...:Evelon Pets:...


Not for those afraid of bugs, these creepy crawlies won't bite... Much.


.:The Chimerantula:.

( pr: Kim-ur-AN-choo-luh)

Appearing as if from a horror film, the Chimerantula is an organism of hunting perfection. It's scythe-like claws are extremely quick to lash out, it's tail containing a deadly sack of poison within the needle-sharp tip, and it's bite also full of fatal venom. This creature is an aggressive opponent in battle. However, if they can, they will try and bluff their way out of danger onto the back two pairs of legs, spreading their pincers and displaying the bright hourglass on their underbellies. A fickle and solitary beast, Chimerantulas normally do not associate themselves well with other pets until it comes lunchtime. However, should you actually befriend one, it will remain loyal and even serve as a possible mount! However, a saddle or soft cushion is recommended, as it's chitinous hide is quite hard.

(Common)                         (Organic)

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(Plush)                         (Aqua)

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(Hollow)                         (Wood)

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 .:The Beetanke:.

( pr: BEE-tank)

A hardy and independant species, male and female Beetankes alike are born to battle. They have an innate sense of judgement when in combat and their thick, chitinous armor are as hard as steel. Their bladed hands are formed naturally, used for both sparring or catching prey, which they sharpen regularly on rocks or trees. Beetankes are skilled in dodging attacks with their fast footwork, their several eyes located on their head and even their arms which help them to judge an opponent's attack. Despite their appearance, they are actually very honorable and usually touch their feelers to their opponent's before a fight as a sign of respect and dignity. When not on the ground, Beetankes can also power through the air with their wings, which are normally tucked under their shells for protection.

(Common)                         (Battlefield)

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(Void)                         (Aqua)

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(Chaos)                         (Hollow)

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(Blossom)                         (Glacial)

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Roleplayer's Codes (For Lands Of Evelon)