11:13 AM

I’ve had this idea for a teigu, and more information will be added to her Bio as my plot precedes.  So, uh… here we go…

Name: Sarah
Nickname: Shy
Gender: Female
Species: Peppermint Teigu
Personality: Just as her nickname implies, Sarah does tend to be very shy.  When talking, it’s only a mumble, and when someone else is speaking to her, she won’t look in their eyes.  No one really knows why she acts this way, and everyone things she’s perfectly kind and sweet.  They don’t know if she’s just afraid of what others think of her, or if she’s just plain scared.  Due to her shyness, though, we have failed to gather much information about her except for the fact that she’s shy and she’s a girl.  O.o  As investigations continue, we shall add more information about her.
Human Form: Here
Name Meaning: Princess
Name Origin: Hebrew
Name Pronunciation: (SAYR ah)
Form Of: Itself (Sarah)

Then there's this:

I'd like this for Madison, my nine-year-old Hydrokuhna.  I've been meaning to buy her a doll (Either for her to torture or play with), but I 've needed my KS for other uses, so I never got around to it.  

And one more I'd kill for:

I've had my eye on this one.  I love it, and I don't mind that it's not breedable; it goes tward a very important section in my plot.  Well, here goes...
Name: Kawena
Nickname: K
Gender: Female
Species: Reiz Kuhna
Personality: K is one of the... important people in the Valley, so to say.  She's kind, helpful,  and seems to be incharge of most things, though the reason people avoid actually calling her an 'authority' would be her own tendancy to get herself in trouble as well as her youth.  She's like Madison, in a way, and only a couple days older.  The two are alike in every way, and are mortal enimies.  
When you look at the flames in K's tail, you kinda get sick.  The flickering and changing is so much as to call hypnotizing, and it'll give you a headache.  One of the advantages of being a Kawena, I suppose.  She was named Kawena, meaning 'glow', after her tail, actually.  She doesn't know her parents, but she could care less.  In conclusion, Kawena is a darkish-free-soul kind of person who, like Madison, uses her young cuteness to take advantage of people.  (I mean really, you'd think they could be sisters!)
Human Form: Here
Name Meaning: The Glow
Name Origin: Hawaiian
Name Pronunciation: (kah WEH nah)
Form Of: Itself (Kawena)

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: Giveaway? Who-whut?

Postby jackie125 » 03/16/2010 6:46 PM

Rasmus(purple lucain):
He will be a mysterious know-it-all kind of guy. He is adventurous, but knows when it is time to quit, usually.
He was in a accident and lost most of his memory, that is why most people think he is mysterious. Almost no one knows anything about him. He remembers his name, friends, family and adventures, but nothing else.
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Re: Giveaway? Who-whut?

Postby Elektra » 03/16/2010 7:48 PM

Oh my, well, I would kill for pretty much these two.  I would have simply said just one, but I can't decide weather to want the Lucain gal or that Borealis Kuhna.  Well, here we go:

Name: Morrigan
Gender: Female
Species: Lucain
Personality: Morrigan is a great girl.  She might have been a little withdrawn at first, but now a days, she couldn't be more open.  She's a very loyal friend, and although she probably seems a bit funny when you first meet her, Morrigan can turn out to be someone that you could see as your best friend.  She'll never betray someone, and would gladly sacrifice her safety for another friend's well-being.  

Name: Aura
Gender: Female
Species: Borealis Kuhna
Personality: Aura is very connected to the sky.  Most of the time you would find her looking up at the sky, occasionally mumbling about being part of the sky herself.  It's amazing how much she knows, especially when it comes to subjects concerning the stars.

I will defintely put much more into these two if I were to get them, it's just that I don't know if I even will get them, and as my plot develops they might be at the center.  I promise that they would be rp'ed. probably a lot more than some of my pets, since I want to make sure that they are put to good use.  :)

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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